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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I'm sick of Iceland involving itself in Middle East affairs!

Regarding BE's post, I too read there is now cease fire in those two villages and Zabadani. The rebel pressure on those two villages/cities forced a cease fire in Zabadani but I'm not sure what the conditions are of it. It would be a wrong decision to halt successful offensive(which now regime is making up for probably preparing air assistance/troops/defensive points) in exchange for just halt of attack on Zabadani.
Regarding BE's post, I too read there is now cease fire in those two villages and Zabadani. The rebel pressure on those two villages/cities forced a cease fire in Zabadani but I'm not sure what the conditions are of it. It would be a wrong decision to halt successful offensive(which now regime is making up for probably preparing air assistance/troops/defensive points) in exchange for just halt of attack on Zabadani.

They are buying time. Soon Su-30SMs bomb Idlib and Hezzy / SAA resume attack on rebels in Zabadani.

A ceasefire at this point only favors Assad, not rebels.
They are buying time. Soon Su-30SMs bomb Idlib and Hezzy / SAA resume attack on rebels in Zabadani.

I know they are buying time, hence I disagree with rebels decision to agree to ceasefire, they need to scrap it as soon as possible. Which will probably happen by tonight or tomorrow.
I know they are buying time, hence I disagree with rebels decision to agree to ceasefire, they need to scrap it as soon as possible. Which will probably happen by tonight or tomorrow.

The ceasefire lasts 2 days.
They are buying time. Soon Su-30SMs bomb Idlib and Hezzy / SAA resume attack on rebels in Zabadani.

A ceasefire at this point only favors Assad, not rebels.
You guys don't learn your lessons, you always get your bubbles harshly burst one after another... When it looked impossible for a couple of hundreds of untrained, AKs-armed civilians to survive one of the heaviest armed armies world wide, we told you they'll make it and they did and further exceeded our expectations because nobody thought that the regime is that stupid and murderous to go on with this war against it's people till now, so it looks like the only conceivable option to win is militarily. Anyway, Russian direct involvement wasn't expected but the best thing it could accomplish is the worst case scenario which happens to be establishing an Alawaite state and securing it in Latika and Tartos.
Regarding BE's post, I too read there is now cease fire in those two villages and Zabadani. The rebel pressure on those two villages/cities forced a cease fire in Zabadani but I'm not sure what the conditions are of it. It would be a wrong decision to halt successful offensive(which now regime is making up for probably preparing air assistance/troops/defensive points) in exchange for just halt of attack on Zabadani.
Conditions of ceasefire:
Regime not allowed to fly in Idlib for 6 months
Regime cannot paradrop supplies to Fua'a and Kefarya
Regime cannot reinforce any positions within the enclave
Any violations of this will result in takeover of Fua'a and Kefarya.
Regime already violated this a few times, so I'm assuming rebels are either being lenient or preparing to attack again.
You guys don't learn your lessons, you always get your bubbles harshly burst one after another... When it looked impossible for a couple of hundreds of untrained, AKs-armed civilians to survive one of the heaviest armed armies world wide, we told you they'll make it and they did and further exceeded our expectations because nobody thought that the regime is that stupid and murderous to go on with this war against it's people till now, so it looks like the only conceivable option to win is militarily. Anyway, Russian direct involvement wasn't expected but the best thing it could accomplish is the worst case scenario which happens to be establishing an Alawaite state and securing it in Latika and Tartos.

If you think SAA is tough, you are in for a surprise. Compared to the Russian military, SAA is a walk in the park. Compared to the Russian military, SAA is a nobody. SAA is not a state of the art army like the Russian army. SAA is an obsolete army, even worse than the Ukrainian army. Russian military intervention is definitely going to tip the balance.

Ka-52 is hell

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500 militants in Kanaker surrendered to SAA






Syrian foreign minister says Russian attack will turn the tables. Putin expected to announce start of Operation Salvation during speech at UN.

Al-Moallem: Russia’s participation in... - Syrian Arab Army | Facebook

BTR-82A in Syria

Iraq? :p:

Uncle Putin deployed the latest Su-30SM bomb trucks to Syria. These are Su-30SM not Su-27 because of canards.



interesting..not only will they be used to bomb rats, but would be a deterrent against NATO fighters.
russian will get whopped if they actually join the fight,,,, its going to be afghanistan 2.0
russian will get whopped if they actually join the fight,,,, its going to be afghanistan 2.0

Technology has come a long way since that time. This time night attacks will totally demoralize.
Technology has come a long way since that time. This time night attacks will totally demoralize.

technology has come long way..... both ways....
already too many players in conflict .... too bloody risky....
russians should stay out
technology has come long way..... both ways....
already too many players in conflict .... too bloody risky....
russians should stay out
Assad was losing ground to terrorist so Russians had to intervene to help Assad.....hope its not too late :coffee:
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