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Taliban gets Chinese weapons

Taleban 'getting Chinese arms' By Paul Danahar
BBC Asia bureau chief, Beijing

A large number of British troops are based in Afghanistan
Britain has privately complained to Beijing that Chinese-made weapons are being used by the Taleban to attack British troops in Afghanistan. The BBC has been told that on several occasions Chinese arms have been recovered after attacks on British and American troops by Afghan insurgents.

The authorities in Beijing have promised to carry out an investigation.
This appears to be the first time Britain has asked China how its arms are ending up with the Taleban.


At a meeting held recently at the Chinese foreign ministry in Beijing, a British official expressed the UK's growing concern about the incidents. When asked about the latest British concerns, the Chinese foreign ministry referred back to a statement made by their spokesman Qin Gang in July who said China's arms exports were carried out "in strict accordance with our law and our international obligations".

For their part, the Taleban have recently begun boasting that they have now got hold of much more sophisticated weaponry although they refused to say from where. Afghan officials have also privately confirmed to the BBC that sophisticated Chinese weapons are now in the hands of the Taleban.

Taleban forces fled Kabul in 2001

They said these included Chinese-made surface-to-air missiles, anti-aircraft guns, landmines, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs. A senior Afghan official told the BBC: "Chinese HN-5 anti-aircraft missiles are with the Taleban, we know this... and we are worried where do the Taleban get them, some of these weapons have been made recently in Chinese factories."

Another Afghan official who deals with counter-terrorism said: "Serial numbers and other information from most of the Chinese weapons have been removed in most cases and it's almost impossible for us to find out where they come from but we have shared our concerns with the Chinese and the Americans also."


The Afghan government considers China to be a friend, and a much less meddlesome ally than the other big player in its neighbourhood, India. But, the counter-terrorism official added, "China is worried about the presence of the US in the region".

Southern Afghanistan has been awash with Chinese made arms for decades which are some of the cheapest on the market. In the past the Taleban got them via the Pakistan intelligence agency, the ISI, or bought them directly from arms smugglers. But it is extremely unlikely the ISI would now allow them access to anti-aircraft missiles or armour-piercing ammunition.

Taleban regularly target foreign troops in Afghanistan

The Pakistani army's relationship between militants in its tribal areas along the Afghan border has deteriorated sharply in recent years after Washington put pressure on President Musharraf post-9/11 to crack down on al-Qaeda and Taleban groups operating inside Pakistani territory. So the Taleban might well use any sophisticated new weapons it received against the Pakistani army.

It is not in China's interest either to arm Pakistan-based militants.
Over the last couple of years Chinese workers in Pakistan have been targeted by militants, in retaliation for the Pakistani army allegedly going after hard-line Muslim Uighur leaders from China's Xinjiang province, hiding in the tribal areas.

Proxy network

So instead of Pakistan being the transit point for these weapons, the finger is being pointed by many commentators towards Iran. The Afghan government has long acknowledged privately that Iranian intelligence agencies have been active in southern Afghanistan post-9/11. Iran has been pursuing a policy of building up proxy networks to be able to attack American forces in response to any US attacks against Teheran's nuclear infrastructure.

The Americans are suspicious of Iran's role in Afghanistan

A Shia Iran and the Sunni Taleban had been firm enemies since 1998.
Then, Iran threatened to invade western Afghanistan, when the country was largely controlled by the Taleban, after nine of its diplomats were massacred in Mazar-e-Sharif. But times have changed, now America is a common enemy and senior American commanders in Afghanistan have acknowledged the growing ties between the two.

The complication for both the UK and US is China. Unnamed US officials have recently been quoted as saying that China has been selling arms to Iran which Iran is then passing on to insurgent groups in Afghanistan and Iraq. China's booming economy and its seat at the UN security council have made it an important player on the world stage.

It is a major trading partner for the UK whose economy has benefited enormously from China's cheap goods. Prime Minister Gordon Brown's newly-appointed British Minister for Asia, Lord Mark Malloch Brown acknowledged to journalists in Beijing last week that countries "need to work with China to get things done in today's world". China is going to have to show that getting things done also means stopping its arms illegally ending up in the hands of men bent on killing British troops.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Taleban 'getting Chinese arms'

There are also Indian weapons found...............
Terrorist left Indian weapons when they attacked Srilankan team in Lahore.
^^^ yeah right we Indians are stupid enough to leave our footprints behind.:rolleyes:
Proof of RAW involvement in terror acts given to India
By Baqir Sajjad Syed
Wednesday, 22 Jul, 2009 | 05:00 AM PST |

ISLAMABAD, July 21: Pakistan has handed over to India comprehensive evidence of Indian involvement in a number of terrorist acts on its soil.

According to sources, a dossier containing proofs of India’s involvement in subversive activities in Pakistan was handed over by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to his Indian counterpart Dr Manmohan Singh during their recent meeting at Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt.

Pakistan has also shared these evidences with the United States and Afghanistan, specifically asking the latter to prevent the use of its soil for disruptive activities against it.

Although the information given to India is being kept highly secret, broad outlines of the dossier available with Dawn reveal details of Indian contacts with those involved in attacks on the Sri Lankan cricket team and the Manawan police station.

Operatives of RAW who remained in touch with the perpetrators of the attacks have been identified and proofs of their interaction have been attached.

Besides, description of Indian arms and explosives used in the attack on the Sri Lankan team has been made part of the dossier.

Names and particulars of the perpetrators, who illegally entered Pakistan from India and joined their accomplices who had reached Lahore from Waziristan, have been mentioned.

Furthermore, the evidence of Indian link lists the safe houses being run by RAW in Afghanistan, where terrorists are trained and launched for missions in Pakistan.

The dossier also broadly covers the Indian connection in terror financing in Pakistan.

A substantial part of the shared material deals with the Balochistan insurgency and Indian linkages with the insurgents, particularly Bramdagh Bugti, Burhan and Sher Khan.

Pictures of their meetings with Indian operatives are part of the evidence, which also describes Bugti’s visit to India and the meetings he had with Indian secret service personnel.

It makes mention of the India-funded Kandahar training camp, where Baloch insurgents, particularly those from Bugti clan, were being trained and provided arms and ammunition for sabotage activities in Balochistan.

The sources claim that Dr Singh agreed to ‘look into Pakistani claims’ and to take ‘corrective action’ if proven. He is said to have assured Mr Gilani that India is against interference in other countries and Pakistan’s stability was important for them.

A joint communiqué, released after the Gilani-Singh meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, reflected information-sharing because it included reference to Balochistan and the information available to Pakistan; reiteration of Indian commitment to a stable and democratic Pakistan; and an agreement on sharing real time credible and actionable information on any future terrorist threats.

Mr Gilani’s close aides confirmed that in his meeting with Mr Singh he took up the issue of India’s involvement in the attack on the Sri Lankan team and other subversive acts.

Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said: ‘Yes, these issues were discussed.’
^^^ yeah right we Indians are stupid enough to leave our footprints behind.:rolleyes:

You never know, just as india said the mumbai terrorists had pak made weapons, similarly indian weapons can be transferred here too.

In one of the captured weapons video on news channel, i had myself seen the sten gun, just the like the one used by the indian police or VIP protection squads. Dozens of them were lying, and then to my shock, i saw MG, which had never been seen in this part of the world. The MG was the Bren Gun type, whose magazine inserted from the top side, the one Indian army is still using. these guns were never in this part of the world, but now we are seeing them.

Plus, do take in mind, PA generals don't accuse India. We are not like Indian generals who openly accuse Pakistan. Accusations from our side are done by the politicians or the foreign office guys.

Now when an operational in-charge general accuses, then definitely there is something behind that accusation.
You never know, just as india said the mumbai terrorists had pak made weapons, similarly indian weapons can be transferred here too.

In one of the captured weapons video on news channel, i had myself seen the sten gun, just the like the one used by the indian police or VIP protection squads. Dozens of them were lying, and then to my shock, i saw MG, which had never been seen in this part of the world. The MG was the Bren Gun type, whose magazine inserted from the top side, the one Indian army is still using. these guns were never in this part of the world, but now we are seeing them.

Plus, do take in mind, PA generals don't accuse India. We are not like Indian generals who openly accuse Pakistan. Accusations from our side are done by the politicians or the foreign office guys.

Now when an operational in-charge general accuses, then definitely there is something behind that accusation.

Well as far as Captured video showed, they are using AK 47 not sten gun , and not even MG, See those live captured video all shows AK 47,

also This also not made logical , When AK 47 available why use sten gun which has short range then AK 47 and also do less damage then Ak 47.

All are accusations nothing conceited was provided. and those news are only to feed inter people of Pakistan. If PAK had given proof which is credible then why their is not word from US , UK etc
ohh come on, i know many normal civilians who have chinese made AK-47.. I don't think it is the big deal in Afghanistan. British force must knew this before coming to Afghanistan.
Su-30 MKI, kindly do think before posting, i have read ur other posts in reply to my posts, they are such pathetic posts that i dont have the stamina to reply to them as its useless to argue with people who dont have a mind to think before they speak.
My posts are very rational and post them with facts, as for the videos of captured weapons, there are hundreds of videos which have been shown of captured weapons from terrorists in swat. And no video is live of these captured weapons, i dont know what u r talking about here.
So think before u post or reply, and dont reply to my this post with again a ridiculous answer. We have seen these weapons, thats why i am saying it, otherwise i would have no reason to mention these two specific weapons, there are many other weapons of indian origin too. These terrorists were even carrying single shot 12 bore hunting rifles, which as u said are also inferior to AK-47, but they have been carrying them.
^^^ yeah right we Indians are stupid enough to leave our footprints behind.:rolleyes:

Think rationally about what you said and see how stupid comments you make about ISI that its agents were caught with Pakistani weapons and Pakistani ID Cars..
ya it is impressive, but they are no where near the quality of the original chinese.
I agree...the guns made in those markets are far better than the one's made by China.

I have a friend here who hails from that area and has used those guns.

"Because these guns are made with hand they are far better than the Chinese one and these can be very easily repaired.Chinese guns don't really have that quality and tend to corrode"
Thats what he said.

I have never held a gun before in my life.

Though if given a chance i would like to buy that 9mm Beretta made by that man in the video.

Looks quite nice to me.
I agree...the guns made in those markets are far better than the one's made by China.

I have a friend here who hails from that area and has used those guns.

"Because these guns are made with hand they are far better than the Chinese one and these can be very easily repaired.Chinese guns don't really have that quality and tend to corrode"
Thats what he said.

I have never held a gun before in my life.

Though if given a chance i would like to buy that 9mm Beretta made by that man in the video.

Looks quite nice to me.

The point is why use Indian guns when much better weapons can be found in Pakistan either Chinese made or other countries...we all know indian guns are yet to reach a great level yet.....

The point is why use Indian guns when much better weapons can be found in Pakistan either Chinese made or other countries...we all know indian guns are yet to reach a great level yet.....

These local made guns are in no competition to chinese or indian, except for very few gun makers, but these guns are soooo costly that buying an imported gun is preferable.

whatever ur this friend told u about these local made guns isnt true. We own them and used them, not reliable enough to take into combat.
China would have to be utterly stupid to be arming the Taliban, an entity which is very very hostile to us.

If there were truly any Chinese weapons in Taliban hands, it most likely would have come from Iran or smugglers.

I agree, though there are still some elements within Pakistani intelligence that support the Taliban. Which by the way is who helped the Taliban to come to power in Afghanistan in the first place. Currently recent Taliban and Al Qaeda appeals to supporters suggest they are having a hard time raising money for operations and weapons. If the Pakistan army continues to keep up the pressure on the Taliban rather then return to the status qou of before. You will see major crumbling of operational ability and even viability of the insurgents. though keep in mind there will never be a total end to the insurgency. you will always have a few that never lay down their arms. There is also a major shift in public perception by the people of Pakistan. To the dangers of the Taliban ideology extremism.
Well guys as for western weapons in the hand of militants, specially in swat, they americans have themselves confirmed that around 100,000 to 200,000+ weapons are missing, which were given to the afghan armed forces. I hope someone googles it on net, the article would be found. Plus, with the drug money the talibans have, i guess they wont have any problem in buying such weapons, in swat they had recovered numerous sniper rifles, which even on the black market are pretty expensive, also many hostile intelligence are supplying the TTP to fight the pakistan security agencies.

The crook US army personnel sells there stuff. A COLT M4 rifle with all accessories is bartered for a KILO of HASH.
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