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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Regime and ISIS joint attacks on rebels in North Aleppo = Not joint attacks, just stronk SAA tactics.
ISIS and Rebel joint attacks on regime supply line to Aleppo = Clear coordination between terrorist groups.
Iranian double standards at work.

Oh, you want to talk about equipment sold?
May I remind you how Israel supported Iran against Saddam?
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't even know why this discussion started and here we are. The whole point is, Iran and Russia presence in Syria is legitimate, but presence of those terrorists coming from other countries is not.


Hezbollah forces providing security for Ashura day commemoration and ceremonies in Beirut:




You don't even know why this discussion started and here we are. The whole point is, Iran and Russia presence in Syria is legitimate, but presence of those terrorists coming from other countries is not.


Hezbollah forces providing security for Ashura day commemoration and ceremonies in Beirut:




The thing is no matter what one says what happens what u see, u will only believe ur own delusions.

Iran and legitimacy in syria don't make sense. Who invited them in: bashar the dude who himself lost it all with his 90% fake election result and supers sion of peaceful protestor.

But then u are one who sits here and tirelessly defend those who killed ur own during the Iranian protests some 5 7 years ago. So what can and how can we expect u be a sane one.
#Washington: A Message From a Syriac Orthodox to the Russian Church
Summary :
  • Few months ago, ISIS kidnapped 300 Christians and the minority defenders did nothing about them.
  • To Fr. Chaplin: Fighting ISIS is holy but there is nothing holy in defending a criminal like Al-Assad.
  • When we have to choose between Al-Assad and ISIS, we choose Jesus who taught us to be free.
  • Al-Assad is using Christians as pawns to keep his clan in power. They monopolize power and money.
  • The Russian air strikes will form hate and dispute between Muslims and Christians.
  • Khaleel Ma'touq and Gabriel Moushe are members of our Orthodox Church who have been in Al-Assad's moderate prisons for more than 2 years.
  • Bassel Shehadeh, an Orthodox Christian filmmaker was killed in 2012 by the government in Homs.
    The regime refused to let people offer prayers for Bassel in Damascus and was buried inside a church in the rebel-held areas of Homs city back then.
  • Iyad Al-Deed who was a friend of Bassel and a protester, later he joined the FSA and was killed by a Russian air strike in Homs.
Thank you madam. But who said they intervened for Christians' sake ?
And didn't rebels say 'Christians to Lebanon' ? You violated the rules by going to Washington and you'll be 'resisted' for slamming Bashar and his 'resistance'.

A while ago you learned how to become a 'moderate Sunni', here is how to become a 'moderate Orthodox' :

Left: An Islamist, Nasibi, Wahhabi Christian. Stay as you're madam and never ever become 'moderate'.
Right: A moderate, oppressed, resistant Christian. Please sir, save us from that big head of yours by hitting it with a sledge-hammer. Thank you.
#RIH: Fatimiyoun Tatbirist Commander was Stomped and Delivered to Hell

Name: Mustafa Sadr-Zada
Nationality: Iranian
Allegiance: Fatimiyoun

He was the commander of Ammar Battalion of Fatimiyoun foreign tatbirists. Have fun with the other scums in Hell.

Source (Farsi): Saat24
#RIH: Another Foreign Tatbirist Has Perished in Southern Aleppo

Name: Hadi Shuja'
Nationality: Iranian
Allegiance: Basij

Just look how Saudi Arabia is imposing itself everywhere in the Middle East.

Source (Farsi): Tehran News
#RIH: Pictures Have Killed Two More Hizbullah Tatbirists

Name: Sami Harb and Abbas Husain
Nationality: Lebanese
Allegiance: Hizbullah (Lebanon)
Sami was sent to Hell for taking a picture with Qasim Sulaimani while Abbas was sent to Hell for taking a picture with Hasan Nasrullah.
#RIH: An IRGC Tatbirist was Stomped by the Rebels

Name: Muhammad Istihkami
Nationality: Iranian
Allegiance: IRGC

An oppressed and too moderate tatbirist from the 33th Al-Mahdi Airborne Brigade.

Source (Farsi): Ghatreh
As for the Ahmadinejad's bodyguard, Abdullah Baqiri, Iranian sources confirmed that he went to Hell (here).
The thing is no matter what one says what happens what u see, u will only believe ur own delusions.

Iran and legitimacy in syria don't make sense. Who invited them in: bashar the dude who himself lost it all with his 90% fake election result and supers sion of peaceful protestor.

But then u are one who sits here and tirelessly defend those who killed ur own during the Iranian protests some 5 7 years ago. So what can and how can we expect u be a sane one.

I can't take your posts seriously anymore, so, why don't you save your precious time? Life is too short.




Despite "the only road was cut" Asadists kept large offensive in Aleppo. For some reason they are not concerned about that cut.

The route was cut only yesterday. Amazing cooperation between ISIS and rebels, since they are one soul in 2 bodies.

Both dogs.... face painted black:omghaha::omghaha:

This is a place for mature discussion, not a kindergarten, I think there are websites designed solely for that purpose.

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I can't take your posts seriously anymore, so, why don't you save your precious time? Life is too short.




The route was cut only yesterday. Amazing cooperation between ISIS and rebels, since they are one soul in 2 bodies.

This is a place for mature discussion, not a kindergarten, I think there are websites designed solely for that purpose.

Running away are we now mullah boy.
This is what u say when u don't have a leg to stand on.

Better for. Just don't quote me either no matter how itchy it gets fot u

Both dogs.... face painted black:omghaha::omghaha:
Beautiful country messed up by sectarian crap. But really nice awesome people had a blast there a month ago. Hoping to be there again in December.
Running away are we now mullah boy.
This is what u say when u don't have a leg to stand on.
If you think you had a strong argument back there, then it's fine, you can now celebrate.
Better for. Just don't quote me either no matter how itchy it gets fot u

I would be be fine with that. Why engage in an argument that we both know leads nowhere and waste our time?
We all remember how u begged for US support in Tikrit after Soleimani lost 1000 people and could not capture a shyt.

The route was cut only yesterday. Amazing cooperation between ISIS and rebels, since they are one soul in 2 bodies.
So I was right again. This so called cut had not whatsoever military value.
We all remember how u begged for US support in Tikrit after Soleimani lost 1000 people and could not capture a shyt.

Tikrit was captured by Iran-backed Hashd al-Shaabi (PMF), just like how they fully captured Baiji few days ago without one single U.S airstrike, which seem to help ISIS more than destroying them.

So I was right again. This so called cut had not whatsoever military value.
How did you reach that conclusion? Because it was closed yesterday? Amazing runaway tactics dear 500, but try it on someone else. Your Nusra and Co terrorists are the same as ISIS terrorists, they fight for the same values and goals.

We have witnessed an outstanding cooperation between ISIS and rebels again.
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#Washington: A Message From a Syriac Orthodox to the Russian Church

Beautiful girl, but too stupid to understand one simple thing: SAA has no resource to protect every its citizen. The US-backed terrorists groups slaughtered and kidnapping not only Christians, but also Alawits in Latakia, Shias and Sunnis, i.e. everyone who don't agree with their point of view.

we choose Jesus who taught us to be free.

Jesus and Holy Fathers also taught Christians to protect themselves and their relatives in war times.
The Apostle Matthew 10:34 "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

So this is Christian Community should create their own armed militia, checkpoints control and others stuffs which is will help to protect them from terrorists, and also they should stop to blame Assad for their own cowardly or stupidly.
Iran has always avoided using their own men to die in wars unless unavoidable. They have always used Arab proxies to do it for them. Whether that's Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah or Iraq Shia militia.
i agree Iran rarely sends troops
but don't put a propaganda stance in your message "Arab proxies" ... this is nothing about using arabs.
anyway most of the groups exist before Iran is supporting them. for Palestine of course groups fight Israel before 79. LOL.
and about Iraq it is too complex to summarize in a kid way : PMF is helping but other militias could / can be dangerous for Iraq.
For Iran to commit men and have senior members killed, it must be something really important.
Iran is sending experimented or valuable persons in army. everyone knows this; and it is not because some are bad guys that it changes fact they are good army men.
So just what is so important? Iran was supporting Assad before ISIS had a stronghold on Syria.
you don't get something. KSA supported ISIS to make things worst.
but before even ISIS in Syria , they were already groups supported by MB and KSA/Qatar to make the rebels hate Iranians. from the beginning all countries around (almost) wanted to take benefit out of Syrian rebels.
The reason they supported Assad was because Syria was the conduit to smuggling arms to Hezbollah against Israel. The Iranians have been paranoid about losing their Israeli border presence. They knew that if Syria fell to the opposition, that arms shipments to Hezbollah would be greatly reduced or stopped.

We know Iran has been busy trying to create a new front with Israel in the Golan. They've been liquidated every time they have tried, but are still trying.
this is your fantasm. but your fantasm doesn't mean reality.
golan? Assad never cared to attack Israel even with all the propaganda against Israel he is using... just blabla and bullshit words , as usual.
Hezbollah since a long time now they don't attack Israel . In Lebanon they enter politics and work with non anti Israel groups , because they share a same goal for Lebanese politics . they become much more national now.
still like u i don't like them but it is important to be honest and see the truth instead of being blind with hatred.
not sure if already posted but...

Russia offers air cover for anti-Assad rebels, urges polls
Russia's air force in Syria is ready to support the Free Syrian Army in its fight against the Islamic State militant group, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says.

MOSCOW: Russia said on Saturday (Oct 24) it was ready to provide air support for Western-backed moderate rebels battling both militants and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as Moscow presses on with its diplomatic offensive over the conflict.

Speaking after a surprise summit between Syria's embattled leader and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin this week, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged moves towards presidential and parliamentary polls in the war-torn country.

Representatives of Syria's Western-backed opposition sounded incredulous, saying Russia should first stop bombing moderate rebels and that talk of elections was premature.

On the ground, Syrian troops backed by Russian air strikes battled fighters from the Islamic State (IS) group in a bid to restore a key supply line to second city Aleppo, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

At least 28 IS fighters and 21 troops and pro-regime militia have been killed in the battle for the road leading to the government-held part of Aleppo, it said.

The monitors also reported Russian strikes in northern Hama province and said six people, including three children, were killed in what was believed to be a Russian strike on the village of Al-Barqun in Aleppo province.

Russia and the West have been at loggerheads over Assad's fate, a major sticking point in efforts to solve a crisis that has killed more than 250,000 people since 2011 and sparked an exodus of around four million refugees.

Seeking to shake off months of Western isolation over the Ukraine conflict, Putin last month launched air strikes in Syria and has since launched negotiations with the war's key regional players, including some of Assad's worst enemies, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

But Washington has accused Moscow of seeking to buttress Assad by bombing moderate rebels in Syria, and refused to share intelligence over Syria.


Analysts say Lavrov's offer of support for the anti-Assad opposition in the fight against IS could point to a shift in the Kremlin's position.

"We are ready to also support patriotic opposition, including the so-called Free Syrian Army, from the air," Lavrov said in an interview with the Rossiya 1 television channel.

Russia has previously only used the words "patriotic" or "healthy" to describe groups backing Assad. Moscow says it has struggled to identify areas controlled by moderate rebels and has urged the West to help build bridges.

The Russian government released the transcript of the interview after Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed in Vienna on Friday to explore new ways of trying to reach a political settlement.

Lavrov, who spoke to Kerry again on Saturday, also said the huge influx of migrants to Europe - many of them Syrian refugees - had helped shift EU politicians' thinking, which could potentially lead the way to fresh talks on Syria's future.

"Of course, it's necessary to prepare for both parliamentary and presidential polls," Lavrov added.


Western-backed Syrian rebels rejected Russia's offer of help under current circumstances.

"Russia is bombing the Free Syrian Army and now it wants to cooperate with us, while it remains committed to Assad?" said Lieutenant Colonel Ahmad Saoud, a spokesman for the Division 13 rebel group. "We don't understand Russia at all!"

But things could be different if Assad quits power, he suggested. "In the event that Assad leaves, there is a transitional government, a ceasefire and the formation of a national army to serve its country, we will try to forget the pain in order to build our country."

Samir Nashar, a member of the Syrian National Coalition, the opposition's main political body, said the proposal of new elections was absurd and accused Moscow of trying "to circumvent the demands of the Syrian people for Assad's departure".

Syria last held presidential elections in June 2014, with Assad re-elected for a seven-year term with 88.7 per cent of the vote. The election was dismissed by the opposition and condemned internationally.

- 'Things resolve themselves' -
Some analysts say Moscow may not be married to the idea of Assad staying in power indefinitely, with others suggesting the Kremlin may be nudging the disgraced leader to share power.

Jeremy Binnie, Middle East editor at IHS Jane's Defence Weekly, said Putin wants to see a settlement in Syria and is "prepared to retire Bashar al-Assad to achieve that goal".

Washington and its allies say there is no role for Assad in the future, although some of them have said recently his resignation need not be immediate.

Putin has stressed that Assad's fate should be decided by the people and said Russia's possible support for the moderate rebels was agreed with the Syrian leader. In a sign of progress, Russia and Jordan, a member of a US-lead coalition that is also bombing IS targets, agreed to "coordinate" their air operations in Syria.

Kerry welcomed the deal and said he was not worried by the absence of a common position on Assad's fate. "If we can get into a political process, sometimes these things have a way of resolving themselves."

- AFP/ec

Russia offers air cover for anti-Assad rebels, urges polls - Channel NewsAsia
@500 does figures provided by SOHR are credible? Are they provide authentic estimation close to ground realities or these figures are just propaganda?
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