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Syrian tanks amass near Turkish border-FSA general says

time is on our side and revenge is a dish best served cold!

amalakas is right, never underestimate your opponent! that was simply the reason for losing one of our Phantoms to syrians ............
revenge is a dish best served cold! and amalakas is right, never underestimate your opponent! that was simply the reason for losing one of our Phantoms to syrians ............

Fvck the phantom. We lost 2 pilots. (Hopefully i'm wrong)
The problem is what will we gain? Will the new syria after assad down will be our puppets? or atleast are the syrian after assad down turn their country to advanced nation? NO they will not , once again zealot organization Muslim Brotherhood will come in power and god knows whos behind that organization.When araps springs came i was hopeful like many other Turks in the end what happened? ******** bearded mullahs under the name of Muslim Brotherhood come in power!!(like MB is not enough now we have more braindead zealot islamists named Salafis) Those people brainwashed by islam so hard they can't imagine a nation management without islamic law.No need spend our soldiers lives or resources for these people.Until arabs distance themselves from bearded mullah i don't want Turkey to anything to with them.
Some sources say that A. Ocalan is not staying at Imrali Island. Do you think is there a link between Ocalan and Syria issue? Is there something going fishy?
It is really funny to read such comments;

-Syrian army is not like Libyan...
-Syrian airdefence is such strong...
-Turkish army vs. Syrian army...
-Syrian army is this and that blah blah...

Let's admit peacefully that;

-Syrian army is nothing but a clown according to NATO standarts or any proper military standarts,
-Turks are not stupid to intervene directly Syria alone why should they,
-Syrian airdefence is nothing but a small mosquito against NATO's missle tech.

It is only Russia that has to be convinced.
Syria doesn't have a chance against NATO. Having said that NATO won't indulge in another war, lets say they can't. Also as long as China and Russia are against external intervention, NATO won't take any chance to build to major confrontation.

Things WILL cool down eventually as there is too much at stake. Syria is just a playing ground of two Strong Blocs right now. Hope Turkey and Syria try to calm it down and solve the crisis by diplomatic means.
FSA is nothing but problematic they carried out attack assassination bombing they no different
The real war will start after some years. This was just the fundament created by the west.
170 tanks means one battalion, they don't stand a chance

Actually three regiments equivalent to a brigade of armor. But then there are armor brigades with just one or two tank regiments along with mechanized infantry to make up the count of three units per brigade.
kettle is reaching to the boiling point, Assad is loosing the grip on large swath of area inside Syria and he is consolidating his forces in capital Damascus and Latakia region. Get ready yourself to hear some big news in coming 72 hours.
The problem is what will we gain? Will the new syria after assad down will be our puppets? or atleast are the syrian after assad down turn their country to advanced nation? NO they will not , once again zealot organization Muslim Brotherhood will come in power and god knows whos behind that organization.When araps springs came i was hopeful like many other Turks in the end what happened? ******** bearded mullahs under the name of Muslim Brotherhood come in power!!(like MB is not enough now we have more braindead zealot islamists named Salafis) Those people brainwashed by islam so hard they can't imagine a nation management without islamic law.No need spend our soldiers lives or resources for these people.Until arabs distance themselves from bearded mullah i don't want Turkey to anything to with them.
What will come is anti iranian and pro turkey government, thats the will of the majority of syrian
I love how the Turkey strong crew is talking smack after they just lost a jet and had a second one shot at after it tried to scout for survivors. You guys need to put your money where your mouth is or don't talk so much smack.

It's embarrassing.
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