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Taimur: Pakistan's ICBM?

i think its better on us to save money and spend it on our poverty instead of foolish hobbies like we gonna be attacked soon from a nation across the atlantic

also we cant even defend ourselves with the arms we have, forget what happens next
i think its better on us to save money and spend it on our poverty instead of foolish hobbies like we gonna be attacked soon from a nation across the atlantic

also we cant even defend ourselves with the arms we have, forget what happens next
If you want us to defend our nation with the arm we have ,Then it is necessary to vote for better people next time.
i think its better on us to save money and spend it on our poverty instead of foolish hobbies like we gonna be attacked soon from a nation across the atlantic

also we cant even defend ourselves with the arms we have, forget what happens next

If you're going to do something, do it properly or else don't do it at all. If you think spending on proper defence is a waste of time, go start a movement to merge with india and then once you achieve that goal you can spend all you want on poverty alleviation, but then again, be ready for incidents like the Gujarat Massacre. BTW, Iraq was not attacked by her neighbours, the invaders came from across the oceans and Iran faces the same threat now. You may think that the possibility is a hobby but those who have their eyes and ears open they don't, they see it as it is, a grave existential threat!
i think its better on us to save money and spend it on our poverty instead of foolish hobbies like we gonna be attacked soon from a nation across the atlantic

also we cant even defend ourselves with the arms we have, forget what happens next
I guess we are not poor instead we are lazy don't wanna do our own work...We feel shame in doing it...thats all.....God/Allah has blessed us with everything but still we not thankful to him.....:smokin:
This thread started in 2010. Still there is no concrete evidence to show that Pakistan has acquired an ICBM.
Except for some Youtube videos^^^ of course.
It will allow us to strike targets on long ranges.
What targets?? For God's sake man, this ICBM would cover Western Europe, Africa, Russia, China, West Asia, Indonesia and the CIS Republics!!

Now the question is: Whatever for? Is it going to be cost effective to have such a missile when there are NO identifiable targets/enemies at that range?

I think this missile, if inducted would be just for an ego trip! It would have made more sense to have rocket program in place for launching satellites - civilian as well as military - for the amount being spent on this white elephant. This could be converted to an ICBM program too after some modifications at a much later date if the situation so demands.

But hey! What do I know of PAs strategic planning for deploying such missiles? Nix! There must be something more than meets the eye here! :smokin:

A ultra nationalist video made by some dream lover where he get J-90 J-91 stealth fighter ? H-1 attack heli ? and hider missile is said 250 km rang other missile shown seem pictured in any European country . so certainly a fake video
The follwoing shows that Pakistan has Tipu-1,2,3 with a range of 8000 km, 9500 km and 13000 km respectively. It also shows drawings of Haider missiles. Are they real or just imagination of some fanboy?

World's 4th Most Powerful Country Pakistan (Pakistan Military Power) - YouTube

Dude, you shouldn't be that dumb to point out the difference...

The guy is stating Shaheen-II as an ICBM (at 3800 km) with LIQUID fuel. He is using pictures of Russian Topol and Topol-M ICBMs as Tipu ICBMs. The "drawings" for Haider missile are of random SLVs. He is saying that Pakistan "will" have J-90,J-91,H-8 stealth aircrafts,none of which the world has seen....(I didnt bother to watch any further)...

Hell, its more than the imagination of a fanboy...
Dude, you shouldn't be that dumb to point out the difference...

The guy is stating Shaheen-II as an ICBM (at 3800 km) with LIQUID fuel. He is using pictures of Russian Topol and Topol-M ICBMs as Tipu ICBMs. The "drawings" for Haider missile are of random SLVs. He is saying that Pakistan "will" have J-90,J-91,H-8 stealth aircrafts,none of which the world has seen....(I didnt bother to watch any further)...

Hell, its more than the imagination of a fanboy...
What's even more ironic is that he claims that even with all that hardware Pakistan will only be 4[SUP]th[/SUP] most powerful military.
we should spend more money on air defence systems, and satellites
Whats going on, India has immediate threat, still we are not developing ICBM (Agni 5 is not ICBM, it has 5000KM range which don't qualify as ICBM). where as Paksiatn has no threat at all.

I think ppl on other side of border are not fool to waste money on something, which has no use in future.
Dude, you shouldn't be that dumb to point out the difference...

The guy is stating Shaheen-II as an ICBM (at 3800 km) with LIQUID fuel. He is using pictures of Russian Topol and Topol-M ICBMs as Tipu ICBMs. The "drawings" for Haider missile are of random SLVs. He is saying that Pakistan "will" have J-90,J-91,H-8 stealth aircrafts,none of which the world has seen....(I didnt bother to watch any further)...

Hell, its more than the imagination of a fanboy...
Yes! its for sure that Pakistan is the world's 4th most powerful country on the internet only through these movies that makes us feel happi by watching them......:smokin:

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