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Talking to foreign media is haram: Grand mufti’s edict

Saudi Arabia’s grand mufti issued a religious edict prohibiting contact and cooperation with the foreign media seeking to “spread chaos and strife in the Muslim world”.
Addressing a Friday sermon at a mosque in Riyadh, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh said that people should not divulge their country’s secrets to foreign media outlets as these media groups are only concerned with creating a divide among the people.
The kingdom’s grand mufti warned against shielding or giving refuge to criminals. “A believer has to help in keeping security, that of his nation and community, and protecting his religion,” the Saudi newspaper Okaz quoted him as saying.
However he urged the people to address their matters to responsible authorities within the state.

Talking to foreign media is haram: Grand mufti

There's some contradiction with the heading of the news and it's substance.

The heading is;

''Talking to foreign media is haram: Grand mufti’s edict''

while the substance of the subject is;

''prohibiting contact and cooperation with the foreign media seeking to “spread chaos and strife in the Muslim world”...
....people should not divulge their country’s secrets to foreign media outlets as these media groups are only concerned with creating a divide among the people.'

I don't agree with the heading but 100% agree in what has been said in the details. Some posters on this thread are nothing but ignorant fools who goes on posting their rubbish without getting into the details of the subject... well, I guess the Grand Mufti specifically issued the statement about such people too... they don't know what they're talking about. Garbage posters.
Please listen to what he has actually said before jumping down his throat all of you. What the mufti has said in simple words is when ever you talk to western media they don't care what you actually said they twist what you say and create hatred towards US(Arabs) its a waist of time time talking to western media.

That would never happen if muslims had taken the power of the pen rather than the sword .. Their media outlets are a powerful tool in their wars while we play catch up with Al Jazeera and the likes who look to have been kidnapped by western media themselves. It is a sad state of affairs that someone has to explain that not talking to reporters is the better option than to catch them lying and letting the world see how they misinterpret world news. These are the words of how you surrender to your opponent.
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