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Taiwan affairs

We love Chinese culture. It is so sad to see PRC destroying Chinese culture.Today, the only hope for Chinese is Taiwan. Taiwanese love good thing about humanity oppose to PRC. PRC want oppression, hate democracy, love hypocrisy, love $$$, love to lie, want to hate people....etc.

Don't try to lecture me on my own country, you've clearly never stepped a single foot into Taiwan. First of all, in fact there are more tainted food scandals and poisoning in Taiwan than in the mainland. Secondly, safe food sanitation in public is nonexistent.

You don't even read Taiwanese media most of the time, because if you did, you would know about this. Alot of people in Taiwan are infected with Hepatitis from dirty drinking water. I can only drink safe water in western countries.


Tainted Taiwanese Sports Drinks Can Shrink Your Testicles | Moral Low Ground

TAIWAN New food scandals lead consumers to wonder about "what they can eat" - Asia News

Tainted-oil scandal may lead to new punitive penalties - The China Post

Concerns over food safety build in Taiwan after scandals | South China Morning Post

Food scandals and political fights: Taiwan's year of the fake - Regional | The Star Online

Taiwan food scandal: the illegal use of ph... [Food Chem Toxicol. 2013] - PubMed - NCBI

Are you even living in Singapore or are you lying again, like you did when you claimed you've been to Taiwan and Indonesia?

Singapore cancels Taiwan Food Fair on safety scandals - The China Post

Food scandal report passed to Singapore: MOFA - The China Post

Taiwan tycoon grilled over food scandal - Yahoo News Singapore

Taiwan hit by another tainted food scandal | The Straits Times SoShiok
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PRC Chinese don't know how to say Sorry, means they have less motivation to improve themselves ...
no.they improve everyday. if not,how can we rapidly advance every day,
but i do agree with u they do not like say sorry
no.they improve everyday. if not,how can we rapidly advance every day,
but i do agree with u they do not like say sorry

Woman reluctant to offer seat jump-kicks old man on bus
女子被指占座不让 抓住公交拉环飞踹老人(图)
本周一,厦门市民小叶乘坐614路公交车回位于澳溪的家。在同安汽车站上车时,他就听到公交车后排的一名女子和一位老人在吵架,女子一直在骂骂咧咧,而老人指责她占着位置不让。小叶回头发现,女子站起身来双手抓在公交车拉环上,开始用脚踢老人。[查看全文] 2014-04-23 16:41 Ecns.cn Web Editor: Yao Lan



A woman taking a bus in Xiamen, Fujian province used "gymnastics movements" to kick an old man after she was criticized for being reluctant to offer her seat to the elderly. (Photo source: sunnews.cn)

(ECNS)-- A woman taking a bus in Xiamen, Fujian province, used "gymnastics movements" to kick an old man after she was criticized for being reluctant to offer her seat to the elderly, fjsen.com reported on Wednesday.

Passengers on board the bus in the city's Tongan district were disturbed by a quarrel between a young woman and an old man on Monday.

"The woman swore at the man after being ordered to offer her seat to him," said a passenger who witnessed the dispute.

As their quarrel escalated, the woman became more irritated, and suddenly, she made a pull-up with hands holding two flying rings on the bus and kicked at the old man's face.

Shocked by the woman's behavior, people started criticizing her for being disrespectful.

She then turned to them and kept swearing at passengers using smartphones to record the scene.

To put an end to the dispute, a staffer from the bus company and passengers helped the old man change seats with another passenger. The whole incident lasted 15 minutes.

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PRC Chinese don't know how to say Sorry, means they have less motivation to improve themselves ...

You got to stop this smear campaign, if you must, reregister with a US flag, cause Vietnam is worse than China, and not by a little, much much worse.

If we don't improve our self what's Vietnamese? Brain dead?
. .
You got to stop this smear campaign, if you must, reregister with a US flag, cause Vietnam is worse than China, and not by a little, much much worse.

If we don't improve our self what's Vietnamese? Brain dead?

You could help us by posting what is bad in Vietnam ... We really appreciate your support.
To fight the bad, must search for it firstly ...

Facing the bad and improve it better than what you are doing - HIDING THE BAD

P.S: we never play false flag game. We face the reality, we are Vietnamese, saying as Vietnamese

If we don't improve our self what's Vietnamese? Brain dead?

We call that as "keep the shit in your own pocket. Only you smell like shit"
better you clean yourself
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Presideint Ma Ying jeou claimed he is "New Taiwanese". He spoke Taiwanese language that no PRC PDF will understand. Lux understand 100%.

For the convenient of PRC, I help translate

Lee Teng Hui: 马英九 先生, 你系dou位(哪里)a郎啊?汝这准 (现在) ga我讲一 a
Mr Ma Yingjiu, where are you from? You tell me now.

Ma Ying jeou: 报告总统啊。我是台湾郎啦。我系食台湾米,饮台湾水,新台湾郎啦
Mr President, I am "Taiwanese". I am brought up in Taiwan. I am "New Taiwanese"

Ma Ying Jeou is the most pro-China elected president. He claim he is "new Taiwanese", instead of "Chinese". Ma Ying Jeou is also a Waishengren, born in China. His parents were born in China as well.

Right now, even Waishengren are dumping the "China nationality" identity.
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Taiwan has also quite a lot problem with Japan, Philippines and Vietnam on sea disputes, and without mainland China's standing back, no one will take Taiwan as serious. Always confused Taiwan people dont have a Chinese recognition, but always remember the existence of big China when they get trouble, just like Taiwan fishman will willing have a "Five Star" flag to protect them away from Filipino. Funny.
BTW, I dont think Japan will really respect Taiwan from the deep of their heart. They look like to support Taiwan because China in this area does be a strong power, and the current relation with Taiwan and mainland China is quite well, that's the reason why Japan "respect" Taiwan so much. If not existing mainland China, not only one Taiwan, but even ten Taiwans will be eaten by Japan, and the action such "Bao Diao" will be totelly funny if without mainland China. Who are you? Why should strong Japan talk about Diaoyu Island with you?
Don't for get that until 1700 ACE, Taiwan was dependence region form China Man Qing....if people in Taiwan want let them to be independence state.

Don't for get that until 1700 ACE, Taiwan was dependence region form China Man Qing....if people in Taiwan want let them to be independence state.


Except EastSea hides the fact that the "Taiwanese" who are claiming independence, are NOT the native Aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan, but the descendants of Hoklo and Hakka speaking Han Chinese from Fujian province of mainland China.

"Taiwan" itself is the Chinese name for the island, not the aboriginal names.

Taiwanese aboriginals warned the so called "native Taiwanese" Han AGAINST trying to claim they are native to further their agenda of independence.

How Han are Taiwanese Han? Genetic inference of Plains Indigenous ancestry among Taiwanese Han and its implications for Taiwan identity - Udini

"Taiwan blood nationalists have called for Taiwan's independence based on this myth. The descendants of Plains Indigenes are extremely opposed to using their ancestors in such calls for Taiwan independence. In efforts to revive their traditional culture, maintaining group solidarity among their villagers is more important than differentiating the ancestral origins of village members. "Keep the Village Siraya" is important in the propaganda used in their appeals for official recognition. While Taiwan blood nationalists use Plains Indigenous ancestors as a template to create a Taiwan nation based on blood, the value of Plains Indigenous ancestors is destroyed by their descendants. Plains Indigenes and Taiwan blood nationalists have different cultural and socioeconomic contexts and the significance of having unique ancestral origins based on blood is treated totally differently. However, no one can deny that the Plains Indigenes have the highest authority to define the values attributed to their ancestors' blood.In this struggle, the denial of the importance of ancestors' blood also destroys the importance of genetic evidence. The claim of Plains Indigenous ancestry among Taiwanese Han becomes socially meaningless."

It is the Taiwanese Hakka and Hoklo Han Chinese who are caling for independence, while Taiwanese aboriginals (the true natives of Taiwan) oppose them.

Presideint Ma Ying jeou claimed he is "New Taiwanese". He spoke Taiwanese language that no PRC PDF will understand. Lux understand 100%.

For the convenient of PRC, I help translate

Lee Teng Hui: 马英九 先生, 你系dou位(哪里)a郎啊?汝这准 (现在) ga我讲一 a
Mr Ma Yingjiu, where are you from? You tell me now.

Ma Ying jeou: 报告总统啊。我是台湾郎啦。我系食台湾米,饮台湾水,新台湾郎啦
Mr President, I am "Taiwanese". I am brought up in Taiwan. I am "New Taiwanese"

Ma Ying Jeou is the most pro-China elected president. He claim he is "new Taiwanese", instead of "Chinese". Ma Ying Jeou is also a Waishengren, born in China. His parents were born in China as well.

Right now, even Waishengren are dumping the "China nationality" identity.

The Aboriginals true feelings about pro-Indepndence Taiwanese, the Dalai Lama, and Japan:

Protesters accuse Dalai Lama of staging 'political show' in Taiwan

Protesters accuse Dalai Lama of staging 'political show' in Taiwan

Mon, Aug 31, 2009

"KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan - A group of 30 people who said they were Taiwan typhoon victims demonstrated against the Dalai Lama Monday, accusing him of using a visit to the island to stage a "political show."

The group, from Taiwan's aboriginal community, were standing outside the Tibetan spiritual leader's hotel in the southern city of Kaohsiung, holding up banners, one reading: "We don't want Dalai politics."

"The Dalai Lama is only staging a political show here," said the leader of the protesters, who declined to give his name.

"If the Dalai Lama really wants to help victims and show respect, he should stay in an aboriginal village, not in a big building like this," he said, pointing towards the hotel."

Dalai Lama visits Taiwan typhoon victims amid Chinese anger

Dalai Lama visits Taiwan typhoon victims

"Despite efforts to focus on the humanitarian aspect of the Dalai Lama's visit, about 30 people demonstrated outside his hotel Monday, accusing him of politicking.

"The Dalai Lama is only staging a political show here," said the leader of the protesters, members of Taiwan's non-Han aboriginal community.

"If the Dalai Lama really wants to help victims and show respect, he should stay in an aboriginal village, not in a big building like this," he said, pointing towards the hotel."

Lawmaker and aborigines forbidden to visit Yasukuni - The China Post

"Japanese police stopped their chartered buses at Kudan, about 200 meters away from Yasukuni, and told them to leave, as scores of ultrarightist activists laid siege to the shrine to prevent the aborigines from performing their spirit-calling rites.

Taiwan reporters accompanying the aborigines whose relatives were killed in action as Takasago volunteers during the Second World War were denied coverage.

During Japanese occupation of Taiwan, the aborigines were called “Takasago (High Sand)” people.

“Let us in,” shouted the lawmaker, who is an aborigine.

Unmoved, Japanese policemen tried to dissuade Japanese reporters from boarding the buses to interview the aborigines, who arrived in Tokyo Tuesday from Taipei to have the names of their volunteer relatives struck off the Yasukuni honor list.

Yasukuni is dedicated to Japan’s war dead, among whom are 14 Class A war criminals, including Gen. Hideki Tojo, the Japanese prime minister responsible for the Pearl Harbor attack on December 8, 1941.

Also honored are over 20,000 ethnic Chinese on Taiwan drafted to fight for Japan and killed in the war. One of them was the elder brother of former President Lee Teng-hui.

No contact was possible between Kao-Chin and Yasukuni officials, who have refused to remove those names from the list. No ashes were buried at the Shinto shrine, where only the list of the 2.5 million war dead is kept.

Kao-Chin said all she and the bereaved families wanted was to end the enshrinement of their relatives together with the Japanese, who persecuted them during the half century of colonial rule on Taiwan.

The Japanese treated aborigines as subhumans, the lawmaker said. “We were victims,” she pointed out, “how could we tolerate the victims being honored together with their persecutors?”

Police said they had to ask the aborigines to stay aboard their buses for their own safety. They were afraid the ultrarightists might clash with the aborigines.

Chen Hung-chi, Taipei’s deputy representative in Tokyo, said the safety of the lawmaker had to be protected. “But,” he added, “Taiwan cannot interfere with Japan’s internal affairs.”

On the other hand, Huang Xinyuan, spokesman for the Chinese embassy in Tokyo, urged the Japanese authorities Tuesday to protect the aborigines from Taiwan.

“We know,” Huang said, “ultrarightists are planning to harass them (the aborigines). We want the Japanese authorities to protect them (against harassment).”"

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"Republic of China ministry of defence", commemorating Sino-Japanese War by singing song exalting "China's national flower", the meihua (梅花) or plum blossom.

Song in Chinese. I feel emotional hearing it.



The Chinese people will prevail.
Except EastSea hides the fact that the "Taiwanese" who are claiming independence, are NOT the native Aboriginal inhabitants of Taiwan, but the descendants of Hoklo and Hakka speaking Han Chinese from Fujian province of mainland China.

"Taiwan" itself is the Chinese name for the island, not the aboriginal names.

Taiwanese aboriginals warned the so called "native Taiwanese" Han AGAINST trying to claim they are native to further their agenda of independence.

How Han are Taiwanese Han? Genetic inference of Plains Indigenous ancestry among Taiwanese Han and its implications for Taiwan identity - Udini

"Taiwan blood nationalists have called for Taiwan's independence based on this myth. The descendants of Plains Indigenes are extremely opposed to using their ancestors in such calls for Taiwan independence. In efforts to revive their traditional culture, maintaining group solidarity among their villagers is more important than differentiating the ancestral origins of village members. "Keep the Village Siraya" is important in the propaganda used in their appeals for official recognition. While Taiwan blood nationalists use Plains Indigenous ancestors as a template to create a Taiwan nation based on blood, the value of Plains Indigenous ancestors is destroyed by their descendants. Plains Indigenes and Taiwan blood nationalists have different cultural and socioeconomic contexts and the significance of having unique ancestral origins based on blood is treated totally differently. However, no one can deny that the Plains Indigenes have the highest authority to define the values attributed to their ancestors' blood.In this struggle, the denial of the importance of ancestors' blood also destroys the importance of genetic evidence. The claim of Plains Indigenous ancestry among Taiwanese Han becomes socially meaningless."

It is the Taiwanese Hakka and Hoklo Han Chinese who are caling for independence, while Taiwanese aboriginals (the true natives of Taiwan) oppose them.


Taiwan is Island separated from mainland China. Same as England and North America continent. There was Famosa Republik was independent state from Man Qing China. There is not history territory of China. Man Qing Dynasty agreed that Taiwan was part of Japan from 1895.

Let Taiwanese people make a decision by themselves following general referendum.
Taiwan is Island separated from mainland China. Same as England and North America continent. There was Famosa Republik was independent state from Man Qing China. There is not history territory of China. Man Qing Dynasty agreed that Taiwan was part of Japan from 1895.

Let Taiwanese people make a decision by themselves following general referendum.

The problem is that England and America have been separated by a huge Atlantic Ocean, while China and Taiwan have only been separated by a small ditch like the Taiwan Strait.

Meanwhile America is so powerful, while Taiwan is so weak.

In conclusion, Taiwan will go nowhere, it is their destiny to be taken back by China.

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