Why is everyone crticizing H.Karzai so much??
I think he's a good comedian and we should all respect him. He is trying to make us laugh in these difficult times. Give him some applause.
But seriously though, we have only got drugs and assault rifles onto our streets by helping Afghans out. The ones in Pakistan are refusing to go back to their country even though they have no jobs or money here.
Transit-trade agreements with Afghanistan are costing us billions of Rupees in tax evasion.
Because of their innocence and poverty, many of them could be tempted to join terrorists or commit violent crimes across the country.
Why doesn't the world realize that we have done a lot out of humanity even though other countries, like Iran, had closed their borders some time after the refugee problem started?
To top it all off, this Karzai guy comes in and says things against us after all we did for Afghanistan.
We get blamed for anything wrong in the region, but does anyone realize how many sacrifices we've made for this war? Let someone else wear this
"Mantle of Generosity" for a change and let them hear Karzai's comments about them.