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Taliban will take over Afghanistan in 2017: All 16 US Intelligence agencies predict

Afghanistan rejects grim US intelligence forecast as baseless

KABUL: Afghanistan on Monday rejected as baseless a US intelligence forecast that the gains the United States and allies have made in the past three years will be significantly rolled back by 2017.
The US National Intelligence Estimate also predicted that Afghanistan would fall into chaos if Washington and Kabul failed to sign a pact to keep an international military contingent there beyond 2014.
President Hamid Karzai’s spokesman dismissed the US forecast, reported by the Washington Post on the weekend, and suggested there was an ulterior motive for it.
“We strongly reject that as baseless as they have in the past been proved inaccurate,” Faizi told Reuters.
Relations between Afghanistan and the United States have grown seriously strained recently by Karzai’s refusal to sign the security pact that would permit some US forces to stay.
US officials have said that unless a deal is reached to keep perhaps 8,000 US troops, the Taliban might stage a major comeback and al Qaeda could regain safe havens.
The pact must also be signed for the United States and its allies to provide billions more dollars in aid.
Without a deal, the United States could pull out all troops, the so-called zero option, leaving Afghan forces to battle the Taliban on their own.
The United States has set a Tuesday deadline for Afghanistan to sign the pact but the White House has said it is prepared to let the deadline slip until early January.
The US intelligence estimate predicted setbacks even if some US troops remained. But some US officials felt the forecast was overly pessimistic, the Washington Post said.
Faizi suggested the leaking of the gloomy US intelligence report was part of bid to press Karzai into granting the Taliban control of some areas as part of a peace moves.
“If it’s a design to hand over parts of Afghanistan to the Taliban, we will never allow that and it will never succeed,” Faizi said. “The Taliban can only come back through a political process.”
Efforts over the past couple of years to bring the Taliban into peace talks have come to nothing. The insurgents, fighting to expel foreign forces and set up an Islamist state, denounce Karzai as a US “puppet”.
Karzai recently said certain foreigners had been asking him to give up control of some areas to get peace talks going.
“Foreigners told us recently to hand over or give away some areas to the Taliban, and from where a peace process could begin,” Karzai told reporters at a briefing last week. He did not identify the foreigners.
Karzai also denied having reached agreement with the United States on the wording of contentious clauses in the US security pact. But he added that the “zero-option” was an empty threat.
“The US won’t go and I have realised that,” he said.
“Look at all those buildings and bases they have built in Bagram, Helmand and their embassy compound,” Karzai said, referring to a big air base north of Kabul and a violence-plagued southern province.


Me just guessing!

Karazai is asking for American citizenship for him and his brother.

Americans are OK with giving him the green card, but not to his brother

and hence the stalemate.
Don't worry soon secular daddy USA would run away and they will be taken out soon and Taliban will be in power INSHALLAH

amrikis fathered taliban and religio extremes esp ,i am sure they know how to control their population
amrikis fathered taliban and religio extremes esp ,i am sure they know how to control their population
Taliban are independent Sir and they fight for Islam and its seculars who are children of USA and will be finished along with USA soon
Taliban are independent Sir and they fight for Islam and its seculars who are children of USA and will be finished along with USA soon

had they been fighting for the name of Mohammad pbuh or Allah swt,

then they would not be suicide bombing fellow AFghanistanis or worse fellow Pakistanis.

Taliban are independent Sir and they fight for Islam and its seculars who are children of USA and will be finished along with USA soon

disagreed taliban were previously afghan mujahideen and they were a creation if amrikis , both talibans and amrikis deserve each other
I said the world might not matter but International law surely does and it gets applied to each and every state. We don't have the luxury to say we consider something ours when its clearly against the law unless proved otherwise. India and Pakistan are the stakeholders here but they can't claim they are above the law otherwise there would be no term as "disputed" linked to Kashmir. International law allows those people the rights that the Indian state has refused for decades. I am not in the least concerned with the west as they aren't the ones to be taken seriously here and never have i even mentioned them. That you have concluded mistakenly, i might add.

I do believe in peaceful coexistence, i always have, the reason i am stating these facts isn't because i am against any strong bilateral ties between the two countries but because i can see that the governments of both the countries would further exploit their people, when it comes to this precise issue.
International Law??? There is no international law to solve any boundary issue, nor there is any rule book for it.solving of territorial boundary solely depends on bilateral talks of two side.
something which belong to us(indo-pak), we do not have to prove it to world.
kashmir has nothing to do with law, and yes we are the stakeholders but also the law maker and dispute settlers in this regard.Dispute on kashmir is only because we did not come down mutually to a common ground.You say you are not concerned with west then which countries do you consider suitable for making international forum.
peaceful co existence is the only solution if we want to prosper.Due to this madness we are loosing much more we gained in decades. The potential of Indo-pak trade is 40-50 billion $. That's a huge sum.You know how much we can gain with living peacefully. we were same just 60 year before but alas some shit draw a line on map(redcliff) and the country get separated. If our SAARC gets working we can achieve something like ASEAN. Many thing that pakistan import from india come to Pak through different routes increasing the price of Product.This is just Idiotic.:agree::agree::agree:
I don't know but from your posts I had impression(I may be wrong) that you hate India and us:(. But I don't:-), I will surely some day visit Pakistan..:cheers:
International Law??? There is no international law to solve any boundary issue, nor there is any rule book for it.solving of territorial boundary solely depends on bilateral talks of two side.
something which belong to us(indo-pak), we do not have to prove it to world.
kashmir has nothing to do with law, and yes we are the stakeholders but also the law maker and dispute settlers in this regard.Dispute on kashmir is only because we did not come down mutually to a common ground.You say you are not concerned with west then which countries do you consider suitable for making international forum.
peaceful co existence is the only solution if we want to prosper.Due to this madness we are loosing much more we gained in decades. The potential of Indo-pak trade is 40-50 billion $. That's a huge sum.You know how much we can gain with living peacefully. we were same just 60 year before but alas some shit draw a line on map(redcliff) and the country get separated. If our SAARC gets working we can achieve something like ASEAN. Many thing that pakistan import from india come to Pak through different routes increasing the price of Product.This is just Idiotic.:agree::agree::agree:
I don't know but from your posts I had impression(I may be wrong) that you hate India and us:(. But I don't:-), I will surely some day visit Pakistan..:cheers:

I think there is an international law or some law that

-- Don't pee on the other side of international border even when your feet are firmly planted on your side of the IB.

you can read it in the IB reference book available from Hague and Geneva.

p.s. you cannot visit Pak if bibi Amna is issuing the visas. She almost canceled my National ID card the other day.
International Law??? There is no international law to solve any boundary issue, nor there is any rule book for it.solving of territorial boundary solely depends on bilateral talks of two side.
something which belong to us(indo-pak), we do not have to prove it to world.
kashmir has nothing to do with law, and yes we are the stakeholders but also the law maker and dispute settlers in this regard.Dispute on kashmir is only because we did not come down mutually to a common ground.You say you are not concerned with west then which countries do you consider suitable for making international forum.
peaceful co existence is the only solution if we want to prosper.Due to this madness we are loosing much more we gained in decades. The potential of Indo-pak trade is 40-50 billion $. That's a huge sum.You know how much we can gain with living peacefully. we were same just 60 year before but alas some shit draw a line on map(redcliff) and the country get separated. If our SAARC gets working we can achieve something like ASEAN. Many thing that pakistan import from india come to Pak through different routes increasing the price of Product.This is just Idiotic.:agree::agree::agree:
I don't know but from your posts I had impression(I may be wrong) that you hate India and us:(. But I don't:-), I will surely some day visit Pakistan..:cheers:

No your impression, i am afraid, couldn't be further from the truth. I don't hate India but some people reach that conclusion because i am stating certain facts they don't like to hear. If you consider that there is no International law to solve any boundary issue then you are clearly not aware on the subject. International Law is applicable on even bilateral issues the one example i can come up with at the moment is the Israel and Palestinian conflict. Its a bilateral issue but the International Court of Justice has a clear stance on it no matter what both the sides say or do. The stance is based on what is legitimate and what isn't.

I said already i believe in peaceful coexistence thats why i support what you're saying but i am also aware of the mentality and handicaps of the people of this region and how politicians capitalise on it under various pretexts.
No your impression, i am afraid, couldn't be further from the truth. I don't hate India but some people reach that conclusion because i am stating certain facts they don't like to hear. If you consider that there is no International law to solve any boundary issue then you are clearly not aware on the subject. International Law is applicable on even bilateral issues the one example i can come up with at the moment is the Israel and Palestinian conflict. Its a bilateral issue but the International Court of Justice has a clear stance on it no matter what both the sides say or do. The stance is based on what is legitimate and what isn't.

I said already i believe in peaceful coexistence thats why i support what you're saying but i am also aware of the mentality and handicaps of the people of this region and how politicians capitalise on it under various pretexts.
Again you are wrong dear, There is no International law. Israel and Palestine went to International court of justice, because they thought they cannot solve it mutually, and they did not trust each other. recent kishan ganga dam is another example, Pakistan went to ICJ because they thought India would not listen to him.If india could have wished to walk away from court order it could have but due to bilateral obligation it went ahead. ICJ is not binding to any country.
Again this handicap mentality can only be cured by education and development. This can only be achieved by removing religion from state business. Ok I want to ask you one simple question please answer me truthfully(Though I believe, you believe in peaceful coexistence)
do you hate india and indians(just state in Yes and No)
i am asking you this b'coz peaceful co-existance can be also achieved by truce But I want to have friendship.
Again you are wrong dear, There is no International law. Israel and Palestine went to International court of justice, because they thought they cannot solve it mutually, and they did not trust each other. recent kishan ganga dam is another example, Pakistan went to ICJ because they thought India would not listen to him.If india could have wished to walk away from court order it could have but due to bilateral obligation it went ahead. ICJ is not binding to any country.
Again this handicap mentality can only be cured by education and development. This can only be achieved by removing religion from state business. Ok I want to ask you one simple question please answer me truthfully(Though I believe, you believe in peaceful coexistence)
do you hate india and indians(just state in Yes and No)
i am asking you this b'coz peaceful co-existance can be also achieved by truce But I want to have friendship.

So you think India and Pakistan trust each other?? You really think so?? I am not saying they didn't go to International Court of Justice what i am saying is that whatever the mutual disagreements might be, both sides can't be legitimate in their demands and we all have to adhere to International law.
I don't hate Indians, i don't agree with a lot of decisions of the Indian state but that in no way means i hate Indians by default. My wish is for both the countries to leave each other alone because trust me, as much as education and development might have an affect, it won't be able to foster a friendship between the two countries. Yes they would get mature enough to accept each other and start behaving accordingly and thats what i wish for.
p.s. you cannot visit Pak if bibi Amna is issuing the visas. She almost canceled my National ID card the other day.
hahaha you are writing all this when she is online..Man... she will chop up your hands this time, if write any thing further about her..Good she forgave you on National ID issue otherwise I don't know what you have called yourself after that...:cheers:
I think there is an international law or some law that

-- Don't pee on the other side of international border even when your feet are firmly planted on your side of the IB.

you can read it in the IB reference book available from Hague and Geneva.

p.s. you cannot visit Pak if bibi Amna is issuing the visas. She almost canceled my National ID card the other day.

Do you understand a simple sentence as "Don't interfere and get personal with me". If i ignored your ramblings on that other thread it doesn't mean you continue with them here now.
So you think India and Pakistan trust each other?? You really think so?? I am not saying they didn't go to International Court of Justice what i am saying is that whatever the mutual disagreements might be, both sides can't be legitimate in their demands and we all have to adhere to International law.
I don't hate Indians, i don't agree with a lot of decisions of the Indian state but that in no way means i hate Indians by default. My wish is for both the countries to leave each other alone because trust me, as much as education and development might have an affect, it won't be able to foster a friendship between the two countries. Yes they would get mature enough to accept each other and start behaving accordingly and thats what i wish for.
Look dear, India is no way going to any International forum after Shimla/Agra Agreement. and pakistan cannot force it.Only way to sole this issue is through mutual agreement. yes india Pakistan do not trust each other but this trust has to be developed otherwise we will not be able to solve this issue for generations to come.In this technological era you cannot hide any thing physically on this large geographical scale. Satellites can track every movement on border area, so no need to trust blindly.
Good to know you don't hate us, who knows it might. Actually education and development is the only thing which can foster friendship b/w us.
I feel we have better future ahead.:-)
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