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Taimur: Pakistan's ICBM?

i think a missile shield is more of a necessity rather than an ICBM!!! after all who are we trying to target with an ICBM? the bloody americans? our enemy is our neighbor!! let's just keep it simple!!

okay guys, heres another one, i have copied it from another blog.... the newspaper is more authentic (buissness recorder)

An ICBM with 7,000-km range on its way?
ISLAMABAD (August 13 2009): Pakistan is contemplating developing an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a 7,000 km range to make the country's defence impregnable and strengthen the armed forces of the country against any offence. The plan was evolved after successful test fire of Agni IV, the Indian ICBM system with a target range of 6000 km, which caused an imbalance of power in South Asia, extremely well informed defence sources told Business Recorder here on Wednesday.

The possession of this ICBM not only will make Pakistan's defence impregnable but will also help create a balance of power in the region, which defence analysts believe was disturbed by the Indian test firing of Agni IV missile with a range of 6000 kilometres.

It is pertinent to note that India recently test fired the 6000-kilometer Agni IV Missile with a capacity to hit and destroy targets deep in China.

there is definitely something brewing :)

Actualyy it says that they are contemplating. The reasoning given borders on the ridiculous; India has a weapon to target China, so Pakistan has to have the same? Balance of power being disturbed? Why should anyone in India care if you can hit China,Japan,SK,West Asia or Europe? See how ridiculous that sounds? If this is indeed how your defence analysts think, then we in India can relax a bit. Half the world will come down on you like a ton of bricks. ice_man understands priorities a lot better than the experts quoted in this article.
Actualyy it says that they are contemplating. The reasoning given borders on the ridiculous; India has a weapon to target China, so Pakistan has to have the same? Balance of power being disturbed? Why should anyone in India care if you can hit China,Japan,SK,West Asia or Europe? See how ridiculous that sounds? If this is indeed how your defence analysts think, then we in India can relax a bit. Half the world will come down on you like a ton of bricks. ice_man understands priorities a lot better than the experts quoted in this article.

see so is good now that u guyz understands we not ur enemy. We just trying to master the techz and thats all...:)
i think a missile shield is more of a necessity rather than an ICBM!!! after all who are we trying to target with an ICBM? the bloody americans? our enemy is our neighbor!! let's just keep it simple!!

any country who is going to threat us is our enemy no matterz who...:woot:
What is the use of having long range missiles?
The key term is threat perceptions.

Primary benefit is to boost the deterrence factor. However, this is costly venture.

.Lets have a imaginary war.
Pakistan has launched this ICBM to a country X, 6000KM away. Wont it be alerted by its radar, or the countries that it passes through?
Yes! Missile flight paths can be monitored and appropriate defenses or responses can be put to alert. USA and Russia have systems in place which constantly monitor these activities.

If so, they wont it have its AAA destroy it or a counter SAM?
Even can hit it with a UAV?
Depends upon the implemented counter-measures. At the moment, very few nations have functional ABM systems in place. Research is still in progress to improve these systems.

Its destruction is what should matter. If it has capabilty to attack 7000KM, then wont it be filled with fuel, not the warhead?
Fuel systems propel a missile in to a pre-designated flight path. Warheads are placed in the front capsule of every missile.

Taking down a ballistic missile, be it 30 years old, is not an easy task. Only few countries have this capability and that is also without 100% kill assurance. Test are going on. India has it, so it is possible if you launch towards east, India can try to shoot it down. If you launch it towards west then may be Americans can take it down IF they have installed BMD in Afghanistan. In old soviet region it could be shot down before entering the mainland Europe. Basically it depends on the treaty between the countires. But as I said Experiments are still going on to achieve 100% kill BMD technology.
Agreed here. Though, new approaches to tackle these threats might make things a lot easier in the future.

Well 100 % is not possible..!! i dont know much but if one launches alot of such missiles..not all can be intercepted right? maybe 5 out of 15 will be intercepted 10 may go forward.
Nothing is impossible. Primary factors are level of research and allocation of resources.

And i think as the BMD develops there may also come some safety features in the missiles too.Does BMD system use heat to destroy ? If it does then like planes missiles can also use some deceiving tactics right?
Their are many ways to develop a BMD capability. Traditional methods involve using special missiles that can kill incoming missiles on flight.

Here is an example:

This system is in an advanced stage of missile interception through another missile. Approach used here is H-T-K (Hit to kill)

In the earlier models, approach was limited to mid-air explosion, and not collision.

However, some new and more revolutionary approaches are also under trials.

Have a look at this case:

Laser Plane Shoots Down Test Missile

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency's airborne laser this week achieved a record first when it shot down a ballistic missile launched off the California coast.

The MDA's Airborne Laser Testbed, a Boeing 747 with a massive chemical laser in the nose, took off from Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on Feb. 11 and fired its laser at "a short-range threat-representative ballistic missile … launched from an at-sea mobile launch platform," reads a Feb. 11 MDA announcement.

The laser locked on to the missile as it was rising in its boost phase and heated it to the point of "critical structural failure," the MDA statement said.

The agency said this was the first time a laser fired from an airplane in flight has been able to destroy a ballistic missile on the rise.

"This experiment marks the first time a laser weapon has engaged and destroyed an in-flight ballistic missile, and the first time that any system has accomplished it in the missile's boost phase of flight," reads a Feb. 12 Boeing announcement. The laser is the most powerful ever installed on an aircraft, according to the company.

The Airborne Laser (ABL) plane is designed to fly just beyond the range of enemy air defenses and use its laser cannon to shoot down ballistic missiles as they are taking off, which is extremely difficult to do today due to the incredibly high speeds that missiles fly.

"Having the capability to precisely project force, in a measured way, at the speed of light, will save lives," said Michael Rinn, Boeing's ALTB program manager, of the ABL in a Feb. 12 statement.

Here are some videos of this test:

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Actualyy it says that they are contemplating. The reasoning given borders on the ridiculous; India has a weapon to target China, so Pakistan has to have the same? Balance of power being disturbed? Why should anyone in India care if you can hit China,Japan,SK,West Asia or Europe? See how ridiculous that sounds? If this is indeed how your defence analysts think, then we in India can relax a bit. Half the world will come down on you like a ton of bricks. ice_man understands priorities a lot better than the experts quoted in this article.

thanks for reading. personally i beleive in viewing every thing with relation to time. and my time domain is spirtually governed. its the way i integrate things and i simply dont beleive how secular pakistani generals think.

the point is that in next 5 - 10 years, we are seeing a massive war in middle east. in parallel to that pakistan will be forced to TAP-OUT against its passion for nukes. i do think if americans really want they can precisely target all our mobile launchers and can dismantle us wihtin hours. so there is no need for ICBM. no need at all.

as a muslim i am not prepared to win. but i am prepared to put in my best. as a muslim i beleive the forces of zionism will win , and only then the salvation will come.

"in the end times there will be so much blood shed in the middle east that 999 our of 1000 arabs will die" - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

the 60 billion $ deal cannot stop that blood shed neither do our limited and innocent ICBM.
Taking down a ballistic missile, be it 30 years old, is not an easy task. Only few countries have this capability and that is also without 100% kill assurance. Test are going on. India has it, so it is possible if you launch towards east, India can try to shoot it down. If you launch it towards west then may be Americans can take it down IF they have installed BMD in Afghanistan. In old soviet region it could be shot down before entering the mainland Europe. Basically it depends on the treaty between the countires. But as I said Experiments are still going on to achieve 100% kill BMD technology.

India do not posses anti ICBM capability,what India is working on currently is only ABM against theater range missiles.

Even in the second phase of Indian program we r only developing shield(ad-1 and ad-2)as a deterrent against a range of 5000 kms only,at current level we can only stop missiles with a range of 2500.

We even dont need a deterrent against ICBM's,but for the sake of acquiring tech we can do it
okay guys, heres another one, i have copied it from another blog.... the newspaper is more authentic (buissness recorder)

An ICBM with 7,000-km range on its way?
ISLAMABAD (August 13 2009): Pakistan is contemplating developing an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a 7,000 km range to make the country's defence impregnable and strengthen the armed forces of the country against any offence. The plan was evolved after successful test fire of Agni IV, the Indian ICBM system with a target range of 6000 km, which caused an imbalance of power in South Asia, extremely well informed defence sources told Business Recorder here on Wednesday.

india do not have a missile called agni-4 and so far we do not have developed any ICBM capability,this article is a complete thrash
Does Pakistan have a shortage of enemies that it seeks to make more enemies?

No i am right Israel also make an atemp to attack our nuclear sites with India in 2002 and also suplly a UAV to India in kargil war and India also accepted......
Hmmm... okay. Can anyone tell me what Pakistan hopes to achieve with this? I mean what other countries do you have that are hostile towards you apart from India (which is already in range).

Thanks in advance.

David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister. His words, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1967, leave nothing to imagination:

"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

"This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

"Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work therefrom against Pakistan.

"It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans. ____:sniper:
how do you know if we haven't developed MIRV tech??? just because we didn't launch a space capsule doesn't mean we don't have MIRV!

and user trial for what? The missile was already tested before induction and its pointless to test something who's capabilities you already know unless of course you upgrade it!

as far as I know Pakistan might have achieved MIRV tech with the help of chinese. They were in advance stage of building these RV.
I think if it was tested, then multiple projectiles might have been tracked in upper atmosphere by radio telescope and other radars and satellites.
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