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Tamilnadu oppose India's Sanskrit week

There are no special policies by the TN govt to promote English. The average middle class students studying in govt schools are less competent in English against the students from Private schools, which costs them in future studies and Jobs. To make them competent, JAYA announced some reforms in the govt school to increase their competency level in English. It's not like that Tamil Nadu given special promotions for English and banned Hindi/Sanskrit from learning.

If every state is promoting English, interact with us in English, why we need two languages to interact then?? It's an unnecessary pressure on the students.

If you talking about English medium schools then you are right but compulsory English as a language is taught in every state and every board of India, only the kids in government schools aren't exposed heavy duty English
"Indian government has betrayed the entire Tamil race" – Thol Thirumavalavan | Asian Tribune

Question: You also accuse the Indian government of playing a role in the war against LTTE?

Thol Thirumavalavan: Yes. What happened in Sri Lanka would not have been possible but for Indian army’s help in training and logistics provided to the Sri Lankan armed forces. It was a huge betrayal of the cause of the entire Tamil race.

Question: Colombo, New Delhi as well the American government say LTTE was a terrorist movement and what happened was a war against terror?

Thol Thirumavalavan: No. LTTE’s movement is a liberation movement as the name suggests. It is a movement to liberate the oppressed Tamils by the Sinhala majority government. Much of the world, why even India and America know it.

Question: Do you think LTTE can revive itself and fight and achieve its goal of separate homeland for Tamils?

Thol Thirumavalavan: Yes, liberation movements never die. LTTE has a genuine cause. Tamils must get their own land to live with respect and dignity. Eelam is the only solution. Tamils will achieve that someday.

Thirumavalavan is a traitor... No one likes him in TN. See the Pic of him with Rajapaksha during the war.

Tamil is one of the world's most ancient nation. Dravidian they belong is likely to be the glory of India River civilization of the master, is the earliest inhabitants of the South Asian subcontinent.

The India River civilization is 5000-4000 years ago developed culture,

The Aryans came to India, the Tamil people were forced to move to the south, but Tamil culture deeply into the Aryan culture. The Tamil people are good at building, bronze sculpture, navigation, mathematics, has a long cultural tradition.

Now the Tamil people still use the classical Tamil language.

Tamil is one of the world's most ancient nation. Dravidian they belong is likely to be the glory of India River civilization of the master, is the earliest inhabitants of the South Asian subcontinent.

The India River civilization is 5000-4000 years ago developed culture,

The Aryans came to India, the Tamil people were forced to move to the south, but Tamil culture deeply into the Aryan culture. The Tamil people are good at building, bronze sculpture, navigation, mathematics, has a long cultural tradition.

Now the Tamil people still use the classical Tamil language.


LOL. Hindu civilization was highly developed and well established all over Asia even 5000 years ago.

4,000 Year Old Vishnu Statue Discovered in Vietnam
Great Indian Hindu Sages
who revolutionised the field of Science
The Vishnu sculpture was officially presented during the 5th Quang Nam Heritage Festival which opened on June 21, 2013 in Hoi An City. The exhibition highlights many ancient objects dated from the Dong Son – Sa Huynh – Oc Eo eras of Vietnam’s ancient history.

“Entitled “Dong Son – Sa Huynh – Oc Eo cultures”, the exhibition put on display over 1,000 ancient objects which come from across the country and are made from diverse materials, from pottery to copper, including jewelry and farming tools, from the pre-ancient period belonging to the three cultures.

The significance of this discovery cannot be overestimated. The entire history of Hinduism and Vedic culture, as taught is the academic institutions of the world, has been built upon a false construct. According to mainstream academia, Vedic ‘religion’ or Hinduism did not exist until the alleged ‘Aryans’ invaded India circa 1500 BC. An even later date is given to Vaishnavism which is speculated to have been derived from animist Sun worship. Yet here we have a highly evolved art form depicting Lord Vishnu in the Far South East region of Asia dated to somewhere between 2000 BC to 1500 BC.

This completely undermines the entire historic timeline developed by mainstream academia in regards to the development of both Vedic/Hindu civilization and Indian history.

The region of modern India has always been the epicenter of High Vedic/Hindu Civilization and culture. No one anywhere has ever suggested the region of modern Vietnam to be the origin of Hindu civilization yet it is in Vietnam that we now have the world’s most ancient example of Indic style Vedic Vaishnava art. Thus it stands to reason that if Vedic Vaishnava art, culture and religion flourished 4000 years ago in prehistoric Vietnam it was undoubtedly flourishing in ancient India as well.

Once again, science and archaeology have confirmed the Vedic conclusion. As the Vedic literature states 5000 years ag,o India was home to a highly evolved and advanced civilization. This civilization was centered on its sacred traditions. The worship of the Supreme Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Lakshmi and Durga was widespread and in fact spanned the entire globe.

These traditions presented themselves in diverse manners, as seen in modern India, yet among this diversity was a commonality based upon the authority of the Vedic scriptures and traditions. The recognizably Indic forms of the Vedic traditions spanned the globe from the Philippines to the Middle East and Siberia to Australia. Yet the same Divinities were worshiped and the same traditions were practiced throughout the world.

The many recent Vedic discoveries from Vietnam are providing a new and sensational view into the authentic history of the world. Not only this, it presents a challenge to Modern India and its leadership. India is home to many startling and amazing artifacts yet they sit ignored and crumbling. In many cases looters and vandals have destroyed many priceless examples of India’s ancient heritage. India’s leading academics and governing bodies are silent and if they do speak of India’s ancient Hindu heritage it is only to cast doubts and disparage India’s indigenous Vedic culture and Hindu traditions.

Astounding and marvelous ruins and artifacts that would be the pride of any other nation and people are, in general, ignored and forgotten and left to crumble into oblivion. Often they are threatened by the efforts of the various Governmental bodies in the name of progress such as the National Highways Authority of India’s (NHAI) recent attempts to destroy a 1000 year old Shiva temple in Tamil Nadu.

It is a great irony that the officially atheistic Communist Government of Vietnam exhibits more pride in its ancient Hindu heritage than the ‘Secular’ Democratic Government of India. The entire South Asian and SE Asian region was once home to many thriving Hindu Kingdoms and civilizations. The Encyclopedia Britannica writes regarding the Indian influence upon these regions “In the realm of politics, Indian influence accompanied the rise of new political entities, which, since they do not readily fall under the Western rubric of “states,” have been called mandalas. The mandala was not so much a territorial unit as a fluid field of power that emanated, in concentric circles, from a central court and depended for its continued authority largely on the court’s ability to balance alliances and to influence the flow of trade and human resources.”

Perhaps today, as India itself is reeling under the onslaught of enforced ‘secularism’ and as Hinduism has been relegated to the realm of just one of many religions, (rather than being recognized as the heart and soul of India,) we are fortunate that the former Hindu lands of Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Kampuchea are leading the way towards the reclamation of our ancient Vedic heritage.


Dong Son copper drum, dated back some 2,000 years.


Copper utensils from Dong Son culture,
dated back some 2,500-2,000 years.


Copper and iron ploughshare from
Dong Son culture, dated back some 2,000 years


Copper axes from Dong Son culture,
dated back some 2,700-2,500 years.


Pottery from Sa Huynh pottery,
dated back some 2,300 years.


A collection of jewelry from Sa Huynh culture,
dated back some 2,300 years


Pottery vase from Oc Eo culture
Aryan propaganda on the "importance" and demand of Hindi. Dravidians now "cannot continue to ignore" the growing importance of Hindi. Good luck you guys under BJP.

Hindi makes a comeback in Tamil Nadu | India News Analysis and Op-Ed Commentary | Politics | Governance | Economic Freedom | National Interest

In a major turnaround of sorts in Tamil Nadu against the clampdown on Hindi, there is now a growing demand for compulsory learning of Hindi in State Board schools.

A large group of parents along with a number of State Board schools have moved court challenging a 2006 Tamil Nadu Government order which compels children to learn Tamil as a language until class X.

After decades of anti-Hindi politics, Tamil Nadu politics has come a full circle. The State can’t afford to ignore the importance Hindi. The mental block against Hindi has been bridged by Tamil intelligentsia who feel a pressing need for a change.


Copper form of Vishnu from Oc Eo culture
The entire history of Hinduism and Vedic culture, as taught is the academic institutions of the world, has been built upon a false construct.The many recent Vedic discoveries from Vietnam are providing a new and sensational view into the authentic history of the world. India’s leading academics and governing bodies are silent; and if they do speak of India’s ancient Hindu heritage, it is only to cast doubts and disparage India’s indigenous Vedic culture and Hindu traditions.

A recent news report from Vietnam features an exquisite and very ancient sculpture of Lord Vishnu. According to a press release from the Communist Party of Vietnam’s Central Committee (CPVCC), the Vishnu sculpture is described as “Vishnu stone head from Oc Eo culture, dated back 4,000-3,500 years.” Recently the Government of Vietnam, despite its official Communist doctrine, has developed many programs and projects highlighting Vietnam’s ancient religious heritage. Its scholarly and archaeological research and investigations are legitimate and its conclusions are authoritative. This discovery of a 4,000 to 3,500 year old Vishnu sculpture is truly historic and it sheds new light upon our understanding of the history of not only Hinduism but of the entire world.

The fact is - there are no other ‘officially’ recognized Vedic artifacts that have been dated back to such an early date. This would make Vietnam home to the world’s most ancient Vedic artifact. While there are indeed many other ancient artifacts that represent the same Deity, they are not presented in the ‘Indic’ tradition and cannot be directly recognized as the Vishnu of the Indic Vaishnava tradition.

The 4000-3500 year old Vietnamese Vishnu sculpture is part of an exhibit featuring some of Vietnam’s most ancient artifacts. It was discovered in the region of Southern Vietnam's Mekong Delta. The Mekong (Ma Ganga) River is named after the River Ganga of India. The entire region was once the home to several ancient and prosperous Vedic Kingdoms and many intriguing and unique Vedic artifacts have been discovered.

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I'm in the process of helping a Lankan realize his error in voicing support for a separate Dravidanadu.:dirol:
I dont think you will ever succeed in making him realized. between every rational Lankan would support the national intergrity of India

Why do you guys fight for nothing about SL which has no relation to Indian Sanskrit week?
I think, TN guys are jealous due to Sanskrit influence in Sinhalese.
i think he is trying to make HeinzG understood the stupidity of his claim
Tamil is one of the world's most ancient nation. Dravidian they belong is likely to be the glory of India River civilization of the master, is the earliest inhabitants of the South Asian subcontinent.

The India River civilization is 5000-4000 years ago developed culture,

The Aryans came to India, the Tamil people were forced to move to the south, but Tamil culture deeply into the Aryan culture. The Tamil people are good at building, bronze sculpture, navigation, mathematics, has a long cultural tradition.

Now the Tamil people still use the classical Tamil language.


I heard until 9-10th century AD, South China was non-Han majority, the so called cooked and uncooked barbarians formed the majority. I heard still today they call themselves as Tang Chinese instead of Han and resisted Chinese government ban on Cantonese language to promote Mandarin of Northern Hans.
Well do not take Wikipedia for granted. It is biased. Not the Jaffna region whole Sri Lanka was under Chola influence from 9-11 centuries. Sinhala rule was indeed waned but from time to time Sinhalese tried to show the authority over the whole island by sending military missions over rough areas.

The best part is that Portuguese came to Sinhalese king in Kotte for asking for cession of Jaffna area. This has being written down by Portuguese writers. If Jaffna was independent then Portuguese had no point in coming to Kotte. Riddle me that.

What I want to say was that Eelam is a mythical concept created on lies.
what you fail to realize is in present times historical makeup of a country or part of a country hardly matters. It is the current demographics that matter. That is what decides the future. It is pointless to debate whether Jaffna was a part of Sinhala kings at the current time. Because what matters is demographics and external support. That is how countries loose part of its territory

That's why Vellalars are natives of Jaffna,Brahmins came later into Tamizhnadu.

I am pretty sure of this,Sinhalese Buddhists & Vellalars are the original inhabitants of the island.

Man i hate talking like this,by looks i hardly felt alien in your country.

was quite nice.
can you please enlighten us about vellalars? How do they fit the caste system among Tamils? DO you have vellalars in TN? what profession they engaged in history
Aryan propaganda on the "importance" and demand of Hindi. Dravidians now "cannot continue to ignore" the growing importance of Hindi. Good luck you guys under BJP.

Hindi makes a comeback in Tamil Nadu | India News Analysis and Op-Ed Commentary | Politics | Governance | Economic Freedom | National Interest

In a major turnaround of sorts in Tamil Nadu against the clampdown on Hindi, there is now a growing demand for compulsory learning of Hindi in State Board schools.

A large group of parents along with a number of State Board schools have moved court challenging a 2006 Tamil Nadu Government order which compels children to learn Tamil as a language until class X.

After decades of anti-Hindi politics, Tamil Nadu politics has come a full circle. The State can’t afford to ignore the importance Hindi. The mental block against Hindi has been bridged by Tamil intelligentsia who feel a pressing need for a change.

these people want to learn Hindi because of better job prospects outside Tamil Nadu, as only knowing English is not enough in rest of India. So, better spare us from your brainfarts.
these people want to learn Hindi because of better job prospects outside Tamil Nadu, as only knowing English is not enough in rest of India. So, better spare us from your brainfarts.

Why isnt there good job prospect in Aryan land other than Delhi or environ? All the good jobs are in Dravidian land.
Why isnt there good job prospect in Aryan land other than Delhi or environ? All the good jobs are in Dravidian land.

Are you a real ignorant or pretending to be ignorant. You mean in China a guy from one province don't go to other province for work or education. :girl_wacko: Infact, most of them in China are migrants from other provinces causing huge strain on China's public transport during Chinese new year. :sarcastic:
I heard until 9-10th century AD, South China was non-Han majority, the so called cooked and uncooked barbarians formed the majority. I heard still today they call themselves as Tang Chinese instead of Han and resisted Chinese government ban on Cantonese language to promote Mandarin of Northern Hans.
Haha, Tang = Han people, today's Chinatown,in Chinese,it's 唐人街--means Tang people streat, Tang dynasty is still Han people established ,China as early as the Qin Dynasty, 2nd century BC, it has been unified.
QIN SHI HUANG u know ,His expedition to northern Vietnam today, unified text, unit of measure, currency. After the national integration, after the Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty began, people began to call themselves the Han people, the south also.
Each dynasty they are with their own people dynastic name calling, call themselves Tang people , Song dynasty--song people, Ming dynasty --ming people, but they call themselves the Han Chinese.
India, the road before the British came, southern is an independent country
Probably true.. But the point here is no modern day Sri lankan main ethnicity originated in the island.. It maybe Sinhalese from Northern and Eastern India, Or the Jaffna Tamils from the South, Vanni Tamils from Andra and Kerala Or the Moors from the middle East and Northern Africa or the Burghers from Europe or Malays from South east Asia

They may have come through natural migrations, Invasions, trade or colonial slavery.. But all remain migrants

The only people that can claim native are the Veddah's(Aboriginal's)

And being "Native" is a relative term

Yes the Sinhalese are the main architects of the unique Sri Lankan identity/civilization and everybody else rallies around it and contribute.. But no community can argue their nativeness over others
i don't think it is fair to say Sinhalese are whole migrants. People who formed the sinhala identity did came from india but they did not come as sinhalese. Sinhalese language was developed in SL where you will find the development of sinhala leters in stone inscriptions and ola leaves.
There was never a sinhala kingdom or any sinhala place in India. There was no sinhala in india.
So it is wrong to say sinhala came from india, they did not.

Other thing is early sinhalese had a large vadda component. That is why to this day Sinhala remains the only race to share genetics with Veddhas.
The other thing with Sinhala people and culture was their ability to absorb different cultures and people. In late centuries in the last millenia many people from Kerala, and even Tamil Nadu came to SL and they got absorbed to Sinhala culture. And they brought different cutural practices and religious beliefs with them which became a part of Sinhala culture.
It is this latter component people use to show Sinhala as immigrants from India.I consider Sinhala as an offshoot of larger indian culture and not a one developed in india.
I heard until 9-10th century AD, South China was non-Han majority, the so called cooked and uncooked barbarians formed the majority. I heard still today they call themselves as Tang Chinese instead of Han and resisted Chinese government ban on Cantonese language to promote Mandarin of Northern Hans.
Today's China, Han people there are a lot of their own dialect, like theTibetans, they also have different dialects.

Both Guangdong, or in the north, they all have their own dialect. But they all think themselves as Han,
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