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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

It's part of BM-30 Smerch. Control device.

no shit, but looks like they were duds or didn't find any tanks/armor vehicles to hit. which makes me say, why would they target rats when they have limited number of tanks in use.
9M55K5 would be more effective
no shit, but looks like they were duds or didn't find any tanks/armor vehicles to hit. which makes me say, why would they target rats when they have limited number of tanks in use.
9M55K5 would be more effective


The next 6 months is pretty predictable:
Russia bombs for a while and then SAA starts to take back the cities, probably not all of them.
On the other side:
The rebels will use propaganda like hitting russian planes and numorous tanks.
Syrian Arab Army units captured the towns of "Kafar Nabodea, al-Mogheer, Tal Orthman and Tal al-Shakher" in Hama northern countryside.

The battlefield in constantly changing; and, the Syrian Arab Army's units are still advancing.

الجيش العربي السوري يحرز مزيدا من التقدم على محور آخر في ريف حماه الشمالي، ويسيطر على بلدة كفرنبودة وقرية المغير شرق قلعة_المضيق، و تل_الصخر شمال شرق المغير، و تل_عثمان غرب بلدة كفرنبودة وعطشان في ريف حماه الشمالي، اثر اشتباكات عنيفة مع المجموعات المسلحة اسفرت عن وقوع عدد كبير من القتلى والجرحى وتدمير اليات للمسلحين.

Syrian Arab Army

Complete Battle Map of Syria: October 2015 Update
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UK said 80 percent of the attacks are not against ISIS.
US said 90 percent of the attacks are not against ISIS.
Looks like US and UK do not collaborate completely when it comes to information
More than 22 tanks were destroyed today by Syrian rebels and many other armored vehicles were destroyed too. Also, they captured 4 tanks.

It's just the beginning, I think in the next five days Syrian rebels will target Russian forces. Russians will learn it the hard way. IT'S NOT UKRAINE.
There is nothing called SAA right now. It has completely been infiltrated by Iranian advisors and Shia fighters from Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. These fighters have very low moral on the battle field because they don't want to be there. I read most of them were tricked to go to Syria.

How tricked? Where they told they would go to Disney Land and then pretend that Assad was Mickey Mouse?
Islamic State kills three Assyrian Christian captives: activists| Reuters

Thu Oct 8, 2015 3:58am EDT
Islamic State militants have killed three Assyrian Christian captives who were among nearly 200 Christians abducted earlier this year in northeastern Syria, two human rights monitoring groups said on Thursday.

The three men were killed late last month but the news emerged this week when a video showing their deaths was released, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported.

The Assyrian Human Rights Network said the three men were among 187 Assyrians being held by Islamic State. Both organizations said they were killed two weeks ago on Eid al-Adha, an Islamic holiday.

Islamic State abducted the Assyrians in February during battles with the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia in northeastern Syria.
They have posted a map where they pushed North of Hama and Idlib, it was on twitter along with pictures. Its not surprising, considering how the Russians were pounding rebel positions from the top and Russian Gunships were hugging the terrain and flying menacingly low. But overall, my assessment tells me that the rebels won this day and not the regime.
I can draw a map where Assad captured Antarctica. Today its clear that they failed to capture anything.

I don't believe this gain was well worth it. SAA does not has the manpower to hold these towns and it looks like a tactical retreat by the Rebels. They knew that they couldn't possibly defend against such overwhelming firepower, they made the smart decision of causing immense damage to SAA Armour and than retreating. I am still at a loss at the level of incompetence of the SAA. Unless the Russians put an Officer at least on a company level, SAA will continue performing like this.
Yesterday "Putin's birthday" offensive was planned by Russian officers quite obviously. And it was one of the biggest failures.

Sir, what's your analysis? Why hasn't Assad initiated any reforms within the Army? Is the Army corrupt because it certainly seems that its Officers haven't learned sh** in the past 4 years. Their axis of advancement today was horribly miscalculated, Armour advancing without any Infantry. I can understand you making this mistake once, but for God sake 4 years in a row.
The main problem of Assad is quantity and morale of the personnel. Assad has hardly 120-150 K and nearly half of them are drafted Sunnis who would prefer to shot their Alawi commanders rather than rebels, drafted Christians also have very low morale. Even among Alawis and Druze most are drafted guys by force, whos families had not enough power and money to bribe the officials.

Rebels on the other hand are all volunteers with very high morale. After 4 years of war only real hard core guys remained with them.

No Russian officers can change it. Of course they still have the overwhelming advantage in firepower, they have air force, armor. Thats why we have kind of stalemate.

I personally expected offensive against encircled rebels in Talbisa - Rastan, where they dont have TOWs. Why they attacked Jabl Zavia - is beyond understanding.

Its Kh-59 air to ground missile.

Obama man's 1.5 year campaign

Thanks to Obamas air campaign Kurds increased their territory about twice.
fighters from Ahrar al-Sham fire rockets toward the northwestern Shiite villages of Foua and Kfarya in Idlib, Syria.

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