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Technology in US helicopter not so secret: expert

It also proves how incompetent PAF and army is !!!!! scrambled jets huh they should scramble eggs this is the only thing they can do but I suspect they won't be very good at this either pride of the nation Hahn funny the nation of Pakistan will never forgive you

Yes PAF and Army both incompetent...:woot:
cuz they knew about the US heliz in our airspace but didnt intervene due to US counter action and fear.....:azn:
Wao.. you mean Americans spent 2 years creating prototypes which they knew would be used in an important mission in few years down the road.. and those prototypes were still good enough to evade but not everything America was capable off.

Such a rational analysis it was. Appreciated and Thanked.
If I were to speculate - which is all we're doing anyhow - I'd say the tail section is not going to yield up anything of great value to China or anyone else. The Comanche program was cancelled, as the cost/benefit ratio seemed too high. But it was still desirable to outfit a helicopter, create a "kit", that would help in clandestine missions like this. I think this modified Blackhawk was better than a regular one, but still loaded with compromises. It's like the F-15 Silent Eagle, better than a regular F-15 but no F-22 or F-35.

At most, the coating on it might provide some data, but probably nothing the Chinese don't already know. RAM coatings are only a small part of stealth anyhow. It's not like you can just paint an F-16 with it and make it stealthy.

You all are technology savvy, you should know better. Don’t blame PAF for incompetence or failure, they didn’t fail at all.

1- Everyone is talking about Black Hawks with stealth technology. But do you forget there were 2 Chinooks also used in the operation? Did anyone prove Chinooks were stealth?

2- It is a blatant lie that the yanks avoided radars. Forget about the radars, it is a no no, just smoke screen.

3- We also know that the speed of the helicopter is far less than fighters. It would have taken helis at least 1 hr+ to reach Afghan border that is after taking part for 40 minutes in the operation. Do you seriously think F16 even the older block wouldn’t pick them up after they are scrambled? Let say, it took 20 minutes for the fighters to scramble and reach Abbotabad. But it would take them less than 5 mins to reach the border at mach 2. So forget about the scramble story.

Pakistanis knew about the operation, they took part in it. There was no radar failure or failure of the jets. We suffered massive political failure to accept this plan of US and let them take credit. Obama solving his problem for the re-election and giving him the pretext of withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Pakistanis were interested in the withdrawal of Yanks from Afghanistan and making sure that Indians are not given a prominent role in Afghanistan after US withdrawal. So Pakistanis made a bad deal, without realising the fall out and reaction of the people of Pakistan on the perceived and advertised failures of PAF and the Army.

But look at the net result, they BS the parliament and when Kerry reached Pakistan everything was sorted out, and it is business as usual.

Nobody wants to talk about the drone attacks after passing the resolution yet again.

In the light of the points I raised above, let us look at the performance of the US team. Despite Pakistanis on board and providing help and assistance on the ground, they still manage to loose their helicopter. And if Pakistan was really not aware as we are told, then as I said, Pakistan had over 1+ hour to destroy these helicopters and kill all the Seals on board.

Does it make sense to you? Do you really think Obama could have taken such a risk of killing of seals, the body of Osama also evaporated in thin air with the seals? Nothing to show to Americans but corpses of the seals? Do you seriously think this could be possible?

I don’t, therefore, I have absolutely no doubt, Pakistanis were involved in whatever drama played in Abbotabad. The drop scene of this drama still to come, wait patiently.

One biggest clue is the changing stories by the yanks, if they were so much in control and everything happened as they planned and executed, why changing stories on the operation details? There could only be one story, and if you are eye witnesses and participant you don’t need to change your story every day.
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