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Taliban praises Delhi, says it’s not anti-India

I guess... Talibans got little cuckoo in the head because of daily explosions from Drone & Nato attacks ... :)
What be roman in rome? They are in their own land and they want to follow a set of law. You should accept it as you have failed to beat them in a decade long war. You would have to talk. Stop boasting on an online forum. The situation on ground in Afghanistan is too different.

That law should be accepted by the local people.... No people like accept laws like cutting hands in sports stadiums, terrorizing womens etc.. All Afghan womens are dead against taliban...
The fact they are still surviving 10 years of war is that, they are getting funds from selling drugs and arabs, weapons and training from ISI etc..
This should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Could very well be an American planted statement, to allay India's fears of US and the NATO getting into any power sharing deal with the Taliban.
Wow, India is going to be in bed with the Taliban Terrorist. Great for India's image. They were in bed with Pakistani Taliban and now in bed with Afghan Taliban. It Looks like India is now definitely shooting for a
" MANAGE E TROIS" kind of a love fest...

Looks like GOOD TALIBAN just turned BAD TALIBAN lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :D
they will praise as long as we don't send our forces there

we should keep goo relations with "good Taliban' so after 2014 we can invest in Afghanistan just like now and can benefit from its mineral wealth like oil

if we offer some part of earning to good Taliban , who will definitely have much greater say after 2014 as they will be in post 2014 afghan govt, they will not mind our investment and economic activities in Afghanistan
bht makhan lagaya ja raha ha bhai, ye to hud ho gae . Lage raho

It is actually a very well worded, sugar coated, veiled threat that Afghans love freedom and that India should not enter this war to please America as the consequences may not be favourable.

We will like them if they stop attacks on afghan civilians, go back on their shariah law rules, and full freedom to womens...
The world is changing and the taliban should change with the world....

Should they also accept you as the new Prophet? The world is changing indeed, and you need to get your act straight. Afghans have never demanded that you go back on Hindu laws and culture so your stupid advise is not welcome!

It has already proved many times earlier... Even evil yindoo terrorist were killed if you could remember..

BTW India should not believe and encourage Talibanis untill they construct destroyed Buddha Statue :)

Then by the same logic, should you not discourage the US until they reconstruct Afghanistan & Iraq as they were before the US unleashed the terror war?

Xactly there is no point talking to them..how a respectfull or self respected nation can talk with those savages...those inhuman savages who dont knw how to coexist together and who just know how to blow thmselve up first chance they got in a crowd....HOW?

How can illiterate retards consider themselves respectful or respected is beyond me.
aAnd most importantly our Muslim are indian muslims, the most peace loving muslim in world. our muslims are son of abdul kalam azad, not some wahabis nut.

World praise our muslims, once Obama said " he is prime minister of a country where 20 million peaceloving muslims live.

our muslims are best in world. there achivements are awesome.

How about your Brahmin vermins such as Bal Thakery and his illicit followers???

not a good thing, thy are just giving a veiled thret

Finally.....somebody who got the right message. Out of how many Indians, you are the only one who understood the hidden message.
This is a big taqiya aka subterfuge by Talibans. Taliban is a far right islamists militant organisation. taliban means religious student. Talibans are more ISI friendly than anything. So why they are coming with such nice statment against kafir country? Just because they want to show GOI that they have nothing to fear from us, and keep on pumping money ino afghanistan blindly, which will ultimately be thiers, as after the coalition forces are gone, it will be them who would have power sharing with Karzai - the pressure will come from Pakistan to karzai to settle things.

Dont get fooled by this kitman.
Once a taliban, always a taliban.
Funded by saudis and ISI.
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