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Taiwan fisherman shot dead by Filipino military

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Well. PRC always claim Taiwan is part of China, they want to score points to try and sway the Taiwanese back into their camp. But history have a way to repeat itself over and over again, Taiwan will just cry to the US, in some extend, to Japan when things gone pear shape.

I found it funny when China "Condemn" Philippine when even Taiwanese don't know what the heck is going on. You condemn when you have a valid report on the incident. You don't go use the C word before you know what is going on. You did not see anyone but China condemning the attack, simply because no one know what the heck is going on.

we probably need to wait for a more detail report on what's up before opening our hole

Dude so far your one of the most intellectual in this forum i wish your the monitor guy here your very impartial to everyone
Personaly attack, post reported.
By the way, it is new to me that you can smell via internet. :yay: Piliphine new tech?

Wow you call us filipinos names and misspelled my country's by the way (shows your lack of humanity) and you have the nerved to report me to that bias chinses country man of yours do your worse because that's the only thing you can do hahahahaha he start a fight and cries his been hurt hahahahaha typical chinese stupidity (see now you have a real reason to report me) go cry about it
Dude so far your one of the most intellectual in this forum i wish your the monitor guy here your very impartial to everyone

lol, I am just reiterating the fact.

People here have a tendency to go overboard an idea when they know nothing about. The boat is just tow back to Taiwan, it would be more or less a week before a more creditable report can piece together, between then and now, everyone is just speculate.

I just refuse to commend on something I do not know, but some people think they do and they need to act before they knew anything, those are the same person who usually put their foot in their mouth.
This is a clearer report but still not an official report on what happened.

Taiwan demands PH probe killing, apology | Inquirer Global Nation

Assumed to be poaching

Isorena told a press briefing yesterday that the MCS 3001 fired at the Taiwanese fishing vessel some 80 km off the Balintang Channel at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday.

He said two foreign fishing vessels—one big and one small—had been spotted inside Philippine territory.

“The assumption is that they were poaching in our area,” Isorena said.

“The incident happened within Philippine archipelagic waters,” Perez added.

According to Perez, MCS 3001 personnel tried to board the small fishing boat but the latter began evasive maneuvers and even attempted to ram into the Philippine vessel, prompting the PCG personnel on board to fire warning shots.

“It’s normal procedure for the PCG to fire warning shots if they’re running after ships. You fire warning shots for them to stop,” Perez said.

“Eventually, PCG personnel fired on the machinery portion of the fishing boat to disable it,” he said.

The smaller of the two Taiwanese vessels tried to ram into the MCS 3001 but it apparently missed hitting by only 1 meter.

Asked how many shots were fired by the PCG, Isorena said that had yet to be determined.

“Part of the investigation is to determine how many rounds of ammunition they consumed during the shooting,” he said, adding that the MCS 3001 carries a 30-cal. machine gun, an M14 and an M16.

“We still don’t know if they fired all the firearms
they had on board,” he said.
While the evasive maneuvers were occurring, the MCS 3001 detected the presence of some unidentified gray and white ships which forced the BFAR vessel to withdraw and return to port.

“They were outnumbered so they decided to withdraw,” Isorena said.

“The MCS 3001 was not able to verify what happened to the [Taiwanese] fishing vessel but we now have information that one of the fishermen died,” he said.

The ship personnel actually were not aware that somebody had been hit, Isorena said. It was only after the PCG received a text message concerning the incident from the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Taiwan’s de facto embassy here, that they found out, he said.

He explained that the PCG has a cooperative relationship with Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration (CGA) and is in touch with them.

The Philippines has no diplomatic ties with Taiwan but maintains economic and cultural links.

In Taipei, Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou expressed great concern over the shooting incident and instructed the foreign ministry to demand an investigation from the Philippine government and punish those responsible, the China Post reported yesterday.

Speaking to reporters in Taipei, Taiwan Foreign Minister David Lin condemned the fatal shooting of the Taiwanese fisherman, demanded a full investigation and an apology from the Philippine government.

Even before Lin spoke, China—already involved in a simmering territorial dispute with the Philippines—had already deplored the incident in a clear attempt to make common cause with Taiwan on a matter of nationalistic pride involving disputed maritime territory.

A spokesperson from the Chinese foreign ministry called the fatal shooting a “brutal incident” and echoed Taipei’s demand for an investigation.

China and Taiwan have been ruled separately since the end of the 1949 civil war, although Beijing claims the island.

At this point, it's like a stray from that burst of Warning shot kill the man. But actual reason is currently unknown
lol, I am just reiterating the fact.

People here have a tendency to go overboard an idea when they know nothing about. The boat is just tow back to Taiwan, it would be more or less a week before a more creditable report can piece together, between then and now, everyone is just speculate.

I just refuse to commend on something I do not know, but some people think they do and they need to act before they knew anything, those are the same person who usually put their foot in their mouth.

that's exactly why you should be the monitor guy here that impartiality being neutral on issue with on going investigation but knowing taiwanese they probably use this to get the taiwanese president popularity to go up so doubt it would be far anyway well that's just me anyway dude keep up the good work my opinion stands your one intelligent guy here in the forum compare to those sinkers and their clients forumers and false flaggers
that's exactly why you should be the monitor guy here that impartiality being neutral on issue with on going investigation but knowing taiwanese they probably use this to get the taiwanese president popularity to go up so doubt it would be far anyway well that's just me anyway dude keep up the good work my opinion stands your one intelligent guy here in the forum compare to those sinkers and their clients forumers and false flaggers

LOL who should be a monitor of this forum definitely not for a troll like you to suggest have some shame ya
Taiwan is a broke away province of China, Taiwanese still have Chinese blood in them, they call them self Republic of China and will always dreaming of United with China under their control and rule. Taiwan not a sovereignty nation in which recognize by the U.N. This is a historical fact that can't be deny, one day China will reunite Taiwan that I'm sure of. Communist China by name but capitalistic by heart. Communist China won the civil war therefore US were led to support Taiwan but won't support Taiwan independent.
Welcome to reality my friend(not) false flagger! nice trick sympathy nice one buddy boy

Do you think it's right for China to enter our waters. Nope.

Aquino should at least do something to stop the Chinese from enroaching
Do you think it's right for China to enter our waters. Nope.

Aquino should at least do something to stop the Chinese from enroaching

Ok what do you think his doing in past 3 years then? building up a navy or rather a whole military takes decades it can be done over night do you think i don't wait a better AFP? then your not reading my post then

we just need excuses to bully those clownish states```their stupidity is pushing them closer to their painful lesson....

you can wait forever for the 'detailed' reports````but that wont come until the 'report' says its 'China's fault'

does an aggressive China make you pain or desperate? I feel sorry if it does, coz whether you like it or not, you are going to 'suffer' our might in near future``

Well whatever makes you happy then :omghaha:
Condolences to the family of the old man. He was just an unarmed fishermen. For all we know, the "ramming" attempt was just the fishing boat being mishandled during a tense situation. He didn't deserve to die like that. Nobody does
Ok what do you think his doing in past 3 years then? building up a navy or rather a whole military takes decades it can be done over night do you think i don't wait a better AFP? then your not reading my post then

Well whatever makes you happy then :omghaha:

We could of done that 10 years ago. By then, our army would be better armed, and our navy could stop Chinese encroachment
we just need excuses to bully those clownish states```their stupidity is pushing them closer to their painful lesson....

you can wait forever for the 'detailed' reports````but that wont come until the 'report' says its 'China's fault'

does an aggressive China make you pain or desperate? I feel sorry if it does, coz whether you like it or not, you are going to 'suffer' our might in near future``

buddy just ignor him he doesn't know sh@t about the Taiwan china situation, both PRC and Taiwan claim they are china so if any one said Taiwan is not belong to china they don't know anything no need to waste time on them
Taiwan is a broke away province of China, Taiwanese still have Chinese blood in them, they call them self Republic of China and will always dreaming of United with China under their control and rule. Taiwan not a sovereignty nation in which recognize by the U.N. This is a historical fact that can't be deny, one day China will reunite Taiwan that I'm sure of. Communist China by name but capitalistic by heart. Communist China won the civil war therefore US were led to support Taiwan but won't support Taiwan independent.

Communist China follows the state capitalist, not the the western capitalist.

That's why all nations that follows the western capitalist are the US puppets. :coffee:
Ok what do you think his doing in past 3 years then? building up a navy or rather a whole military takes decades it can be done over night do you think i don't wait a better AFP? then your not reading my post then

Well whatever makes you happy then :omghaha:

this my post

we just need excuses to bully those clownish states```their stupidity is pushing them closer to their painful lesson....

you can wait forever for the 'detailed' reports````but that wont come until the 'report' says its 'China's fault'

does an aggressive China make you pain or desperate? I feel sorry if it does, coz whether you like it or not, you are going to 'suffer' our might in near future``

Wow the criminal is crying foul for being caught in the act
Uh... correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that trespassing is not punishable by death
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