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Some points to consider here:
1. Assuming this guy is a Muslim Convert and believed that fighting in the cause is justified because his version of Islam is pure or better than yours or mine then logically he would have tried to remove these tattoos from his body as the probability is very high that his religious teachers would have told him that they are un-Islamic....but he didn't listen so he pick and choose what he likes and what he doesn't and follow his owned brand of Islam.
2. Assuming this guy is originally Muslim (born Muslim) who do not give a shit about religion in early part of his life but somehow revered back to the teachings of Islam and started following it in a practical manner would still told countless times by his comrades that tattoos are un-Islamic and it is better for him to remove the tattoos (atleast this specific tattoo) from his body...guess what he didn't listen and thought its OK who cares I have to pickup a gun become a Rambo and fight the infidels (other Muslims)...very strange.
3. A mercenary told countless times by his handlers to try to look like Muslim atleast 50 % we are paying you shit-loads and it is for your own good but guess what he didn't listen because according to him he was too good to get caught or in the case he ever get caught the execution of Plan B and Plan C will rescue him...guess what didn't happened and hypothetically speaking he is ditched.
Being a mercenary is very lucrative specially in these days...big bucks in quick time work for few years and retire somewhere in South America. Also, the thinking that Muslims don't get recruited by Mossad and others is very naive in fact they are sometimes the best choice and most of them look like a common everyday Muslim (with no Tattoos of course etc etc) and unfortunately historically speaking many traitors and sell offs to the likes of Mir-Jaffers had created internal crises with more devastated impact than the enemy itself.
1) It is cheaper to get tattoos than to have them removed. A tattoo of that size would have cost a pretty penny. Cheapest rates out there would be $60/ square inch, with a $250 minimum and depend on the equipment used. Equipment that is not available everywhere and the rates are for the US where these machines are densely populated. Plus it will take 6 to 8 sessions to get rid of it.
3) There is no mercenary problem. These front line fighters get a stipend of around $300-500 a month which is also dependent on cash flow. These front line cannon fodder are usually the people who can not or do not want to make $300-500 any other way. The smarter of them with tactical skills being psychotic progress up the chain of command and make a bit more. Those are the guys that have to look above their shoulders constantly. No one joining this dead end struggle is going to a tropical beach in this life or the next.
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