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Syrian Strikes Would Battle-Test Chinese Radars

Of course, one cannot talk about Desert Storm without talking about the second Iraq War.
Of course we can. Desert Storm was a completely stand alone event. If we wanted to, or if B43 wanted to, there would be no second Iraq invasion. Your thinking is flawed in that you believed the second Iraq invasion was fated.

Rumsfeld, Cheney, and our generals and admirals (Shinseki excepted) foresaw another cakewalk. The Chinese predicated that we'd have problems holding the country together once Saddam is booted. They also predicated that much of the war would be paid for by the People's Bank of China.

Guess who was right?
So what?

For starter, the invasion and take over of the country was a cakewalk. But the occupation and hopeful development of the country is an entirely different matter. If we wanted to, we could have just leave the day we found Saddam Hussein and turned him over to the Iraqis.

Enjoy your gloating, flawed as it is. :lol:
Of course we can. Desert Storm was a completely stand alone event. If we wanted to, or if B43 wanted to, there would be no second Iraq invasion. Your thinking is flawed in that you believed the second Iraq invasion was fated.

If it wasn't fated, then why did it happen? :coffee:

So what?

For starter, the invasion and take over of the country was a cakewalk. But the occupation and hopeful development of the country is an entirely different matter.

Any successful invasion must entail holding onto conquered territory. Hannibal was a brilliant general, but why did he fail in the end?

Ours wasn't a successful invasion; it was a disastrous raid that lasted 10 years. :coffee:

If we wanted to, we could have just leave the day we found Saddam Hussein and turned him over to the Iraqis.

Is this your opinion or do you have a source for this? :coffee:

Enjoy your gloating, flawed as it is. :lol:

I was lamenting. :coffee:
Off topic:

I pity the refugees, especially the children. The UN announced today that the number of Syrian refugees has topped two million.

Such is the nature of war. I don't really care who wins, so long it ends sooner than later.

Regardless, the U.S. should stay this one out.
War is not far as it seems in wake of Obama's threat. All of you will see them failing measurably against American and Israeli weapons.
If it wasn't fated, then why did it happen? :coffee:
Because of political goals.

The political goal in Desert Storm was to eject Iraq out of Kuwait, not regime change. The political goal in Operation Iraqi Freedom was to have regime change.

Any successful invasion must entail holding onto conquered territory. Hannibal was a brilliant general, but why did he fail in the end?

Ours wasn't a successful invasion; it was a disastrous raid that lasted 10 years. :coffee:

Any operation, be it mechanical or electronic or human events, can be broken down into discrete smaller operations. In Desert Storm, we were practically at Baghdad's doorstep but we withdrew. That was a successful invasion. The desire to acquire territory and do whatever one want with it require a successful invasion but invasion is not the same as occupation and this is where you are confused.

Is this your opinion or do you have a source for this? :coffee:
I do not need a source for this. It is logical. We could have left Iraq any time whether we found Saddam Hussein or not. It depends on the political goals we wanted.
Anyone got information about Syrian army shot down f22 raptor stealth and tomahawk on August 31? That why obomba want congress to vote.
Syrian strikes would battle test Chinese economists as they try to change the economy type from production to consumerism with rising oil prices.
Anyone got information about Syrian army shot down f22 raptor stealth and tomahawk on August 31? That why obomba want congress to vote.


IF an F22 went down, it went down in Jordan
IF an F22 went down in Jordan, the question is where did it get hit (and by what/whom): was it hit inside Syrian airspace (what was it doing there?) or inside Jordanian airspace (and what was it doing there)?

Where there any F22 in Jordan? Probably F16s where
AF assets could be called on in expected Syrian strike | Air Force Times | airforcetimes.com
Meanwhile, F-16 are deployed in Jordan | Jet Fighter Rides

If I/you were US and deploying F22, what would be more logical: deploying to Jordan or deploying to Turkey? Or someplace else?
Several of the planes, manufactured by Lockheed Martin, will operate out of Al Dhafra Air Base in UAE
US sends F-22 Raptors to base near Iran, sources say | GlobalPost
F-22s Parked Less Than Six-Minute Flight from Iran
The Aviationist » Exclusive: What nobody else will tell you about the U.S. F-22 stealth fighters deployed near Iran

WHerefrom where the Tomahawks launched (if any where launched) ? Air/Land/Sea (surface, submarine)?
Neither are ours. Plus, we have the actual, not virtual, combat experience to back them up. If a shooting fight happens, it will be a repeat of Desert Storm.

its funny how you americans dont give a $hit about war. One day i hope you in return have your medicine.
its funny how you americans dont give a $hit about war. One day i hope you in return have your medicine.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that PTSD afflicts:
Almost 31 percent of Vietnam veterans
As many as 10 percent of Gulf War (Desert Storm) veterans
11 percent of veterans of the war in Afghanistan
20 percent of Iraqi war veterans
Feature: Post Traumatic Stres Disorder PTSD: A Growing Epidemic / Neuroscience and PTSD Treatments

20 million veterans

> between 2 and 6 million veterans with PTSD
+ those physically disabled

I think US is paying today.
well United snakes of america will be wiped of in coming 5 to 8 years, war war war and economical kick on their own BU*TT.
its funny how you americans dont give a $hit about war. One day i hope you in return have your medicine.

Pearl Harbor attack is an example. We gave Japan something in return. I mean we were still in Great Depression and out of no where Japan wants to start the fight.
except 20 years ago you guys had an industry, we had nothing. We advanced way more in the same 20s. Even you would dispute this would you.

Besides, what kind of Chinese weapons were even available in those days, from what I remember, almost nothing that wasn't phased out by other countries.

Repeat of desert storm, yea, keep telling yourself that. Once you fight a nation that Americans can actually find on a map with names of the country, we'll talk.

Oh dude just ignore that immoral american child killer .Their so called military invasions were only on those countries whose military equipments were from the 1950,s.They never faced a modern military and when they will face i believe they will S-hit in their pants.
Oh dude just ignore that immoral american child killer .Their so called military invasions were only on those countries whose military equipments were from the 1950,s.They never faced a modern military and when they will face i believe they will S-hit in their pants.
I have always find this 'criticism' hilarious.

First...What constitute a 'modern' military?

Second...Let us say that there are. Why is it that it is US who is always afraid of them? Why not they who are afraid of US? We faced down the Soviets back in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Was not the Soviet military 'modern' back then?

Finally...If there is an absence of 'modern' military, why is that our fault? :lol:
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