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What is the best option for the T-LORAMIDS Program

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@Kaan bro it was some sorta important news..thats why we have created a thread. Any ways for putting it back?
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President Tayyip Erdogan,

We are in contact with France for missile systems

Some dispute emerged with China regarding Know-how sharing and Joint production of missile defense. Nevertheless, We continue to meet with Chineses, meanwhile France came us with new offers. Currently talks are continuing with France. Here the interests of our country, at which what country have more positive results for us, We, Undersecretariat of Defense Industry Executive Committee will decide in that direction.

Füze sistemi için Fransa'yla görüşüyoruz

Çin’le füze savunma sistemi görüşmelerinde ortak üretim ve know-how meselesinde bazı uyuşmazlıklar çıktı. Buna rağmen arkadaşlar görüşmeye devam ediyor ama ikinci sıradaki Fransa yeni tekliflerle önümüze geldi. Şu anda Fransa ile de görüşmelerimiz sürüyor. Burada ülkelerimizin çıkarları hangi noktada daha olumlu neticelenirse, Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı ve İcra Komitesi de o yönde karar verecektir.

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan: Paralel'i MİT ve CIA görüşecek - Politika
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I reccomend watching the follwoing video because the guy explains alot of important stuff.

I dont know anything about all those systems but some people here were claiming that Aster was a bad solution and so on. Could someone with knowledge tell us why its bad or good compared to lets say the Chinese offer or Patriot?
I dont know anything about all those systems but some people here were claiming that Aster was a bad solution and so on. Could someone with knowledge tell us why its bad or good compared to lets say the Chinese offer or Patriot?

If i'am not wrong. cabatlı said that, they can delivery the first unit after 7 years... and Roketsan said that they can develop a similar system within 7 years.
You now whats happens when you got political problem with frans do you?:-)

Look to mistral story with the russians....
You now whats happens when you got political problem with frans do you?:-)

Look to mistral story with the russians....

Any interest in invading some sovereign European country ? :azn:

How is France unreliable ? How can they sell Mistrals if Romania,Poland or even Turkey,their NATO allies could be a target with the same Mistrals ?

Look at it this way...Turkey sells weapons to Georgia but if tommorow Georgia attacks Azerbaijan would you still deliver ongoing weapons ?
Any interest in invading some sovereign European country ? :azn:

How is France unreliable ? How can they sell Mistrals if Romania,Poland or even Turkey,their NATO allies could be a target with the same Mistrals ?

Look at it this way...Turkey sells weapons to Georgia but if tommorow Georgia attacks Azerbaijan would you still deliver ongoing weapons ?

Nearly two decades ago, Frogs send us outdated ERYX missiles from their own stocks, after judgement process they paid penalty due to this b*stardness. (Meltem 2-3) ASW aircraft projects delayed 5-10 years because of b*tchness of Thales. After they have recognized called Armenian Genocide, we banned all Frog firms from defence tenders. What has changed? Why are we talking with them now? All we know that Zionists have strong influence over France, even biggest aircraft producer Dassault's owner is a jew, maybe others too. We should take into consederation that Frogs has revealed codes of Exocets to Britain during Falkland War. I hope that we are using them just decreasing to prices.
Whats happened to news about Russia offering s 400 ?
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La Turquie discute avec la France pour un possible achat du système de défense aérienne SAMP/T - Zone Militaire

In September 2013, the Chinese CPMIEC (China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corporation) Industrial retained by Ankara was to begin négocations for a possible acquisition of the air defense system Hongqi-9 / FD 2000 the Turkish forces.

That agreement, valued at more than $ 4 billion was covered by the Franco-Italian consortium Eurosam with medium range / land Sol-air system (SAMP-T, combining Aster 30 missile and radar Arabel) in service within the Air Force as the Mamba, Russian Rosoboronexport, which had put the S-300 PMU and American groups Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, who proposed the Patriot PAC-3.

"The Chinese have given us the best price," explained at the time, the Turkish Minister of Defense. One billion dollars less compared to competitive offerings, it was advanced. And all with the promise of a possible co-production of the system in question with Turkish companies.

But the choice of Ankara did not fail to stir up controversy. First, CPMIEC was under sanctions for delivering equipment to Iran, Syria and North Korea, three countries under embargo.

In addition, the HQ-9, also largely inspired by the Russian S-300 (yet eliminated on technical criteria) was incompatible with the systems and radars implemented within the Atlantic Alliance, which Turkey is part. Unless you give access to Chinese industrial confidential data from NATO, as the IFF codes (friends / enemies), even compromising procedures among the 28 Member States.

On this last point, it should be remembered that the Greek Armed Forces have two S-300 batteries, which were handed to them by Cyprus to ease tensions with the Turkish Cypriot Turkey raised by acquisition.

However, the Turkish authorities have since reported some doubts about the Chinese system. Starting on performance, as was implied in February, Murad Bayar, Turkish Secretary of State for Defence Industries in the daily newspaper Hürriyet. Moreover, he had reported difficulties in negotiations. And prevent, "If we find that the project can not continue with China then we will consider the second offer," which was the one presented by Eurosam.

If nothing seemed insurmountable in discussions with the Chinese side there six months, it seems that this is no longer the case now if we are to believe the words of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reported by private television NTV .

"Some disagreements arose with China on the issue of joint production and know-how for the missile system," he has in fact said. "Despite this, discussions are ongoing, but France, second on the list (of potential suppliers, ie) gave us a new offer" and "now we are in discussions with France," he has said, recalling that "the joint production is important" to Ankara.

Currently, in order to address potential fire Syrian ballistic missiles, air defense of Turkish airspace has, since 2013, the reinforcement of the Active Fence mission undertaken in the framework of NATO, with six Patriot batteries PAC-3 provided by the United States, Germany, and until next January, the Netherlands.
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Roketsan can easily reach the similar range scale of Aster-30 missiles with modifying Hisar-O thanks to a large booster like Aster-30 has. In terms of precision, Aselsan should develop a capable radar seeker head...


MBDA used almost same length of huge booster with original missile body to reach that range.

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