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not all Indian languages.Tamil,Telugu,Malayalam,Kannad have different origin,if I am not very much mistaken,its Tamil.
Tamil is actually older a language than Sanskrit.
---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

Please explain the programming part.

The claim is based on this paper by Rick Briggs, published in AI Magazine. It talks about using Sanskrit in natural language processing (NLP). The idea of using a natural language for computer programming is to make it easier for people to talk to computers in their native tongue and spare them the pain of learning a computer friendly language like assembly/C/Java.

The Rick Briggs' paper makes a case that natural languages are not that difficult to use for computer programming. He cites Sanskrit as an example as its grammar can be easily translated to a form understandable by a computer. But nowhere does it say that using Sanskrit is the best way to program a computer. Say if somebody manages to create a computer language based on Sanskrit, how likely is it that it will get adopted by non-Sanskrit speaking people?

There is a lot of difference between Sanskrit being suitable for NLP and it being the best or perfect language for computer programming. For Sanskrit to be truly a best language for computer programming, a majority of computer users should be fluent enough in it. Otherwise it is much easier for them to learn a computer friendly language than to learn Sanskrit and then use it for programming a computer. By that logic, I fail to see how it is the best language for programming a computer when the number of people who are fluent in C outnumber the number of people who are fluent in Sanskrit.

But that did not stop some Indians from expanding their chests with pride based on a false premise. They are so lacking in knowledge of history of India, that even when there are other real reasons to proud of Sanskrit (for example, its influence on modern linguistics or its similarity with Backus-Naur form), they ignore them and spout second hand nonsense to inflate their egos.

Perhaps the people who originate these kinds of falsehoods expect everyone all over the world to recognize the technical merits of Sanskrit and throw away their native tongues and instead adopt Sanskrit. If that really is the case, their hypocrisy is mind boggling. These are same people who are likely to make a stink about "western" elements destroying traditional Indian elements. Yet they would like other cultures to throw away their cultural artifacts just because a researcher published a paper saying that Sanskrit is a good language to use in NLP.

couple of google search will sovle ur problem
classical sanskrit is undoubtedly the oldest language in the world..

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 PM ----------

ever heard of BNF (Backus Normal Form) also called as panini-BNF?

Tamil is not older language actually oldest . The earliest long text in Old Tamil is the Tolkāppiyam, an early work on Tamil grammar and poetics, whose oldest layers could be as old as the 1st century BC. A large number of literary works in Old Tamil have also survived. These include a corpus of 2,381 poems collectively known as Sangam literature.

But Sanskrit having only 2 great epics and kalidas poetry(people used to say Sanskrit is language of god ) . But those epics original source is not yet identified .
I think all us North Indians should try and learn at least 1 south Indian language.

Any one of the 15 official language will do. I was forced to learn Hindi at school but I don't think North Indians have any such compulsion. If North Indians or people in the Hindi belt are not serious in learning any of the regional language pls also don't shove Hindi down our throats.
I am tired of people claiming Tamil or Sanskrit to be the oldest languages of the world. There were civilizations existing for a couple of thousand years before either Tamil or Sanskrit existed. You do not build a civilization without having a language. One can argue that they are the oldest identifiable languages because of surviving scripts. But languages die out and being a Tulu speaker (one of those languages whose script has been lost) I can assure you it happens more often than one can imagine. Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Egypt had preceding civilizations before they came up as civilizations. These arguments are silly.Get over it.
Tamil is not older language actually oldest . The earliest long text in Old Tamil is the Tolkāppiyam, an early work on Tamil grammar and poetics, whose oldest layers could be as old as the 1st century BC. A large number of literary works in Old Tamil have also survived. These include a corpus of 2,381 poems collectively known as Sangam literature.

But Sanskrit having 2 great epics and kalidas poetry(people used to say Sanskrit is language of god ) . But those epics original source is not yet identified .

classical sanskrit is more old than than any oldest language...panini was the one who formulated the grammar of sanskrit in his book asthadhyayi in 4th century BC...vedic sanskrit existed even before that..
Any one of the 15 official language will do. I was forced to learn Hindi at school but I don't think North Indians have any such compulsion. If North Indians or people in the Hindi belt are not serious in learning any of the regional language pls also don't shove Hindi down our throats.

Yeah I reckon they should one south Indian language compulsory subject, for a few years in school,so that people at least have a basic understanding. Have option to choose from Tamil, Telagu, Kannada and Malyalam.
Regional language r compulsary in all states of india.
for eg In maharashtra u have to learn marathi till HSC
I am tired of people claiming Tamil or Sanskrit to be the oldest languages of the world. There were civilizations existing for a couple of thousand years before either Tamil or Sanskrit existed. You do not build a civilization without having a language. One can argue that they are the oldest identifiable languages because of surviving scripts. But languages die out and being a Tulu speaker (one of those languages whose script has been lost) I can assure you it happens more often than one can imagine. Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Egypt had preceding civilizations before they came up as civilizations. These arguments are silly.Get over it.

I think u r not got my point. Tolkappiyam is not a poetry its grammar and it clearly indicates hw to write poetry ,hw many stanza should be there , hw many eg can include in a poem or epic, which word to be start ,hw to end poetry , hw synosis of poem would be. My argument is first identified script is tolkappium a grammar ,so if language having grammar poetry in first place(according to carbon dating) definitely it should be evolved long long ago. That is wat i tried to mean.

Even greatest poetry THIRUKKURAL is typical example for that. After bible THIRUKKURAL IS TRANSLATED IN MAJORITY OF LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD
classical sanskrit is more old than than any oldest language...panini was the one who formulated the grammar of sanskrit in his book asthadhyayi in 4th century BC...vedic sanskrit existed even before that..

DO U HAVE PROOF? don't argue with baseless point . Just check the literature of tamil then u understand the fact ,if u hav intention to knw.
How I wish people had taken the same notice of Robert Blackwill. It would have given him the well deserved recognition in India.
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