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Taiwan sets up airborne unit for Spratlys

1956? 1946 Republic of China sent ships to Taiping island.

On 6 November 1946, the ROC government sent four warships to the South China Sea to secure islands within the region, commanded by Lin Zun and Yao Ruyu (姚汝鈺): ROCS Chung-Yeh (中業號), ROCS Yong-hsing (永興號), ROCS Tai-ping (太平號) and ROCS Chung-chien (中建號). The warships departed from Guangzhou and headed towards the Spratly and Paracel island groups. On 12 December the two ships led by Lin Zun, ROCS Tai-ping and ROCS Chung-Yeh, arrived at Taiping Island. In commemoration of the island being secured, the island was chosen to be named after the ROCS Tai-ping warship, and thus a stone stele reading "Taiping island" was erected on a breakwater tip southwest of the island.[2] The other three ships likewise had their names used in the renaming of Yongxing (Yong-hsing) Island (presently PRC-occupied), Zhongjian (Chung-chien) Island (presently PRC-occupied) and Zhongye (Chung-Yeh) Island (presently Philippines-occupied).

After being secured by Nationalist China, the island was placed under the administration of China's Guangdong Province. When the Chinese communists gained control of mainland China, the defeated Nationalists retreated to Taiwan, but retained control of the Taiping garrison.

It's evident that Taiwan occupied illegally Island of Vietnam with force. 1946 Viet-France war broken, Taiwanese has been withdrawn away.
UN Conference in San Francisco rejected claim of ROC over Islands of Vietnam.
10/1956 Taiwanese returned back to Itu Ba with force when Government changed in South Vietnam after Geneva Agreement 1954. Taiwanese are Island robbers.
VN was not exist before 1946 as a sovereign entity. It's merely a colony or geo region occupied by China and French from north and south.
So is Shenglong/升龙 (Hanoi/河内).

Don't you forget the truth that the Republic of China sent out troops to Vietnam to accept Japanese surrender in 1945?

But with Chongqing agreement, ROC let it to France do.

VN was not exist before 1946 as a sovereign entity. It's merely a colony or geo region occupied by China and French from north and south.

Hồ Chí Minh declared Independent of Vietnam on September second 1945.:smokin:
Recent events appeared rumors that VN navy was "open fire" on Vietnam's Thai Binh island, the island is occupied by the ROC in the Spratly Islands, is just a trick of the ROC.
Taiwan saw PRC's aggressive in recent times, due to fear of being robbed island by China, Taiwan feel the need to strengthen defense the Thai Binh Island.
To accomplish that goal, Taiwan has launched rumors that VN "open fire" on the island, then she will have an excuse to strengthen the military presence there that does not face the objections of China.
Simultaneously with the goal of the military buildup in the Thai Binh island, Taiwan also is building up defense capabilities across the Taiwan Strait, with the deployment of missile "aircraft carrier killer" Hungfeng3 to target China's Varyag recently.
Now Varyag is not yet operational but has become a target of hungfeng3!
Itu Ba is closed to our coastline, we can take back in any time we want.

6 submarines, 50 combat ships, 500 missiles (Most of 70s Soviet Origin)


Carriers, 60 submarines, 400 combat ships, 15,000 missiles (Most of 90s Soviet Origin)

240 nukes...

Assuming there're 60 provinces in Vietnam... It would be radioactivated 4 times before any Chinese needs to wake up.

You aren't ever gonna get your islands back if you keep dreaming about being able defeat any invader outside of the jungles...
Without the agreement of ROC and the French. Ho Chi Ming's activities are illegal.

Idiot troll. Base on your logic Mao activities was illegal without concern of ROC because ROC is member of UN. or your master USA 1972.:meeting:
Ho Chi Minh has been furnished long negociations with them, Hochi Minh visited Paris 1946 and signed agreement with France Gov 1946.
Recent events appeared rumors that VN navy was "open fire" on Vietnam's Thai Binh island, the island is occupied by the ROC in the Spratly Islands, is just a trick of the ROC.
Taiwan saw PRC's aggressive in recent times, due to fear of being robbed island by China, Taiwan feel the need to strengthen defense the Thai Binh Island.
To accomplish that goal, Taiwan has launched rumors that VN "open fire" on the island, then she will have an excuse to strengthen the military presence there that does not face the objections of China.
Simultaneously with the goal of the military buildup in the Thai Binh island, Taiwan also is building up defense capabilities across the Taiwan Strait, with the deployment of missile "aircraft carrier killer" Hungfeng3 to target China's Varyag recently.
Now Varyag is not yet operational but has become a target of hungfeng3!

I bet this is from Nhan Dan, you're party mouth piece. Now I know how you boys argue the way you do. Just twist the stories and repeat them 100 times over and over. A bunch of robots, I must say.
VN was not exist before 1946 as a sovereign entity. It's merely a colony or geo region occupied by China and French from north and south.

Before 1945, VN was a French colony. That is correct.
And the French colonial represented VN to control two islands from 1887 after took over from Nguyễn King Vietnam.
In 1954, France was knocked out of Vietnam at Dien Bien Phu, was forced out of VN. In Geneva Conference 1954, including representatives of the PRC government, has recognized the full independence of the VN, which North VN in Communism state, South VN in nationalism state.
The conference also recognized two Paracels and Spratlys are under the control of South Vietnam.
PRC is a party signed in Geneva Conference 1954, so PRC has recognized the islands under the sovereignty of South Vietnam.

I bet this is from Nhan Dan, you're party mouth piece. Now I know how you boys argue the way you do. Just twist the stories and repeat them 100 times over and over. A bunch of robots, I must say.

The truth will not change.
I don't like to read Nhan Dan. Even I hate it.
Before 1945, VN was a French colony. That is correct.
And the French colonial represented VN to control two islands from 1887 after took over from Nguyễn King Vietnam.
In 1954, France was knocked out of Vietnam at Dien Bien Phu, was forced out of VN. In Geneva Conference 1954, including representatives of the PRC government, has recognized the full independence of the VN, which North VN in Communism state, South VN in nationalism state.
The conference also recognized two Paracels and Spratlys are under the control of South Vietnam.
PRC is a party signed in Geneva Conference 1954, so PRC has recognized the islands under the sovereignty of South Vietnam.

The truth will not change.
I don't like to read Nhan Dan. Even I hate it.

So who decide the truth? You or me?

John Lewis Gaddis, a historian, said that the 1954 accords "were so hastily drafted and ambiguously worded that, from the standpoint of international law, it makes little sense to speak of violations from either side."
So who decide the truth? You or me?

John Lewis Gaddis, a historian, said that the 1954 accords "were so hastily drafted and ambiguously worded that, from the standpoint of international law, it makes little sense to speak of violations from either side."

Not you to decide the truth, nor me. History.
Not you to decide the truth, nor me. History.

Even histories are based on interpretations and not all coincided with each other. For example, Vietnam see all the islands in SCS belongs to her based on historical references, so do China and naturally both sides claim they are right.

We can all debate here till the global warming submerge the islands and we will not find solutions. The best way to solve this is for our government to sit down, as the Filipinos are doing now, and present each side's claims and iron out some kind of solutions. If either or both sides are stubborn and unwilling to bargain then sadly wars are inevitable.
We will not hesitate to send your entire navy into the bottom of the SCS if you dare to do so. :coffee:

Sounds good to me with Taiwan getting heavy arms dealing with Vietnam. They can send them back to Vietnam in their coffin if they dare to take Taiping. If they need any help, i'm sure China will be happy to help a hand.

Sorry friend, here is the trully Vietnamese "plan" :chilli: :smitten:


Have a good night friend! :D :yahoo:
Its not fair to compare Taiwanese navy with the Vietnamese navy. Vietnamese navy can compare with Taiwan's coast guard though. I wonder who will win if there is an arm conflict between Viet navy and Taiwanese coast guard.

Watch for Taiwan to demolish the Vietcong navy in 1 day. But I hope Taiwan do not use Hsiung Feng III on Vietnamese river patrol. Even though I would want to, its just do not make economic cost to use a more costly missiles against worthless ships. Or maybe Taiwan should sent its Oliver Hazard Perry class frigate to bomb the hell out of the Vietcong control islands.

Excuse me miss, don't want to hurt your feeling but I would have to say:

Your Taiwan is just a tiny island which wraped by oceans, you have no chance to confront with a powerful country such Vietnam which has more population and land size than yours, plus the Vietnamese have nukes and IcBMs and CBU-55s which could turn your whole tiny nation and your cocky people deep into the ocean in seconds :chilli:

You dare to mess with Vietnam? :woot:
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