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Taliban to attend Paris conference on Afghanistan

US is playing diplomatic cards according to current situation. They know they can't uproot Taliban. So why not give them little share in the pie and make Afghanistan a permanent base of US meanwhile taking some share in $ 1 trillion reserve as said by Oscar.

I think, US will still get the best out from this condition. They can't win this war, so they don't want to win this war. So they took plan B and seems like everyone will take the bait.

Interesting thing to see will be how much power US will allow Taliban to have to make them against Chinese influence and investment.

Flawed analysis. Taliban never accepted any USA conditions.


Taliban is saying all FOREIGN TROOPS MUST LEAVE. Whats so hard to understand here?

Meaning Taliban wants to fight to the end! They don't mind dying what they believe in.

Only USA is going to lose, because people are now figuring what is going on now.

LOL, did you see what Webmaster said, "America has accepted Taliban as a reality, what a quote."

THATS A FAR CRY FROM WHAT AMERICAN SAID IN 2001, how they don't negotiate with "terrorists."

LOL:lol: When you start negotiating with your enemy, YOU HAVE LOST THE WAR!

People in the Congress, Political elites in USA, now know they have to give their people an "answer."

They don't want to tell their people they the lost war. Because that will shows America's weaknesses.

The cracks are already beginning to show.

Even American on Facebook are beginning to realize that the Taliban won the war.

The war was a disaster for USA. USA may claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden, but the Taliban very much controlled Afghanistan.

USA lost the war when they coupled Taliban and Al Qaeda together, when they are totally two different movements.

Al Qaeda is a global movement while the Taliban is just local to Afghanistan.



I always read the news everyday to see whats going on Afghanistan.
US is playing diplomatic cards according to current situation. They know they can't uproot Taliban. So why not give them little share in the pie and make Afghanistan a permanent base of US meanwhile taking some share in $ 1 trillion reserve as said by Oscar.

I think, US will still get the best out from this condition. They can't win this war, so they don't want to win this war. So they took plan B and seems like everyone will take the bait.

Interesting thing to see will be how much power US will allow Taliban to have to make them against Chinese influence and investment.

Afghan war prolonging is never about stability of that region, It is a pivot where Xingxang of China is accessible.
The longer the Militancy stays the better the interests of containing China will serve.
Afghan war prolonging is never about stability of that region, It is a pivot where Xingxang of China is accessible.
The longer the Militancy stays the better the interests of containing China will serve.

lol how is the Taliban anti-China?

The Taliban doesnt care about the internal affairs of China.
lol, USA has been in this fight for 11+ years now. How much more can they fight on?

And makes you think America has not put its best fighters in this fight yet.

They certainly have.

The Taliban and other militancy serve the US well they can control Pakistan, Afghanistan and East Turkmenistan as well.
lol the Afghan Taliban don't have any problems with Pakistan.

Do you even know what going on in Afghanistan?:lol:

Its the Afghan Taliban fighting US forces in Afghanistan.

The Taliban and other militancy serve the US well they can control Pakistan, Afghanistan and East Turkmenistan as well.
lol you dont even know what you are talking about even.

Its East Turkestan not East Turkmenistan. lol :lol:

The Taliban don't care about East Turkestan or China's internal affairs.
We’ve repeatedly clarified our stance against terrorism. We cannot give a free pass to those who are killing innocent people in their bid to spread fear and chaos. We refuse to bow down to the terrorists who think they can break our will with indiscriminate acts of terror in the region. At the same time, the door remains open to those who are willing to lay down their weapons and abide by the rule of law. We reiterate what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in regard to this matter, “Insurgents must renounce violence, abandon al Qaeda, and abide by the constitution of Afghanistan, including its protections for women and minorities. If insurgents cannot meet those red-lines, they will face continued and unrelenting assault."

LTC Wollman,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
We’ve repeatedly clarified our stance against terrorism. We cannot give a free pass to those who are killing innocent people in their bid to spread fear and chaos. We refuse to bow down to the terrorists who think they can break our will with indiscriminate acts of terror in the region. At the same time, the door remains open to those who are willing to lay down their weapons and abide by the rule of law. We reiterate what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in regard to this matter, “Insurgents must renounce violence, abandon al Qaeda, and abide by the constitution of Afghanistan, including its protections for women and minorities. If insurgents cannot meet those red-lines, they will face continued and unrelenting assault."

LTC Wollman,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Mr. CENTCOM, I've talked to Afghanistanis, they don't want NATO forces in their country. They want to run their country themselves.

And please be specific, who are the "terrorists", stop using broad terms and get to the point!
lol, if NATO leveled the whole country it would be branded as genocide, if restrained force is shown it is branded as weakness. Damned if you do, damned if you dont....

How are they going to travel there? I assume all airlines are going to avoid taking them as passengers?


i lol'd...:lol:


^^ has cells inside for safekeeping xD

lol how is the Taliban anti-China?

The Taliban doesnt care about the internal affairs of China.

You dont really understand what he said do you?
hint..using the Talitubbies as pretext for containment? Free puzzle solved just for you.
How are they going to travel there? I assume all airlines are going to avoid taking them as passengers?


they will use france air

any other questions?

lol, if NATO leveled the whole country it would be branded as genocide, if restrained force is shown it is branded as weakness. Damned if you do, damned if you dont....

i lol'd...:lol:


^^ has cells inside for safekeeping xD

you didnt exactly saw 'con air' did you :lol:
Dude America did not come to Afghanistan to keep its forces till eterntity. It had to leave some day. They have many more wars to fight. They will leave Afghanistan and then attack some other country.
That's it. However, they finished their enemy no 1 Bin Laden and they couldn't have done it without being in Afghanistan.
Flawed analysis. Taliban never accepted any USA conditions.


Taliban is saying all FOREIGN TROOPS MUST LEAVE. Whats so hard to understand here?

Meaning Taliban wants to fight to the end! They don't mind dying what they believe in.

Only USA is going to lose, because people are now figuring what is going on now.

LOL, did you see what Webmaster said, "America has accepted Taliban as a reality, what a quote."

THATS A FAR CRY FROM WHAT AMERICAN SAID IN 2001, how they don't negotiate with "terrorists."

LOL:lol: When you start negotiating with your enemy, YOU HAVE LOST THE WAR!

People in the Congress, Political elites in USA, now know they have to give their people an "answer."

They don't want to tell their people they the lost war. Because that will shows America's weaknesses.

The cracks are already beginning to show.

Even American on Facebook are beginning to realize that the Taliban won the war.

The war was a disaster for USA. USA may claim to have killed Osama Bin Laden, but the Taliban very much controlled Afghanistan.

USA lost the war when they coupled Taliban and Al Qaeda together, when they are totally two different movements.

Al Qaeda is a global movement while the Taliban is just local to Afghanistan.



I always read the news everyday to see whats going on Afghanistan.
you didnt exactly saw 'con air' did you :lol:

i did lol, was trying to find a pic of the inside of one of those planes, wasnt lucky in 2 mins, and it's not so important that i should be dedicating more time to it, so i picked this one.
It was meant as a joke, not as a serious answer.
Americans came to accepting the Taliban as a reality. What a quote!

but when we maintain a contact and try to "manage" them it means "duplicity" in the dictionary of western analysts, arm chair generals, and other officials

What are they going to wear ?

probably just go in their traditional clothes.....when they visited oil/pipeline lobbyist and officials in Houston Texas in late 1990s they looked like they had come straight out of Kandahar.

as Pashtuns they are fiercely proud and traditional; they wont go in 3-piece suits......though i'm sure when nobody is looking, they will sneak a few peaks at the lovely French ladies :D:D
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