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Taj Mahal ranked third among top global landmarks

Haider Ali rose from the ranks and became ruler. He was very capable. I am not aware of Maratha's ever threatening Sarangapatum. Haider Ali might have lost a battle against Marathas, but he certainly inflicted more than one defeat upon them. He could not have maintained his position if he had lost a war. As a side note, his biggest mistake was to allow the British to remain in Madras after having humiliated them in war. That probably goes to support your point about calculations of relative strengths of adversaries and hoping to use one against another. There were four players: Sultans of Mysore, Nizam of Hyderabad, the British, and of course Marathas. He allowed the British to survive in Madras so that he could use them as a counter weight to Marathas.

Another thing I noticed about the map; does it show Madras as falling within their dominion? That of course would be wrong. It was a British strong-hold.

Britian had to fight the French in Pondicheery.

Tipu ahd no choice,he did not advance in the north because the Nizam was there and so were the Marathas.

His ambition was down south to plunder the rich state of Travancore,Madras had nothing.

Travancore had everything,even today the trillion dollar treasure,thats what Tipu wanted.

But they dealt him a killer blow,which he never recovered from.

The atrocities he did in Managlore/Northern Karnataka are endless.

The whole Mughal period/architecture inspires me, congrats

We do not need man-made tourist attractions because God has blessed Pakistan with natural beauty/tourist attractions from high towering mountains in Gilgit to the deserts of Balochistan.

We do not need man-made tourist attractions because God has blessed Pakistan with natural beauty/tourist attractions from high towering mountains in Gilgit to the deserts of Balochistan.

Yeah god also put crazy people with guns there.

Maratha, Hyder and Tipu were both different kingdoms at that time. They don't regard each other as part of the same country. But that the other guy are foreigners, no different than the British. One Indian civilization is old, but one India nation is a concept created by British Imperialism.

Also, Maratha defeated Tipu and Hyder. I'm not sure about Hyder, but Maratha never conquered Tipu. But the map shows that Tipu come under Maratha conquest. So the map exaggerate the size of Maratha. Are you a Marati, why get so hang up about Maratha.

Marathas got hammered in the battle of panipat,but for that Tipu etc would be small fish for them.
After marrying local pricesses and making India their home for generations, how were Mughals outsiders? The stability provided by Mughals ensured that the country progressed and people prospered, barring a famine now and then (particularly in Gujrat). They were not perfect, but you are reading your biases into Mughal history. What a shame. You have a problem because of your bias.

Their contribution is not much productively.
we dont think mughals/nizam/tipu/any of the nawabs were indian.

them and their symbols should be removed from india.

Consult your countrymen they think they are Indians .

On the other hand removing the symbols you will lose big revenue
What do you mean "even if we ignore the unsubstantiated claim of Tajmahal being converted temple"? Are you out of your mind? The first time I heard this ludicrous claim was in 94 on soc.culture.pakistan (The grand daddy of All Pakistan related forums). The guy who made this claim was bold and unapologetic Hindutva rascal who liked to troll that forum. His view was that Muslims never did anything positive and it was essential for him to discount any accomplishment that did not accrue to Hindus. How else can one create a basis for a narrative of hate and excuses for inhuman policies?

If someone can not see the Persian, Turkish influence in Taj Mahal, then really their bigotry makes them blind.

If it is proven that Taj Mahal was built over a temple,it has to go too.

Consult your countrymen they think they are Indians .

On the other hand removing the symbols you will lose big revenue

Haram ka khana nahi khana,mehnat se khayenge.

Humaare bande dimaag se tezz hain,koi baat ni and we can build great temples over those anyday.

Not completely true. Jahangir was half Indian. Shah Jahan was 3/4th Indian. The next emperor would have been more tolerant than Akbar, had Aurangzeb not prevailed over Dara Shikoh(This is the reason of Aurangzeb's stature in Pakistani textbooks(apart from the other uninteresting good muslim stuff like austerity, of which I am yet to see a proof of). He killed the guy who tolerated Hindus and Sikhs).
The secret of the stability of Mughal rule is this. Local Hindu strongmen and Rajputs supported Mughals. Mughals may be french monarchs, but so were the Rajputs who were happy as long as their daughter's son was the prince. For obvious reasons, some Indians want to brand Mughals as outsiders. Of course they were, initially. Who wasn't?

Please dont talk about dalaal gharaanas like Jaipur.

Rest of the Rajputs,the sisodias never supported mughals till late,when they were forced to do for survival,which was a correct decision.

Rana Sangha fought like crazy against Akbar.
Though this is totally off-topic, I can not resist the urge to intervene.

1. The map shown for Maratha empire does not seem to be legitimate. Aurangzeb died in 1707. The Mughal empire had reached its apex during his reign. Only small area along the South Indian coast remained out of direct imperial control. So, the dates and the geographical extent shown on the map are wrong.

2. Marathas were essentially raiders who extracted tribute. They had little interest in establishing a sound administration without which empires can not exist. The map probably shows the greatest extent of their influence, not control. In any case one can not argue about inclusion or exclusion of such an ephemeral entity.

3. The map seems to show Mysore under Maratha influence. I greatly doubt it on account of Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan's valiant defence and expansion of kingdom (by Haider Ali). We know that the English defeated Tipu Sultan and wrested the control of kingdom of Mysore.

Haider Ali & Tipu existed for a total of 50 years,thats all.Nothing more.

The original kings were Wodeyars.

Consult your countrymen they think they are Indians .

On the other hand removing the symbols you will lose big revenue

They are brainwashed by Romila Thapar History Bakkar,they dont have any country/land.

I dont care if their mom was a hindu.
If it is proven that Taj Mahal was built over a temple,it has to go too.

Haram ka khana nahi khana,mehnat se khayenge.

Humaare bande dimaag se tezz hain,koi baat ni and we can build great temples over those anyday.


:))) when will you stop eating haram then? as for now since decades you are earning through tourism viz a viz these monuments as well. Taj Mahal is also one of those
we dont think mughals/nizam/tipu/any of the nawabs were indian.

them and their symbols should be removed from india.

Well they are long gone after making their contribution to South Asia, you missed your chance. Send over their dead bodies though. We will accept gladly.

Seriously you are a very very twisted individual - better speak for yourself and not others. Who is this collective 'we' you keep quoting? Some RSS / VHP zombie communal band that has been fed P. N. Oak BS?

Anyone who reads this post, I would urge you to read wiki entry for P. N. Oak. I guarantee that you would be well entertained for a couple of minutes.
If it is proven that Taj Mahal was built over a temple,it has to go too

So what proof is there? I would like to know. Is there any credible source of is it another one of P. N. Oak fantasy faux-history story?

Humaare bande dimaag se tezz hain,koi baat ni and we can build great temples over those anyday.

You and people like you do have enough brains to type with your fingers. But not enough to understand simple, straight, and logical things. Y'all certainly have no heart.

Rest of the Rajputs,the sisodias never supported mughals till late,when they were forced to do for survival,which was a correct decision.

So correct decisions are taken in presence of over-whelming force? Is that what you think is the criteria? Might is Right?

No wonder you carry such twisted views. I would like to have a bunch of you Hate-mongers try to dig up Taj. Y'all would be set straight by GOI in no time. Indeed then you would make a correct decision. Of repenting - temporarily.
Agree .... Now According to PDF logic we Have two in top three global landmarks :cheers:


According to your logic, Taj Mahal was build by a Muslim king. Should it be considered an Indian (hindu) monument?
This Topic has gone way off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jaana tha japan pohonch gaya cheen...

All Indians are proud of the "Taj" ..

Except this unrepentant troll @bronxbull

Just look at what he has been saying. Some rabid anti-Pakistan moron posting from Australia on The Economist comments section comes to mind when I read crap like this from bronxbull.
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Haider Ali & Tipu existed for a total of 50 years,thats all.Nothing more.

The original kings were Wodeyars.

It is not important who the original kings were. Haider Ali and Tipu Sultan called the shots and kept the royal family on pension.

You are right about 50 years not being much. By the same token, 100 years of existence of an ephemeral "empire" of raiders is not much either. Nothing like Mauriya empire, or Sultanate of Delhi, or Mughal Empire. Each of these were founded on organization, ability, and a functioning bureaucracy.
As that was the case, than neither Hyder and Tipu was ever conquered by Maratha. The map is verified as incorrect. Thanks for pointing that out.

Sultan Tipu was defeated by the british after deception... and the major reason were traitors like Mir Jaffar and Mir Saqqad.. bastards of the highest degree....

Also the battle tht sealed the fate of the region was the "Battle of Plassey" fought by the muslim ruler of bengal kingdom or state.. Nawab Siraj ud dawla.... against british General Clive (who later commited suicide after charges of corruption etc were levied against him).... again the sheer luck and traitor commander in chief of his army were the reason of his defeat.... had it not rained tht night ... and the gun power of Nawabs troops not gone wet or his bastard Chief (again coincidentally Mir Jafar.........who was later placed as the nawab of bengal) been loyal... he would have won... and the sub continent would have never been colonised..
I ain't pinpointing any 1 bro,,
Rest you know what i wanted to say ,,Tc

Except this unrepentant troll @bronxbull

Just look at what he has been saying. Some rabid anti-Pakistan moron posting from Australia on The Economist comments section comes to mind when I read crap like this from bronxbull.
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