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Taliban to attend Paris conference on Afghanistan


Jun 2, 2011
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KABUL: A member of Afghanistan s government-appointed High Peace Council said however that its representatives would meet the Taliban.

"Obviously, yes we will, as we all attend the same conference. And we could also meet them on the sidelines of the meeting," Din Mohammad, who is also a cabinet minister, told AFP.

President Hamid Karzai has long sought peace talks with the Taliban, who have waged an 11-year insurgency, but the Islamists have dismissed his government as a puppet of the United States.

"We welcome any conference that is aimed at peace and stability in Afghanistan," presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi told AFP.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement that the militants had accepted an invitation to attend the conference, which French government sources described as an internal Afghan colloquim on the future of the country.

"The Taliban in this conference will express its stance to the world community and we will send two representatives," he said.

"We must clarify that no talks with anyone are involved. This is only a research conference and the representatives of the Taliban are attending the conference only to adress directly the world about their views face to face."

The Taliban said their invitation was recognition that the "Taliban are not just a simple movement (but) a movement with roots among the people".

"The Americans came to accepting the Taliban as a reality," it said.

Preliminary contacts between the US and the Taliban in Doha were broken off in March when the militants failed to secure the release of five of their senior members held in Guantanamo Bay.

Dunya News: World:-Taliban to attend Paris conference on Afghanistan ...
America never negotiates with terrorists :lol:

You mean these guys?

Or this guy too..

Thats Donald Rumsfield btw.
The fact of the matter is, the US needs an exit.. but still wants a bit of those $1 trillion mineral reserve.
Karzai in power or even someone like him will do that, but unless a peace with the Taliban is reached.. the mayor of Kabul will not last a week.
US is playing diplomatic cards according to current situation. They know they can't uproot Taliban. So why not give them little share in the pie and make Afghanistan a permanent base of US meanwhile taking some share in $ 1 trillion reserve as said by Oscar.

I think, US will still get the best out from this condition. They can't win this war, so they don't want to win this war. So they took plan B and seems like everyone will take the bait.

Interesting thing to see will be how much power US will allow Taliban to have to make them against Chinese influence and investment.
US is playing diplomatic cards according to current situation. They know they can't uproot Taliban. So why not give them little share in the pie and make Afghanistan a permanent base of US meanwhile taking some share in $ 1 trillion reserve as said by Oscar.

I think, US will still get the best out from this condition. They can't win this war, so they don't want to win this war. So they took plan B and seems like everyone will take the bait.

Interesting thing to see will be how much power US will allow Taliban to have to make them against Chinese influence and investment.

If by permanent base you mean American boots on the ground, that will not be possible. After 11 years Americans have lost the will to fight and I seriously doubt they will leave soldiers behind in small numbers after 2014 to be slaughtered by Taliban. American forces do not believe in small presence in hostile territory. If they have to go in, they go in large enough numbers to be able to defend themselves in the bases. If they have to venture outside those bases, it has to be under the cover of overwhelming Air Power.

Otherwise it costs American lives and American Public has no stomach for Body Bags anymore.:usflag::azn:
If by permanent base you mean American boots on the ground, that will not be possible. After 11 years Americans have lost the will to fight and I seriously doubt they will leave soldiers behind in small numbers after 2014 to be slaughtered by Taliban. American forces do not believe in small presence in hostile territory. If they have to go in, they go in large enough numbers to be able to defend themselves in the bases. If they have to venture outside those bases, it has to be under the cover of overwhelming Air Power.
Otherwise it costs American lives and American Public has no stomach for Body Bags anymore.:usflag::azn:
There is already plan to leave few thousand soldiers post-2014. And I think considering the way US has been able to somehow get relations better with their worst enemy with money and diplomacy, they can easily decrease the threat on their soldier.
America never negotiates with terrorists :lol:

lol, well what can you expect from hypocrites and liars. So the USA lost the war in Afghanistan.

What an interesting turn of events.

US is playing diplomatic cards according to current situation. They know they can't uproot Taliban. So why not give them little share in the pie and make Afghanistan a permanent base of US meanwhile taking some share in $ 1 trillion reserve as said by Oscar.

I think, US will still get the best out from this condition. They can't win this war, so they don't want to win this war. So they took plan B and seems like everyone will take the bait.

Interesting thing to see will be how much power US will allow Taliban to have to make them against Chinese influence and investment.

But the Taliban has conditions. :azn:

That all the foreign troops have to leave. lol, so Bush's crusaders were slaughtered.:lol:

Now I have understood. It was never about helping the people of the region. It was all about the Great Game and natural resources.
The fact of the matter is, the US needs an exit.. but still wants a bit of those $1 trillion mineral reserve.
Karzai in power or even someone like him will do that, but unless a peace with the Taliban is reached.. the mayor of Kabul will not last a week.

WOT in Afghanistan is war for opium trade...
The british fought the opium wars in last century.. This century USA is fighting the was for opium control.
Afghanistan's real asset isnt minerals,its the opium which USA was there for and wants to keep control on.
WOT in Afghanistan is war for opium trade...
The british fought the opium wars in last century.. This century USA is fighting the was for opium control.
Afghanistan's real asset isnt minerals,its the opium which USA was there for and wants to keep control on.

Spot on!!!!!!!
WOT in Afghanistan is war for opium trade...
The british fought the opium wars in last century.. This century USA is fighting the was for opium control.
Afghanistan's real asset isnt minerals,its the opium which USA was there for and wants to keep control on.

what would USA do with drugs? Eat them and die from them. Like what they are doing Russia.

I heard some nasty stuff from documentary about drugs in Russia. People taking Heroin and Krokodil in Russia.

Its horrible. Horrible stuff. You would vomit when see the pictures of green bodies parts rotting and falling off.
If by permanent base you mean American boots on the ground, that will not be possible. After 11 years Americans have lost the will to fight and I seriously doubt they will leave soldiers behind in small numbers after 2014 to be slaughtered by Taliban. American forces do not believe in small presence in hostile territory. If they have to go in, they go in large enough numbers to be able to defend themselves in the bases. If they have to venture outside those bases, it has to be under the cover of overwhelming Air Power.

Otherwise it costs American lives and American Public has no stomach for Body Bags anymore.:usflag::azn:

It appears that they are leaving behind 25 to 30 thousand special forces mostly confined to their bases. They will assist ANF in patrols and training. Believe me, that force of special forces will annihilate anyone in a conventional head on fight.
It appears that they are leaving behind 25 to 30 thousand special forces mostly confined to their bases. They will assist ANF in patrols and training. Believe me, that force of special forces will annihilate anyone in a conventional head on fight.

lol, USA has been in this fight for 11+ years now. How much more can they fight on?

And makes you think America has not put its best fighters in this fight yet.

They certainly have.
It appears that they are leaving behind 25 to 30 thousand special forces mostly confined to their bases. They will assist ANF in patrols and training. Believe me, that force of special forces will annihilate anyone in a conventional head on fight.

Anyone, but the Taliban.

I mean otherwise, there would be no more war?
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