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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

I though Russia was there to fight isis?
Seems like the fight against isis is a good propaganda tool to execute your own agenda without anyone saying anything against it.

For a moment i thought this might finaly be the end of isis because of the teenager hype of Russian fan boys here on boear but it seems to be hot air like always.

The direction of advance is west to east. ISIS cannot be dealt with until Army of Conquest is destroyed in Idlib and Hama and Homs provinces.

Assad army advancing in northern Latakia, notice new armor, helmet, visors, camo

Jihad in the pure and honest form in Islam itself is good but the current jihad used nowadays is simply terrorist and need to be dealt with ASAP.

Jihad has no meaning, at the time of your Prophet Jihad was basically recruiting call. In same way Christians used 'Crusade' term to get basically military draft. Nowadays 'Jihad' has so many meanings and like the term 'terrorism' it's used to slander ones political opponents. Every dictator that faces an uprising refers to his populace as 'Jihadists' to get moral and political support from the West while at same time his local media stations assert that his political opponents are allies of the West which seek to destroy the region. You guys cross all boundaries of hypocrisy it's not even funny anymore...so try to be more professional or else you're basically telling everyone that you have no respect for your religion and will use religion as a tool to demonize your enemies even when that endangers your own people. Man you guys aren't bright people at all.
Northern Latakia front. "SAA troops advancing in 2 axis,captured Bahsa, Jubb alahmar, Kafr ajouz villages, clashes in Kafr dulbah at the moment."


Russian top gun Mi-24PM attack helicopters CAS near Salma, Latakia province.

Assad army on the offensive

Russian air force bombing insurgent strategic targets

Insurgent training camp in Idlib province demolished by Russian air force top gun.

be careful man. KSA is actively involved in Yamen war, Russia may support houthi via Iran with weapon and intel. I think Wise generals wil stay quiet in the present situation.
More than 22 tanks were destroyed today by Syrian rebels and many other armored vehicles were destroyed too. Also, they captured 4 tanks.

It's just the beginning, I think in the next five days Syrian rebels will target Russian forces. Russians will learn it the hard way. IT'S NOT UKRAINE.
insane Assad army SPG shooting insurgent building

Assad artillery pounding insurgents in northern Hama offensive

They should try their available manpads on mi 24 and see what happens... to test the waters...
Firing aks is not a good idea
be careful man. KSA is actively involved in Yamen war, Russia may support houthi via Iran with weapon and intel. I think Wise generals wil stay quiet in the present situation.
I don't think Saudi Arabia will step in directly, actually it doesn't need to. Just increase the amounts of required weapon and let death take care of the scum.
I do believe, a few Russian casualities will seriously ratch up pro war sentiment in Russia. Russians are a proud people. The more they get humiliated, the harder they bite. Germans were crushed by Russian offensive after Operation Barbarossa. A single Kilo attack submarine can flatten every insurgent building in Douma using Kalibr cruise missiles.
when the Mi-24 is flying so low. how are they targeting?? is it just with their eyes or do they have a ccd/flir pod?

you would think flying high up with a targeting pod would be better.
Shoot down 1, we build 10. Let's see how many men you have. We have more man power than you ta ha

LOLs Allied forces versus insurgents is like


American allies are there to replenish and re-supply the cannibal zombies: Gulf Arabs 'stepping up' arms supplies to Syrian rebels - BBC News

The Takfiris have no shortage of manpower either.

That is why, unless United States does not order its slaves to stop re-supplying the cannibal zombies, this war will go on for a very long time.
American allies are there to replenish and re-supply the cannibal zombies: Gulf Arabs 'stepping up' arms supplies to Syrian rebels - BBC News

Insurgent areas are under siege. Not a fly will get in or out. Their Gulf suppliers have no way of resupplying tee hee Russian air force top guns control the air space over Syria 8-) Any convoy WILL be destroyed by air power. All arms and ammo depots WILL be destroyed by air power.

VIDEO: Russia strikes terrorists' command post, fuel depot & fortifications — RT News

Assad army new Russia supplied uniform, body armor, helmet

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