Arab dictators of the 20th and 21st century are a special breed. I really don't know what is going through the head of Bashar al-Assad when he orders his army to carpet bomb 2/3 of Syria and turn most of "his" people into refugees killing well over 100.000 civilians in the process.
Never again should any Arab country or society allow uneducated people and families like the likes of Saddam, Gaddafi, Al-Assad etc. to ruin whole societies and countries for generations to come. It's something that we as Arabs must correct and never repeat again.
I am quite honestly at times angry that so many Syrians have left the country although I understand the enormous hardships that they are living under. What is certain is that we, the Arabs, need to win against our own demons (dictators) and get the rights we deserve and carve after. This process will be painful like it was for Europeans. Once again 60 million Europeans died just between WW1 and WW2. Before that in their fight against the Church/Clergy/Absolute Monarchs many more millions died. Nobody helped them back then but themselves.
This sounds harsh but I hope that you understand my point. We need changes from within. Serious ones.
People like Al-Assad, Gaddafi, Saddam etc. don't come out of nowhere. They are a product of the ills found in our societies. All emerging after 1945 and all being students of the brutal Soviet School. You can say a lot about monarchs and monarchies not being democracies but the situation in the Arab monarchies whether it is Morocco or Bahrain in terms of rights is/was much greater than in Libya during Gaddafi, Saddam in Iraq, Hafez + Bashar in Syria etc.
A new way is needed.