They can't run this country... They are appointing wrong people even Ephedrine Hanif abbasi is president of Metro bus Project... Even Son of Don Iftikhar chaudry selected for Looting as chairman board of investment in Baluchistan , "The richest province"...
One family, One team, and Thousands of Gullu Butts to support them. Badmash people...... Sons of killers, fake encounters, and looters. Same badmashi in Rawalpindi/Islamabad...... Now, Roads are completely blocked for public vehicles.....Tens of thousand Police .Police and police everywhere.... They are patrolling in almost every street..[/quot
this is how it goes, yei to badqismati hy, have you watched The Dark Knight, here is the quote that suites this nation and believe me Pakis are not like egyptians, 2 days are enough to overthrow anyone.
if anyone dies in an ambulance who is going to take blame? no one, yei to bchodi h idr.