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Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

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So are you saying that our ships are garbage and a Taiwanese boat can sink it by ramming into it?

The Philippines has the right to protect its sovereignty

Please read false flagger :azn:

"If somebody died, they deserve our sympathy but not an apology," Balilo
Won't they do the same if our fishermen enter their territory?

this is conjecture, assumption that create imagineries which do not exist now

We regret that somebody died but our coast guard are just doing their job.

"doing their job" as murderers?

Anyway it's always you (Chinese or Taiwanese) fishermen poaching and causing all these problems in other countries. Your greed is whats sparking all these tensions around Southeast Asia.

the tensions are sensationalized by design. it sounds like filippino fishermen have never entered into foreign waters and gotten caught

If the Philippine Coast Guard did not fired on that Taiwanese ship, the result will be that vessel would have rammed into our boat, which will cause it to either sink or capsize and the impact would have certainly killed or seriously injured our men. It's nonsense that Taiwan is spreading propaganda that we killed their fisherman in cold blood when they are the ones who instigated the violence.

it is nonsense for the philippines government to "recreate" a drama as excuses

the "ramming" can easily be verified by "damages" and "traces of foreign paints and materials" on both vessels

violence is absolutely uncalled for! you have a wide area to fire your "warning" shots and this is also showing how unprofessionally trained the filippino coastguards were! You have to fire '32' gunshots with “an attempt to disable” the fishing boat without the faintest idea that there were people inside the hull of the fishing boat?!
this is conjecture, assumption that create imagineries which do not exist now

"doing their job" as murderers?

the tensions are sensationalized by design. it sounds like filippino fishermen have never entered into foreign waters and gotten caught

it is nonsense for the philippines government to "recreate" a drama as excuses

the "ramming" can easily be verified by "damages" and "traces of foreign paints and materials" on both vessels

violence is absolutely uncalled for! you have a wide area to fire your "warning" shots and this is also showing how unprofessionally trained the filippino coastguards were! You have to fire '32' gunshots with “an attempt to disable” the fishing boat without the faintest idea that there were people inside the hull of the fishing boat?!
Chinese and Taiwanese always been intruding/ poaching in Philippines territory.

Filipinos know where our country's boundary is. Taiwan/Chinese for some reason cannot.

Taiwanese fishermen trespasses in our territory and then had the nerve to ram our boat to resist arrest.

Filipinos have the right to defend our country from poachers and invaders.
Here is a map of the Philippines with Batanes highlighted



The image shows that their ship was about the enter the Balintang channel - between Batanes and Babuyan. They just blur Batanes to create the impression that they are not intruding

Chinese and Taiwanese always been intruding/ poaching in Philippines territory.

Filipinos know where our country's boundary is. Taiwan/Chinese for some reason cannot.

Taiwanese fishermen trespasses in our territory and then had the nerve to ram our boat to resist arrest.

Filipinos have the right to defend our country from poachers and invaders.

you have no right to shoot at unarmed people, YOU Murderers!
Hate to say it....but as an American, all we have to do in Asia is watch the locals self-destruct. The funny thing is that those who yell "death to America" are often the same who help cement our position as top dog.
Palace: Ramming of Taiwan boat an ‘aggressive act’
Friday, May 10, 2013

MANILA (Updated) -- Malacañang defended Friday the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) against "aggressive act" of a Taiwanese fishing boat where a fisherman was killed off West Philippine Sea last Thursday.

Quoting an initial report reaching the Palace, deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said the PCG personnel on board the vessel of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) merely reacted on the attempt of one of the four Taiwanese fishing boats to ram on the Philippine’s ship.

The Filipino Maritime Control Surveillance 3001 vessel spotted four Taiwanese fishing vessels about 43 nautical miles east of Balintang Island, which is well within the Philippines’ 200-mile economic zone, around 10:30 a.m. Thursday while on law enforcement patrol.

"When they (PCG personnel) tried to board one of the fishing boats, one of the (Taiwanese) vessels rammed the BFAR vessel that was being manned by the Coast Guard. So a warning shot was fired, but the vessels reportedly did not stop in the attempt to continuously ram the BFAR vessel and another shot was fired on the machinery portion of the ship," Valte said.

The PCG admitted that a Taiwanese fisherman was killed in the incident.

"It was an aggressive act. The ramming of the boat into our vessel was certainly an aggressive act, so the PCG responded accordingly," she said.

Coast Guard commandant Rear Admiral Rodoldo Isorena said all the Coast Guard personnel and the two BFAR personnel aboard the Filipino vessel have been relieved of their duties pending the investigation.

This is to ensure a "transparent and impartial" probe, he said.

"We assure a transparent and impartial investigation and this is also the assurance that we are giving to the Taiwanese government," he said.

Taiwan reportedly sought for a public apology from the Philippine government and demanded compensation for the losses.

A report on Taiwan's Central News Agency (CNA) quoted President Ma Ying-jeou who instructed the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs to demand that the Philippine government investigate the incident and provide proper compensation to the family of the 65-year-old victim, identified as Hung Shih-cheng.

He also demanded an apology from the Philippine government, and for it "to solve the case and arrest the culprit."

The CNA report said that there have been incidents in the past when Taiwanese fishermen were arrested and detained while they were fishing in the contested area, but there have been rarely reports of shooting.

Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already conveyed its concern to Philippine Representative to Taipei Carlo Aquino.

Valte said the Palace would wait first for the result of the investigation that Isorena had ordered before coming out with any action on Taiwan's demand.

In a separate report on Xinhua, the Chinese government called the shooting of the Taiwanese fishermen by the Coast Guard "barbaric."

China considers Taiwan a province and under its jurisdiction based on the One China Policy.

The incident, which happened in the contested areas claimed by the Philippines, China and Taiwan, is feared to further raise tensions in a region clouded by territorial and maritime issues because of overlapping claims.

Aside from the three countries, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam are also claimant to the resource-rich region where around $5 trillion worth of global trade passes. (SDR/CVB/VR/Sunnex)

Malacanang defends Philippine Coast Guard on Taiwan boat's
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含冤7年 政府不聞不問 滿春億船員:心寒

Translation with help of Google translate

Seven Years Wronged Justice, Authority Indifferent, 滿春億 Crew: Utter Disappointment
China Times reports (Note: a major newspaper in ROC)
Huang Li Mian in Taitung, Taiwan

Ryukyu registered boats, 「廣大興28號」(Note: the name of the fishing boat in the 2013 shooting incident) crew was shot by the Philippine Coast Guard. Similarly, Taitung Newport registered fishing boat 「滿春億號」 was shot by the Philippine Marine Police seven years ago causing the death of the captain and serious injury of the first mate. After a lapse of seven years, the family members felt helpless against the the government indifferent. The deceased was wronged and justice not fulfilled and they felt it is hopeless to mention it again.

Seven years ago, the 「滿春億號」 had been shot and was once thought to be pirates and later confirmed to be the Philippines Marine Police opened fire, resulting in the death of 「滿春億號」 Captain 陳安老 and first mate 陳明德 seriously injured. The excuse used by the Philippine Marine police is exactly the same with the 「廣大興28號」 of 2013, accusation of attempted ramming.

陳明德 family talked about seven years to the matter, can not help but do not want to talk about eyes fill with tears. In an interview 陳明德 wife, 陳洪淑美 shed a tear, stressed that the government is indifferent, so that they are disappointed, to say the futility of it, simply let painful memories buried deep hearts.

Said 陳洪淑美 of her husband, after three surgery, replacement hip joints, to save his life. However, because of the injury to the nerve, still often cramps, night cannot sleep well, have to endure cramping pain to make a living on fishing expeditions, still afraid to sail too far off the coast from Taitung.

陳洪淑美 continue to sigh can not say "degree", "helpless". Yuan Legislator Joanna Lei, accompanied by a press conference to the Legislative Yuan, should hope to get justice, but after so many years, long hoped to become disappointed, disappointment into despair, do not recall, do not talk, so the hurtful memory would not be set off.

Taitung District Prosecutor's Office responsible for the 「滿春億號」 shooting incident, had also traveled to the Philippines to investigate, off to grab the completion of the Marine Police interrogation and polygraph also examine guns, back to the relevant transcripts and exhibits. Prosecutor's Office concluded that Marine law enforcement use excessive force, they will be prosecuted in accordance with the charge of man slaughter.

However, the two accused marine official was never tried in Taiwan, because they can not deliver an arrest warrant, because the two countries have no diplomatic relations, the Prosecutor's Office cannot exercise state judicial power in the Philippines, so that the whole case is still pending.
Greater East Asia Co-prosperity sphere...sound familiar?
機槍掃射!廣大興28號彈å*”52處 菲代表臉色發白 | ETtoday社會新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲

機槍掃射!廣大興28號彈孔52處 菲代表臉色發白










Part translation,

Case prosecutor 劉嘉凱 indicated, after preliminary forensics, strafing bullet holes found all over the hull of 廣大興28號, whether front back or left right, have large number of point of impact. Multiple spent bullets were also found in the cabin. 劉嘉凱 said, the left side of the hull bullet holes alone there are more than 10, and runs through a considerable thickness of the hull, the weapons used should be heavy weapon, but is unable to determine whether it is 50 caliber machine gun bursts.

Forensic officers continue to collect evidence braving the hot sun to count the bullet holes, only until 11:00am finally counted a total of 52 bullet holes in the hull, forensic officers described simply as "devastated", all the bullet holes have been photograph as evidence. 劉嘉凱 instruct the forensic team to collect spent bullets for detailed inspection, in order to find the bullet that hit 洪石成.

Foreign Minister 林永樂 noon accompanied Philippine Representative to Taiwan 白熙禮 to Pingtung Xiaoliuqiu, the 洪石成 home, to personally apologized to the family of the deceased, and to lead 白熙禮 to 廣大興28號 anchored fishing port of 小琉球大福 to understand the damage caused by the shooting to the fishing boat. 林永樂 specifically mentioned there are a total of 52 bullet holes in the hull to 白熙禮, and show it to him and tell him that the forensic officers preliminary identified as being machine-gun fire. 白熙禮 face looks grave after hearing the news.
So apparently the Filipino side of the story is their Coast guard ship fired at the fishing boat as it tried to ram them inside Philippines territorial waters. It aimed for the engines, disabling the boat and accidentally killed a fisherman in the process.

This is what people could gather at this moment. There are no account yet from Taiwanese side, which is strange, as they should have been debrief as the trawler back at Taiwan already

only kindergartens will wait for the final report to do whats right speaking for Taiwan!

Strong evidences are already there:

1/ the Taiwanese man was killed by the shooting
2/ location of event happened in an overlapping area of 2 EECs which respectively belong to 2 governments
3/ bullet holes were on the distressed ship being towed back to Taiwan
4/ the philippines were shaky, first denial now admit the firing at the fishing boat
5/ even if the fishing boat has trespassed, what right did the force of the philippines have to fire at the boat?
6/ philippines' law enforcement has a very bad record of showing they are worse than amateurs on duty

1.) is the fact, which is the end result, how to get to that result is the most important argument here, not the result by itself
2.) Location is disputed, again, unless you know something we don't know. Philippine claim the incident took place in Philippine Water not co-op EEZ
3.) Again, how the bullet hole get there?
4.) How does shaky come to as a determinating factor? A dodgy people could be telling the truth, an honest people can by all means lies
5.) Then what rights give the land owner "Trespasser will be shot"? If the boat is in Philippine, it's their rules and right.
6.) So, once had a bad record, then that automatically mean they are bad dealing with everything? I can say China have a bad record on managing their finance during 1960-1970, does that mean they are bad now?

Sorry is not an official apology

Ridiculous! Under what circumstances do you need a "32"-round of shots to be fired directly at the boat to make a "warning"?

the case of a ramming is you can see damages on both ships and the fragments of paints will serve as best evidences if the philippines authority claimed "ramming" they better provide the proof

How do you know there are 32 bullet holes in the ship? Did you personally inspected the ship or did the authority show you a 3-D picture and you counted 32 holes??

How do you know Ramming did not occur?

you have renounced that you are Chinese and you want to kill us in some of your posts. How much embarrassment in " "I AM EMBRASSASED" as a Chinese" do you have?

what should our navy do at the moment?

What "yes man" are we demonstrating?

what is "open up"?

How is "shooting justified"?

it is your comments which are the laughing stock of the forum

What does killing Chinese have to do with one being Chinese, did your country have murderer that murder other Chinese? And did you expel all their citizenship??

Your navy cannot do anything as Chinese don't even have a claim on those area.

As for the others part of the question, if you would kindly look at yourselves and how your media react, then you will know the answer, if you still don't know, then I think you are really stupid

Taiwan at no time asked China for any assistant. Yet Chinese member here jump up and down and condemn this and attack that. How stupid it will project if such comment appear in an international forum? Which it did.

I am not saying Philippine is responsibility free. But you assume innocent before proven guilty, until the day the official report came out, I will not point the finger to anybody, most of the world do the same, I think China have its own standard about this, maybe everybody assume guilty until proven innocents.
Götterdämmerung;4271681 said:
He is a poor fellow with a heavy dose of identity crisis just like our ultra leftists in the 1980s and 1990s crying and painting "Deutschland verrecke!" (Germany snuff it!) on every wall.

Können Sie mir diese Geschichte sagen?
Können Sie mir diese Geschichte sagen?

Well, the ultra leftists were in the opinion that "West" Germany was still a fascist state under a different name and that we still haven't done enough to address our Nazi guilt which is also the cause of our current racism and neo-Nazi movements. In fact, they think that Germany has no reason to exist anymore due to our Nazi past.

Here are some pics of what these idiots wrote on many walls thoughout Germany.

Not a day for the nation, not a day for Germany

Never Germany again, against the annexation of GDR (East Germany), against German natonalism


You guys have to learn to deal with that jhungary guy as how we have learnt how to deal with our extremists.
Its clearly self-defense. Justified shooting of trespassers who also attempted to kill our coast guards. This should be a lesson for them for playing our sea as a playground.

You wanna kill Filipinos you will pay for your life. Poaching is also illegal so don't come back to our territories again.

Poaching and tresspassing aren't punishable by death. Also, the attempt to ram is a claim and hasn't been established by fact

If the Philippine Coast Guard did not fired on that Taiwanese ship, the result will be that vessel would have rammed into our boat, which will cause it to either sink or capsize and the impact would have certainly killed or seriously injured our men. It's nonsense that Taiwan is spreading propaganda that we killed their fisherman in cold blood when they are the ones who instigated the violence.
The BFAR boat was twice as long (and many more times as massive) as the unarmed boat that was allegedly trying to ram it. Again, the idea that an unarmed boat was trying to ram a much larger, armed boat hasn't been established as fact yet
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