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Tattoo on Well known Israeli Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) Commander Mulla Bassam's Arm

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Nice to see you've removed the ''Satanic'' avatar, Levina!
Satanic avatar???
After getting "shaheed'ed" the hooris might find the dude more attractive with all that body art...perhaps?

Well you may have your arguments and reservations about what one believes and what he doesn't, but I won't go into such detail to make fun of something that is mentioned in Quran.

Limiting the making fun of one’s deeds would be better, but extending it to make fun of belief of masses is not a good idea. :)
Why are converts who came to Islam based on their understanding and research, going around blowing and injuring people?

A very large percentage of converts to Islam in the U.S. comes from the prison population. There's good chance they never read anything and just converted because the leader of the prison gang told them that was the way to go. I can't imagine life is that much different for criminals in Uzbekistan. To assume that they read and understood the Quran before converting and wouldn't go against it, would be a mistake. You know, if they were the kind of people who read, understood and then acted, there's a good chance they wouldn't be in the terrorism business irrespective of religion.
Since when is anything ever Muslim fault? It's all always just another foreign conspiracy at play. This news serves as yet another invitation to shut eyes and blindly believe in the fantasy that there are no problems of radicalization and sectarianism in the Muslim world but mere propaganda and drama by the infidels to malign the religion and portray Muslims as terrorists. And what the hell is local Shafaq news? That's the first time I am hearing this name. Equivalent to local mullah mouthpieces like zarb-e-momin and ummat perhaps. :azn:
Since when is anything ever Muslim fault?

Since they started finding excuses and seeking fatwas to escape the Sirat E Mustaqeem.

It's all always just another foreign conspiracy at play. This news serves as yet another invitation to shut eyes and blindly believe in the fantasy that there are no problems of radicalization and sectarianism in the Muslim world but mere propaganda and drama by the infidels to malign the religion and portray Muslims as terrorists.

Problems are there, you are right and these followers of Islam don't own those. As I mentioned unless Muslims own their religion, start understanding it, stop seeking Fatwas for simple reasons, start practicing religion instead of limiting themselves to use Islam for their personal gains and excuses, and for mere slogans and protests, may be then Islam will take over Muslims. But then again in bigger scheme of things not everyone is or would be Muslim.
Some points to consider here:

1. Assuming this guy is a Muslim Convert and believed that fighting in the cause is justified because his version of Islam is pure or better than yours or mine then logically he would have tried to remove these tattoos from his body as the probability is very high that his religious teachers would have told him that they are un-Islamic....but he didn't listen so he pick and choose what he likes and what he doesn't and follow his owned brand of Islam.

2. Assuming this guy is originally Muslim (born Muslim) who do not give a shit about religion in early part of his life but somehow revered back to the teachings of Islam and started following it in a practical manner would still told countless times by his comrades that tattoos are un-Islamic and it is better for him to remove the tattoos (atleast this specific tattoo) from his body...guess what he didn't listen and thought its OK who cares I have to pickup a gun become a Rambo and fight the infidels (other Muslims)...very strange.

3. A mercenary told countless times by his handlers to try to look like Muslim atleast 50 % we are paying you shit-loads and it is for your own good but guess what he didn't listen because according to him he was too good to get caught or in the case he ever get caught the execution of Plan B and Plan C will rescue him...guess what didn't happened and hypothetically speaking he is ditched.

Being a mercenary is very lucrative specially in these days...big bucks in quick time work for few years and retire somewhere in South America. Also, the thinking that Muslims don't get recruited by Mossad and others is very naive in fact they are sometimes the best choice and most of them look like a common everyday Muslim (with no Tattoos of course etc etc) and unfortunately historically speaking many traitors and sell offs to the likes of Mir-Jaffers had created internal crises with more devastated impact than the enemy itself.
ISIS and every other so called Islamic militants are mercenaries using religion as an excuse to run their business of human trafficking, drugs and extortion. Its a multi billion dollar business and so many countries with poor national security to pick from.
Attacker’s demonic tattoo draws fresh TTP conclusions

One of the 10 terrorists involved in Saturday night’s brazen attack on Peshawar airport had Western-style “tattoos” on his body, raising questions about the identities of those behind the assault.

Security officials said at least five of the 10 attackers involved appeared to be Uzbek nationals. But counter-terrorism officials are perplexed by the discovery of a demonic “tattoo” on the back of one of the terrorists.

“It’s the first time I have seen tattoos on the bodies of terrorists,” added the official, who has been part of several counter-terrorism operations in the tribal regions.

What does the tattoo show?

The image, though incomplete, appears to be a rendition of a Boris Vallejo sorcery-fantasy character.

In the militant’s case, the tattoo on his back is unfinished. One entire limb, strands of flowing hair and a smaller-headed sorcery-monster appear to be missing.

Vallejo, a Peruvian-born American painter, works almost exclusively in the fantasy and erotica genres. Swords and sorcery gods and monsters are some of his recurrent themes.


Tattoo experts say the image on the militant’s body symbolises evil. “Skulls, in my opinion, are demonic representations, but only in visualisation. They represent strength, rebelliousness and serious drawbacks,” said a Lahore-based tattoo artist.

“Mostly people who get such tattoos want to give out a message that they defy death, those who have seen death very closely, including criminals, gangsters and even rock stars,” he said on condition of anonymity.

About the tattoo on the militant’s body, he said, “It looks 10 to 12 years old. The outlines, curves and shading clearly tell that it has not been made by an expert.”

A Karachi-based tattoo artist concurred. “Mostly, criminals and gangsters get such tattoos made on their bodies,” said the artist who works at a tattoo parlour. He also spoke on condition of anonymity.

He pointed out that he had not seen a single religious person in his 10-year career with tattoos on his body. “It’s unlikely for a religious person to get such tattoos made on his body,” he said.

Religious scholars reaction

The outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which claims that it is fighting for the enforcement of Islamic shariah, has already claimed responsibility for the attack.

That is why this aspect has now added significance because according to religious scholars having tattoos on the human body is against the spirit and teachings of Islam.

“You cannot perform religious duties if you have tattoos on your body,” said Prof Khursheed Ahmed, who has written several books on Islam.

Associated with Jamaat-e-Islami, Khursheed maintained that the Peshawar airport attack confirmed “our fears that some foreign hands are carrying out these terrorist attacks in the name of Islam.”

“A practicing Muslim cannot have such images on his body,” he argued.

Mufti Naeem of Karachi’s Jamia Binoria seminary told The Express Tribune that there was no exception to drawing tattoos in Islam as shariah has clearly imposed restrictions on it.

“Yes, you can offer prayers but Islam does not permit drawing tattoos on bodies and has banned it,” he said.

The head of Pakistan Ulema Council Allama Tahir Ashrafi also endorsed the view. “It was astonishing to see the body with a horrible face tattooed on his body. Islam does not allow drawing tattoos,” he added. “This cannot be the body of a Muslim.”

‘True face of TTP’

But a security official pointed out that tattoos on the bodies of terrorists exposed the TTP claims that they were fighting for Islam.

“We know their (TTP) true face. We have raided their dens and even found pornographic films and male potency drugs from there,” he said.

When approached, the director general of the Inter-Services Public Relations, Maj-Gen Asim Saleem Bajwa, said the authorities investigating the airport attack would certainly look into all possibilities.

“But it is premature to draw any conclusion at this point,” Maj- Gen Bajwa told The Express Tribune. (With additional reporting by Umer Farooq in Peshawar, Ayesha Hasan in Lahore and Farhan Sharif in Karachi)
Muslims do not get their bodies tattooed with bikini-clad females.

How you came to learn about his sexual preferences? Gays get their bodies tattooed with bikini-clad females?
Muslims do not get their bodies tattooed with bikini-clad females.

How you came to learn about his sexual preferences? Gays get their bodies tattooed with bikini-clad females?
A dead fag terrorist... What's more gay than that.!
Dumb and Childish Title !
Ignores one small point tattooing is also forbidden in the Torah if a good Mulim wouldnt have this tatto neither would a good Jew ;)

Reprinted with permission of the Rabbinical Assembly.
The prohibition of tattooing is found in the Torah: “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28).
It is the second part of this verse from which we derive the general prohibition against tattooing. From the outset there is disagreement about what precisely makes tattooing a prohibited act. The anonymous author of a mishnah [an individual statement in the compilation known as the Mishnah] states that it is the lasting and permanent nature of tattooing which makes it a culpable act: “If a man wrote [on his skin] pricked-in writing, he is not culpable unless he writes it and pricks it in with ink or eye-paint or anything that leaves a lasting mark” (Mishnah Makkot 3:6).
Isn't tatto haram in Islam?
Thats the right word "claim" !!!!

Look at the following picture and tell me which self respecting Muslim would have a disgusting tattoo like this?
how many muslims drink alcohol?

Isn't tatto haram in Islam?
what about alcohol?
what about alcohol?
It is haram too. So what?
PS: I am not Muslim.
Many "Muslims" in their jahil days have such tattoos, I have met quite a few.
It could be he went from Jahil to even worse i.e. member of ISIS. I don't think it is definitive proof of him being part of Mossad, Shin bet etc.
tattos are new uncircumcised Penis !
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