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‘Taliban’s participation necessary for peace’

Having a lot of troops there makes them feel threatened. We shouldn't move by the pressure of United States on how to fight this war, their policy of conducting this warfare is simply a failure even with the resources & technology they have.

I agree with this, and Musharraf has got some influence on the US because of his diplomatic skills. He convinced them the tribal deals were a good thing, and they were. I dont think though that Musharraf is moving by pressure from the US. He's just doing what's right for Pakistan. And that's getting rid of Al Q. There are some things he had no choice but to do though.
Musharraf has ensured that the Election Commission has changed the rules to ensure his election.

I believe it is to be challenged in the Supreme Court since it is said that it is a Constitutional issue and the Parliament is alone empowered to change the rules and that too by a 2/3 majority. I am sure Imran Khan will have a field day!

If the CJ and his pals overturns the EC's ruling, there will be some fireworks in the offing.
Who would want to deal with these people? I don't think any constituted govt would, be it Pakistan or Afghanistan.

Sir Ray the very US and NATO that are fighting against so-called Taliban would deal with them for many reasons.

1. Chiefly for energy

US is mulling to edge the things and circumstance in her favour to protect and materialize TAP.

1. The backing of recently held Pak-Afghan Jirga, by US is also a link to this desire of securing TAP by bringing in Taliban whom if become part of the government in Afghanistan will ensure the secuirty to TAP Otherwise it would be a wishful thinking.

2. Due to the main reason that the preferred route of TAP is the southern one, via Herat and restive Kandahar province. and these areas are under Taliban so they had to be brought in.

Now its another matter if they will embrace the idea of joining the NATO led Afghan government and provide security to TAP. But the on going efforts both in Afghanistan and inside Pakistan of holding secret talks through jirgas with the Taliban are also part of this new gam for TAP.

3.TAP possibly would be run on to India, on which work is to be started in the near future as US i believe is also using TAP alternative to a planned (IPI )from Iran to Pakistan and India.

So in coming days we might see more talks between Taliban and US through Pakistan indeed.

And the very recent development is proof of it

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