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Apr 27, 2016
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With the passage of time everything changed. Not just the customs, traditions, ideologies, habits but also the “Man”.

2. In my childhood a feverish patient was kept away from the window, fan or open air. Today the doctor cries if he sees a patient wearing warm dress advising to keep him in AC even in cold December. In my childhood cold water from an earthen pot for a patient was out of bound, today he is given iced-cold 7Up. In my childhood after prescription mandatory invariable question to the Doctor used to be “what to eat Doctor”. Double roti and milk only. Today no one asks this question.

3. Not just the traditions or habits have changed, the “man” himself has changed. Rather, everything has changed but towards worst, at least for we the Eastern people, except for the technology, mobiles, outside food, frequent Umrahs with overnight having become rich money etc.

4. It is now 7-8 years when I entered UBL in Karachi to operate my locker. I was told to pay Rs. 10,000 as rental dues which in fact were not due. But since I had no Receipts at the spot, immediately I paid because I had travelled from Bahrain to Karachi only to operate the locker to fetch certificates of my daughter seeking employment. After receiving Rs. 10,000 I was handed over a paper and a bank cheque towards “key deposit refund” saying I had surrendered my locker. I came back without opening the locker and without the Certificates.

5. After 20 days of my making payment, as much demanded, my name appeared in Karachi dailies as a Defaulter.

Later, for one single same locker, UBL deducted three rents from me in one single day; hold your breath all at different rates for same single size locker.

6. I approached the costly Banking Mohtasib. UBL refuted that locker was ever surrendered rather it stood intact in the name of this complainant. The Banking Mohtasib found no “ہمت ” in asking the UBL if the locker was not surrendered then as to how the complainant held the original bank cheque towards “key deposit refund” which is only refunded when officially the locker is vacated and surrendered back with locker key to the Bank.

7. Frequently, I apprised the Banking Mohtasib my previous payments details “in tabulation form” showing nothing was due. Banking Mohtasib, occupied almost “all” by ex-bankers, ignored that and instead sent and re-sent me reproduced on the Mohtasib’s official letter head the UBL typed version ignoring my typed version. This was exactly what late Hafiz Ur Rehman, ex DG Federal Ombudsman Secretariat said that the officials of the ombudsman have shifted their sympathies from the aggrieved to their counterpart bureaucrats in their parent department (or in parent banks).

8. The Banking ombudsman did not touch even a word as to why the complainant held two totally opposite things viz the locker key and the key deposit refund both at a time which universally has never happened. Why three rents in one single day, that too on three different rates. Why the complainant after paying cash Rs. 10,000 could not operate the locker, if the complainant is lying that he was not allowed, then where is the Log Book having date, time and signature of the locker hold mandatory practice all over the world..

9. The Law, which in our country is only to rest in locked office cupboards, reads that an Ombudsman would issue his final decision on a complaint in sixty days. 7-8 years have passed. The Banking Ombudsman appearing to be above law has, till this date not issued the mandatory “formal” Final Decision; no matter may be declaring me a Defaulter filing wrong complaint. Ex Chief Justice of Pakistan, Khosa said “اگر جج عدالت میں کیس کی سماعت کے بعد فیصلہ نہیں دیتا تو اس میں اور عدالت کے قاصد میں کوئی فرق نہیں ہے

10. When the progress on my complaint had come to standstill and dead, the head of this senior citizen went deep down in self shame when one fine morning he received a letter from the new Manager of the UBL that he was refunding all excess charged by the UBL. The Banking Mohtasib had no lips to utter a word on this development.

11. This all old re-flashed in my mind shredding the old junk record collected as treasure in life, I came across a clipping. It was page 5 of the Federal Ombudsman Secretariat’s monthly House Journal “Ehtasib” October 1994 issue containing a brief of a complaint decided by him. It read one complained that his name was published as defaulter whereas he was not. The courageous and God fearing Ombudsman what justice is, found the bank guilty and issued notice to the demised Pakistan Banking Council and the Muslim Commercial Bank that as to why he should not issue order for paying damages to the complainant for defaming him. Though decline of the Ombudsman system had started yet the foundation created by real God fearing Ombudsmen like Mr. Justice Sardar Iqbal and Mr. Justice Aslam Riaz Hussain, God blessing, were on the seat. Hence this decision could come.

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