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Teenage Tibetan nun sets herself on fire in China

Actually they have been sacked already.

we indeed need to install more hardliners and more vigilant eyes in tibet. our southern border with the treacherous indians is too long and too porous, and indian and lamaist agents are having their ways in killing innocent tibetans in areas even the long arms of the law are too short to reach sometimes. with more hardliners, even if all the crimes cannot be prevented, at least the culprits can be penalized
i would not be surprised if india is involved in instigating these self-immolations. a policy should be implemented immediately that for every one tibetan that sets themselves on fire, a missile strike on new delhi will be a direct response. indians are becoming very arrogant just like in the prelude to the 1962 conflict. just like back then when the US and russia was at our throats they thought they could take advantage of it, and now, when the US is forming an anti-china alliance with a dozen of our neighbors india wants to take advantage of this. but, i really wish india would make that mistake again.
i would not be surprised if india is involved in instigating these self-immolations. a policy should be implemented immediately that for every one tibetan that sets themselves on fire, a missile strike on new delhi will be a direct response. indians are becoming very arrogant just like in the prelude to the 1962 conflict. just like back then when the US and russia was at our throats they thought they could take advantage of it, and now, when the US is forming an anti-china alliance with a dozen of our neighbors india wants to take advantage of this. but, i really wish india would make that mistake.

LOL this is jokes!!!!

i value tibetan life more than indians. 1 tibeten dead = 1 indian city destroyed.

such compassion for our tibetan cousins should be lauded! if only the lamaists could match even one percent of that.
We are not going to ever give up Tibet without the use of nuclear weapons. China losing control of Tibet would be a crime against humanity.
i value tibetan life more than indians. 1 tibetan dead = 1 indian city destroyed.

Thank goodness the Chinese leaders aren't psychopaths like you.

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

We are not going to ever give up Tibet without the use of nuclear weapons. China losing control of Tibet would be a crime against humanity.

Don't you think that's a bit extreme?
We are not going to ever give up Tibet without the use of nuclear weapons. China losing control of Tibet would be a crime against humanity.

A bigger crime against humanity, is what China is doing, illegally occupying Tibet and its peaceful people
Thank goodness the Chinese leaders aren't psychopaths like you.

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ----------

Don't you think that's a bit extreme?

nope, Tibet controls the water source of all of China. Losing control of the water source is the equivalent of shoving 1.3 billion Chinese into the gas chambers. Never again.
You do not understand: that lama wants such self-immolation the more, the better since such incidents can cause unrest in China. That is what he wants to see. If China is peaceful everywhere, what is his chance to be the slave lord again in tibet?

What a waste of human life. The Dalai Lama should issue a fatwa (or whatever the Buddhist equivalent is) against self-immolation.
what a waste-
first being a nun- depriving herself of joy of life-
and now committing suicide-
Lama should be convicted for approval of such acts-
Lama should be convicted,though he said he doesn't support it.
China shouldn't be questioned,occupying Tibet,the main reason the Tibetans are immolating themselves!
Enough of this man ..the Tibetans should accept the fact that Chinese have indisputable claims over Tibet ...i mean do we really see China giving up Tibet ?...The chances of that are no more than India\Pakistan giving up its share of Kashmir.....
Lama should come on stage(big time)and condemn such acts...it's truly is gut wrenching ....
Couple of days ago i read abt Chinese PM promising reforms in Tibet...hope that changes this....
To the Chinese ...plz do try and understand when a man kills\blows others with himself that is an act of hatred(condemned!) .....when he burns himself that is an act of expressing dissent of the highest order,without harming others.
What drives a suicide bomber ??..it is hatred ...the wish to kill scores of people.We have seen them a plenty!
The monks could have done that ..if they wanted to \let to ..but we don't see that now do we ??..they burn themselves for gods sake!U go on and call Dalai lama a "terrorist"....u have the bloody balls to do that ??.....(sorry for harsh language)...Terrorists are those who kill innocents with them ..the ones who attacked WTC and killed 3000 were terrorists!..the ones who killed 270 people in Mumbai were Terrorists! ...the ones our country next door uses in the name of "aiding Kashmir freedom struggle"while indulging in acts of immense bloodshed are terrorists!(u openly support em ..don't u?)!
Give me one report of a blast in china ???....1 report of planes crashing into buildings....1 report of gunmen killing 300 people in cold blood!..one report of, a over crowded train blowing up!......u do that and i will believe Dalai is a terrorist!..

Self immolation ..that is something which is very difficult to"put in"some ones brain...this is rare.. very rare.
As i said before Dalai lama should come on national media and appeal to all Tibetans to refrain from such acts...this with the reforms promised by PM ,hopefully will resolve the issue.
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