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Taliban Military Chief Mullah Baradar captured by Pakistan

the radical wing of the afghan taliban has been sheltering the TTP in afghanistan. the ISI has done a great job by catching this guy to send a message that we will no longer tolerate their crap.
this may also be a move by the GoP to put pressure on the taliban to come to the negotiating table.
I believe US is trying to chop the head of the snake by taking out the key leaders. Post that the middle rung talibans will have no motivation left to carry on since the phased US withdrwal will also rob them of their War against occupation plank.. I dont think US will be naive enough to negotiate with the likes of Mullah Omar
We have to understand that chopping the head of strategy only goes so far. I think that it wont be long that there will be some other talib who will replace this guy. The only way to end this conflict is that we negotiate with the talibs so that there is peace and lets face facts so that there is some say of pakistan in the affairs of the Afghan state.
"The only way to end this conflict is that we negotiate with the talibs..."

Is that your plan for Pakistan too?

"...lets face facts so that there is some say of pakistan in the affairs of the Afghan state."

And how much say in the affairs of the Pakistani state do you intend to provide Afghanistan?

NEW YORK: The United States and Pakistani intelligence forces captured the Taliban's top commander in a secret joint operation in Karachi, Pakistan, the online edition of The New York Times said late Monday.

Billed as the most significant Taliban figure since the start of the US-led war in Afghanistan eight years ago and second only to Taliban founder Muhammad Omar, Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was captured several days ago and is currently in Pakistani custody with US official taking part in his interrogation.

Baradar was a close associate of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

Unnamed US officials told the daily they hoped his capture will lead to other senior Taliban officials.

The Times said it learned of Baradar's capture on Thursday, but delayed reporting it at the White House's request for fear it would hamper a successful intelligence gathering effort.

The newspaper published the story after US officials acknowledged Baradar's capture was becoming widely known in the region.—AFP

DAWN.COM | World | US, Pakistan capture Taliban's top commander
"The only way to end this conflict is that we negotiate with the talibs..."

Is that your plan for Pakistan too?

No in pakistan the government still has legitimacy however scant its still there. In Pakistan we also have a pushtun party that is secular and can challenge the taliban and not fall into their nationalist trap that pushtuns are being ignored.
B]"...lets face facts so that there is some say of pakistan in the affairs of the Afghan state."[/B]

And how much say in the affairs of the Pakistani state do you intend to provide to Afghanistan?

As much as possible so that we dont have a hostile neighbor on our western flank

This is an EPIC capture that supercedes all previous. Both the strategic and operational intelligence at his disposal is through the roof powerful. Key taliban commanders have no doubt known almost immediately that he'd been captured. Hard with his profile to just go missing for a few days but this event can't help but disrupt their networks.

Here's a backgrounder from last summer about Baradar in NEWSWEEK.

Kudos to the NYT for keeping their mouth shut for four days and sitting on this HUGE story.

I'm very pleased.


Rah, Rah Ree - kick em in the knee!
Rah, Rah Ras - kick em in the other knee!:rofl:

good riddance!!!
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"No in pakistan the government still has legitimacy however scant its still there."

Unfortunately, that legitimacy is questioned by many right here every day. So too, I'm sure, the legitimacy of Afghanistan's government. However, in both cases the U.N., America, and the rest of the democratic world believe the evolving process of electoral democracy is more important than temporal matters such as who the respective presidents might currently be. Democracy provides for that possibilitiy of leadership change under an electoral mandate provided it's consistently exercised.

"In Pakistan we also have a pushtun party that is secular and can challenge the taliban and not fall into their nationalist trap that pushtuns are being ignored."

Here's a chart by ICOS identifying the 67 largest political parties in Afghanistan. Evidently, there are more than 100 total-

Afghan Political Parties-ICOS

Did you know that a member of Hezb-I-Islami sits in a cabinet position of Karzai's government? I also note that Afghan Milat is a licensed political party in Afghanistan. Finally, I know that you're aware that no element of the Afghan taliban have ever been elected to an office. Do you expect that the taliban would form a political party and compete through elections? I don't.

I understand that the ANP holds considerable sway in NWFP. However, I don't see how negotiating with Omar increases the prospects of Pashtun participation in Afghan electoral politics unless he renounces violence and embraces an electoral pathway.

That would be immensely helpful. The biggest deterrant to pashtuns engaging their considerable electoral weight in Afghanistan has been terror enforced by a gun. In the absence of such, I'd fully expect that pashtun participation would dramatically rise.

"As much as possible so that we dont have a hostile neighbor on our western flank"

Involvement in each other's internal affairs might not be possible. Engagement as a diplomatic responsibility of each country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs should happen continuously. Would you find that satisfactory?

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was captured in Karachi and that clearly suggest that Taliban has considerable influence in every part of Pakistan. It’s imperative for US not to limit their offensive to NWFP.

There is no US offensive in NWFP, your ignorance is only eclipsed by your obvious desire to flame here so stay out of it if you know what is good for you.
There is no US offensive in NWFP, your ignorance is only eclipsed by your obvious desire to flame here so stay out of it if you know what is good for you.

Bro dont reply to trolls here to flame and do crap as usual.
There is no US offensive in NWFP, your ignorance is only eclipsed by your obvious desire to flame here so stay out of it if you know what is good for you.

Ohh really....then what is drone attacks??? Isn’t the part of WoT. I understand you are upset for obvious reasons.

Would you care to explain..how did he manage to stay in Karachi right under the nose of your Govt.
Ohh really....then what is drone attacks??? Isn’t the part of WoT. I understand you are upset for obvious reasons.

Would you care to explain..how did he manage to stay in Karachi right under the nose of your Govt.

The US drone attacks are attacks in cooperation with Pakistan in a very limited part of FATA, not even NWFP.

You could start by figuring out what the different acronyms stand for ...

And yes, we understand that since India goes pee pee merely contemplating the repercussions of a full fledged war with Pakistan, that you lot would like nothing better that have the US do that which you can't.

Ain't happening.

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