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Taiwan sets up airborne unit for Spratlys

VN was not exist before 1946 as a sovereign entity. It's merely a colony or geo region occupied by China and French from north and south.

Vietcong claim is just a neo-colonialist claim. It is trying to make the imperial claims of its former master.
Even histories are based on interpretations and not all coincided with each other. For example, Vietnam see all the islands in SCS belongs to her based on historical references, so do China and naturally both sides claim they are right.

We can all debate here till the global warming submerge the islands and we will not find solutions. The best way to solve this is for our government to sit down, as the Filipinos are doing now, and present each side's claims and iron out some kind of solutions. If either or both sides are stubborn and unwilling to bargain then sadly wars are inevitable.
it's the Best way for China only, we have another way. We will modernalize our Navy faster, we're going to buy lots of warship from Holland-India-Russia etc and we're going to expand our influence to all sub-Mekong nations to fully control Malacca strait after that.

When our Navy can control Malacca strait, so you know what will happen to China already, right??:coffee:
Vietcong claim is just a neo-colonialist claim. It is trying to make the imperial claims of its former master.

better than you who claim the whole outer mongolia and southeast russia is your ROC's territories while your history proves that you had been raped by the two power for centuries :rofl:

who are more "ridiculous" here???
Excuse me miss, don't want to hurt your feeling but I would have to say:

Your Taiwan is just a tiny island which wraped by oceans, you have no chance to confront with a powerful country such Vietnam which has more population and land size than yours, plus the Vietnamese have nukes and IcBMs and CBU-55s which could turn your whole tiny nation and your cocky people deep into the ocean in seconds :chilli:

You dare to mess with Vietnam? :woot:

Vietnam can try to do human wave attacks against Taiwanese territory there. And they can try to dig a tunnel to the island. Either way, they are going to lose as they have no technology. All the nukes and ICBM belong to your beautiful and "lots of white servant" India, not to Vietnam. As for CBU-55, does it still work? Does Vietnam have ways to deliver something that was built in the 60s? These bombs belong to the US and it would serve Vietcong better to return those. Other wise, USAF would send Vietcong some GBU-43 and the Vietcong won't have any more CBU-55.

it's the Best way for China only, we have another way. We will modernalize our Navy faster, we're going to buy lots of warship from Holland-India-Russia etc and we're going to expand our influence to all sub-Mekong nations to fully control Malacca strait after that.

When our Navy can control Malacca strait, so you know what will happen to China already, right??:coffee:

Vietcong would need to contend against the USN if it wants to control Malacca strait. And even a sane vietcong like you should realize that vietcong has no chance against USN. If you think otherwise, you are insane.
Even histories are based on interpretations and not all coincided with each other. For example, Vietnam see all the islands in SCS belongs to her based on historical references, so do China and naturally both sides claim they are right.

We can all debate here till the global warming submerge the islands and we will not find solutions. The best way to solve this is for our government to sit down, as the Filipinos are doing now, and present each side's claims and iron out some kind of solutions. If either or both sides are stubborn and unwilling to bargain then sadly wars are inevitable.

VN is one of the country to actively promote peaceful negotiations. But it is difficult to understand when the ASEAN conference in 2012, an opportunity to leaders of countries discuss SCS disputes, but few days before, the Chinese leader has whispered with PM Hun Sen that not to the SCS dispute resolution take place "too fast. "
China want more time to sent many warships go to there, then the "peaceful negotiations", like Scarborough Shoal?
it's the Best way for China only, we have another way. We will modernalize our Navy faster, we're going to buy lots of warship from Holland-India-Russia etc and we're going to expand our influence to all sub-Mekong nations to fully control Malacca strait after that.

When our Navy can control Malacca strait, so you know what will happen to China already, right??:coffee:

You come to boast when you make you dreams come true, not now.

VN is one of the country to actively promote peaceful negotiations. But it is difficult to understand when the ASEAN conference in 2012, an opportunity to leaders of countries discuss SCS disputes, but few days before, the Chinese leader has whispered with PM Hun Sen that not to the SCS dispute resolution take place "too fast. "
China want more time to sent many warships go to there, then the "peaceful negotiations", like Scarborough Shoal?

China didn't ask negotiations just now, she's been asking for years.
Vietnam can try to do human wave attacks against Taiwanese territory there. And they can try to dig a tunnel to the island. Either way, they are going to lose as they have no technology. All the nukes and ICBM belong to your beautiful and "lots of white servant" India, not to Vietnam. As for CBU-55, does it still work? Does Vietnam have ways to deliver something that was built in the 60s? These bombs belong to the US and it would serve Vietcong better to return those. Other wise, USAF would send Vietcong some GBU-43 and the Vietcong won't have any more CBU-55.

err remember vietnam has japan and usa backbone, and your chinese both mainland and taiwan are not favorited by them this period of times. rememebr vietnamese are master in guarilla warfare, you have no chance to doubt about it when facing them in real battles. the japs will be very please to train the vietnamese how to fight your chinese, your people only have big mouth but in reality you are nuts. remember how your KMT and CCP got whopped hardly during the ww2 with japan and foreigns forces. lols i think chinese are good at boasting themslves the most!

don't worry, the vietnamese had used migs to shot down B-52 and damage the USN quite easy, this time bringging nukes or CBU-55 to your Taipei and explose it is not a very hard job! so have a good night!

Vietcong would need to contend against the USN if it wants to control Malacca strait. And even a sane vietcong like you should realize that vietcong has no chance against USN. If you think otherwise, you are insane.

you wrong, the u.s and vietnam are best friends now, plus with the maximum supports from india and nato and region u.s.' allies, your chinese won't have a chance to compete with us in any fields don't boast about seas. :smitten: the story will happen this way: the u.s. would not take a chance to confront with your chinese in public, but they will make a silent signals to let the vietnam navy to ambrush your fleets in mallaca straight without any problems, in retrun vietnam will be more protection and truthful form the u.s. and of corse they are getting richer than your tiny taiwan one day soon. remember nobody needs your taiwan anymore, you are useless and powerless and useless, even japan or sk would come back and rape you stinky hole one more time, the u.s. picks vietnam is the better decision.
VN does not support the dispute resolution with Taiwan (or with any other country) by force. VN also oppose Taiwan threatened to use force. However, a strong Taiwan is always in the interests of the VN. Remember that, Taiwan is one of the largest investors in VN. She has a total investment to VN is nearly 10 times more than China...
VN does not support the dispute resolution with Taiwan (or with any other country) by force. VN also oppose Taiwan threatened to use force. However, a strong Taiwan is always in the interests of the VN. Remember that, Taiwan is one of the largest investors in VN. She has a total investment to VN is nearly 10 times more than China...

common bro, no need to be so chicken here, you have a great potential of power and capacities to sink that tiny big mouth nation deep into ocean just by seconds (or even with that bigger brother in the mainland!) :cool:

be straight and pride my friend, india is always beside to help you! :cheers:

Taiwan+China = loud speaker = paper tiger :lol:
... and because, in the past, Vietnam was part of China.

Chinese invaded in to Vietnam, Vietnamese have been wiped you run away, same as Japanese did with China, but US and Soviet liberated you from Japan. Base on your logic China is part of Japan.

Vietcong claim is just a neo-colonialist claim. It is trying to make the imperial claims of its former master.

Vietnam claim Islands because it belong to Vietnam from early time, under official administration of feudalism Kingdoms of Vietnam. When imperialists France, USA and Britain went to home, china think he is the big boss here, then copy aggressive activities of imperialism.
common bro, no need to be so chicken here, you have a great potential of power and capacities to sink that tiny big mouth nation deep into ocean just by seconds (or even with that bigger brother in the mainland!) :cool:

be straight and pride my friend, india is always beside to help you! :cheers:

Taiwan+China = loud speaker = paper tiger :lol:

If Vietnam needs Indians to help them, then Vietnam is in big, big trouble. Vietnam fought wars against France, US and China and they were victorious each time. You Indians got beaten so bad by a China coming out of a famine and it was far weaker than China in 1979. If anything, it should be Vietnam that help out India, not the other way around.

Vietnam were great at guererra warfare but that was over 20 years ago. Its navy would not be able to handle Taiwanese Navy with OHP and la fayette class frigates.
Vietnam can try to do human wave attacks against Taiwanese territory there. And they can try to dig a tunnel to the island. Either way, they are going to lose as they have no technology. All the nukes and ICBM belong to your beautiful and "lots of white servant" India, not to Vietnam. As for CBU-55, does it still work? Does Vietnam have ways to deliver something that was built in the 60s? These bombs belong to the US and it would serve Vietcong better to return those. Other wise, USAF would send Vietcong some GBU-43 and the Vietcong won't have any more CBU-55.
Do you know we have Shaddock ?? with the warhead of 1000kg conventional or 200-350 kt nuclear it not only destroy all Taiwan troop at Itu-aba but also blast your tiny Tawain to the Moon.


Soviet Union
Vietnam[verification needed]

Length: 10.20 m (a/b) or 11.75 m (model C)
Diameter: 0.98m
Wingspan: 5 m
Weight: 5000 kg
Propulsion: turbojet with launch rocket boosters
Speed up to Mach 0.9
Range: 450 km (a/b), 750 km (model C)
Guidance Inertial with mid course correction via data link. Terminal active radar in conventional-armed versions.
Warhead: 1000kg conventional or 200-350 kt nuclear

Just bcz we're busy with our 'Greater sub-Mekong nations' plan now, so no time to play with you.:coffee:
=faithfulguy said:
Vietcong would need to contend against the USN if it wants to control Malacca strait. And even a sane vietcong like you should realize that vietcong has no chance against USN. If you think otherwise, you are insane.
Pls remember that during 10 years conflict with Thailand, we saw NO USN or US's troops dare to face with our army there.
Oh, that's a nice weapon. Too bad we have this:

YJ-12 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Length: ≈ 6 meter
Weight: ≈ 1 ton
Diameter: ≈ 300 mm
Speed: > Mach 2.5
Warhead: 205 kg
Range: 400 km [2]
Poor tiny Taiwan with tiny warhead :lol:
Warhead: 165 kg semi-armour-piercing

Dude, our warhead is 1.000kg conventional or 200-350 kt nuclear, it's 8times bigger than your poor weapon :lol:

And our shaddock is nuclear missile too.
Do you know we have Shaddock ?? with the warhead of 1000kg conventional or 200-350 kt nuclear it not only destroy all Taiwan troop at Itu-aba but also blast your tiny Tawain to the Moon.

Just bcz we're busy with our 'Greater sub-Mekong nations' plan now, so no time to play with you.:coffee:

Pls remember that during 10 years conflict with Thailand, we saw NO USN or US's troops dare to face with our army there.

Sound like Vietnam is trying to create an empire in indo-China. This will not happen as Vietnam has withdrawn from Cambodia and Laos. As for closing down malacca strait, it will certainly invite US intervention. And Vietcong navy is certainly no match for a single carrier task force.

Poor tiny Taiwan with tiny warhead :lol:

Dude, our warhead is 1.000kg conventional or 200-350 kt nuclear, it's 8times bigger than your poor weapon :lol:

And our shaddock is nuclear missile too.

Unfortunately for you, vietcong has zero nukes. you can BS as much as you can but you cannot make up facts.
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