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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Give it a rest with the FETO conspiracy BS. Everyone around the world is laughing at Turkey over the made up crap. Many people in Turkey do not even like Erdogan, when the military tried to overthrow him suddenly military personnel became "FETO" "traitors" and "terrorists".

Many of the "rebels" arnt even Syrian, something you conviently ignore. So if a bunch of foreign jihadists funded by Iran, Russia, etc funded terrorists including Kurds to kill Turkish soldiers, what would you call that? You would label them terrorists just like you labeled everyone a terrorist such as Kurds, Russian, Iranians, Alawite, etc.

You you have some nerve to talk about terrorism, because the Turks don't terrorize Kurds right?

Your number kelps changing, how does it jump from 11 million to 1 million? Did the zombie apocalypse happen?
"Many people doesn't even like Erdogan" lol, the man has more than 50% supporters in Turkey.

It doesn't matter how some of the world's media is portraying Turkey in this. Officially there are no pm's or presidents saying Erdogan did it himself. It's rediculous media propaganda to make people hate Erdogan in order to weaken Turkey and make it a puppet nation once again.

No idiot would give his life for Erdogan, since he's not an ideology or religion. Why would so many generals doom their lives for Erdoğans plans. Youre really like teenage kids of europe and russia blaming Erdoğan for coup and blaming Erdogan for supporting ISIS. Those arguments are in ruins.

"Many rebels aren't even Syrian" lol, and how many in comparison with Assads force? Uncomparably small. Much more than 90% would be Syrian, but i don't know if we have any factual number for this. Do support your argument what major group is in the FSA that comes from outside.

FSA is fighting against many countries, if they didn't have the numbers they'd long be gone. It's inevitable to see they are the majority, in large sums. In addition, they have no Sukhois or helicopters or bigger weapons. They don't even have anti air weapons. Yet they still survive through the day and night air bombardments that has been going on for no less than 3 years?

You really are Russian
Your number kelps changing, how does it jump from 11 million to 1 million? Did the zombie apocalypse happen?
I said 11+ millions were ethnically cleansed. I never said 11 million were killed.
Russian soldiers patrol in Aleppo Syria , Feb 2 2017
Al Waer gets emptied of terrorists and now time to bus them to Idlib. Russia and Iran planning a giant kill box in Idlib for these terrorists, just like Aleppo. Last week 500 surrendered to the Syrian army:

Second Group of Militants to Leave Al-Waer District of Syria's Homs on March 27
Middle East
14:19 26.03.2017(updated 15:32 26.03.2017) Get short URL
The second group of militants will leave Al-Waer district of the Syrian city of Homs on March 27 and move to Idlib, according to Homs Governor Talal Barazi.
HOMS (Sputnik) — The second group of militants is expected to leave Al-Waer district of the Syrian city of Homs on March 27 under a deal with the local authorities, Homs Governor Talal Barazi told Sputnik on Sunday.

"The second group will leave on Monday. It was expected that they leave the city today and move to Idlib, but the groups, which had to receive the militants appeared to be unable to do that," the governor said.


© Sputnik/ Michael Alaeddin
Over 500 Armed Opposition Members in Syrian Homs Agree to Lay Down Arms
The Homs governor added that the district would be fully cleared from militants within six weeks.
"They have two options. The first is to leave. The second is to remain in Al-Waer, lay down their arms and take the advantage of presidential amnesty. Last week over 500 militants surrendered to the authorities and asked for an opportunity to remain in the district as unarmed civilians," Barazi said.

On March 13, Syrian authorities and militant groups in Homs reached an agreement with Russian mediation as the guarantor. In accordance with the agreement, militants and their families agreed to leave Homs stage by stage, while Syrian government troops guarantied safe passage for them.

On March 18, over 1,400 militants and members of their families left Al-Waer toward the Jarabulus city to the north of the Aleppo province in compliance with the agreement.
Kill box like Aleppo being prepared for these terrorists by Putin, Assad and Hezb (for the one's who won't surrender in Idlib). Once they are all there, then they will be pounded just like in Aleppo. Idlib is the last major city (major population center) left in Syria. All of Iraq is already under Iranian and Iranian allied control. Once Idlib falls, the rebels and ISIS have no grounds to even negotiate for their existence.
It's a monumental defeat for the Zionists and imperialists.

SSA will win, al-Azad is the only leader.
Kill box like Aleppo being prepared for these terrorists by Putin, Assad and Hezb (for the one's who won't surrender in Idlib). Once they are all there, then they will be pounded just like in Aleppo. Idlib is the last major city (major population center) left in Syria. All of Iraq is already under Iranian and Iranian allied control. Once Idlib falls, the rebels and ISIS have no grounds to even negotiate for their existence.
It's a monumental defeat for the Zionists and imperialists.
It has nothing to do with zionists or imperialists. Zionists are trying hard to create an autonomous puppet dog proxy in Nothern Syria, and fascists imperialists (like Iran and Russia) is trying to make their zombie (Assad) survive the rage of his people. No matter how many heart or kidney transplant you make to this zombie I hope the people will victor.

By your logic, the people of Egypt were also terrorists when they were on the streets downing al-Mubarak. And Mubarak would be the hero, right?

Assad was scared for his *** too much that the exact same shit would happen to him like Mubarak, so he used everything he had in stock on the heads of his people. Massacring in hundreds of thousands. This piece of terrorist scum and his supporter scums won't last for ever. Your end will come.

You fake japanese.

In meanwhile, while terrorist Assadists are conquering empty deserts of ISIS with all their forces:

Tadef is in the hands of FSA, and it seems some other towns will soon fall in FSA hands.

And some few days ago, it didn't look so green over Hama city:

Seems like 3 years day and night bombardment of Sukhois was not sufficient to reduce the number of Syrian people or make them all escape the country. You need more planes over here Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Assad, Afghan Shias, Pakistani Shias and whoever foreign filthy terrorist out there - come over here Russia and his puppets need to kill civilians so they can guarantee to establish the puppet Assad's seat and make him rule until he dies, and then make other family members rule.
You will be defeated by Iran. I can guarantee this. Iran and Russia will kill all your toadies. No need to get upset. Iran China and Russia do not consider Turkey as an enemy. Not yet at least. Just get the hell out of Syria. Iran happy to work with Turkey on the Kurdish issue.

It has nothing to do with zionists or imperialists. Zionists are trying hard to create an autonomous puppet dog proxy in Nothern Syria, and fascists imperialists (like Iran and Russia) is trying to make their zombie (Assad) survive the rage of his people. No matter how many heart or kidney transplant you make to this zombie I hope the people will victor.

By your logic, the people of Egypt were also terrorists when they were on the streets downing al-Mubarak. And Mubarak would be the hero, right?

Assad was scared for his *** too much that the exact same shit would happen to him like Mubarak, so he used everything he had in stock on the heads of his people. Massacring in hundreds of thousands. This piece of terrorist scum and his supporter scums won't last for ever. Your end will come.

You fake japanese.

In meanwhile, while terrorist Assadists are conquering empty deserts of ISIS with all their forces:
View attachment 386843
Tadef is in the hands of FSA, and it seems some other towns will soon fall in FSA hands.

And some few days ago, it didn't look so green over Hama city:
View attachment 386844
Seems like 3 years day and night bombardment of Sukhois was not sufficient to reduce the number of Syrian people or make them all escape the country. You need more planes over here Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Assad, Afghan Shias, Pakistani Shias and whoever foreign filthy terrorist out there - come over here Russia and his puppets need to kill civilians so they can guarantee to establish the puppet Assad's seat and make him rule until he dies, and then make other family members rule.
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Turkey invested heavily with team west, team wahabi, and team Zionist to overthrow the Syrian government...

now the Syrian government looks to have survived completely indebted to iran,Hezbollah and Russia.

and most of the Turkish Syrian border turned PKK...

could the outcome have been any more disasterous for turkey?

should have sticked to the fascist schtick you had going, and let the jihadi's alone..

you play with fire, you get burned.. Enjoy the results.

Oh ps. Pkk on your border is also US/Israeli puppet/ or potential puppet. kurds while enjoying selling themselves to the highest bidder, always seem to prefer American/Zionist schlong as a preference for some reason?? (a good question to ask the next Kurdish leader you run into)

The Syrian war has been a total and complete disaster for turkey, and an overwhelming defeat for the western regime change engine.. these are historic moments.
You will be defeated by Iran. I can guarantee this. Iran and Russia will kill all your toadies. No need to get upset. Iran China and Russia do not consider Turkey as an enemy. Not yet at least. Just get the hell out of Syria. Iran happy to work with Turkey on the Kurdish issue.
Iran is nowhere capable to even seize a single Turkish city lol. Our army, airforce, tank divisions, navy, all of them are lightyears ahead of Iran's.
You are either Irani or Kurdi, that's also visible from your profile picture. LOL.

Fake japanese.

Turkey invested heavily with team west, team wahabi, and team Zionist to overthrow the Syrian government...

now the Syrian government looks to have survived completely indebted to iran,Hezbollah and Russia.

and most of the Turkish Syrian border turned PKK...

could the outcome have been any more disasterous for turkey?

should have sticked to the fascist schtick you had going, and let the jihadi's alone..

you play with fire, you get burned.. Enjoy the results.

Oh ps. Pkk on your border is also US/Israeli puppet/ or potential puppet. kurds while enjoying selling themselves to the highest bidder, always seem to prefer American/Zionist schlong as a preference for some reason?? (a good question to ask the next Kurdish leader you run into)

The Syrian war has been a total and complete disaster for turkey, and an overwhelming defeat for the western regime change engine.. these are historic moments.
Take it easy little ape, it is only your 3rd comment on this forum.
You describe as if; if Turkey didn't intervene - the Kurds of Rojova wouldn't have been proceeding to establish their wet dreams they had for centuries. Kurds in Northern Syria are living their happiest moments in history right now because they seized a lot of deserts mostly taken from Arabs and Türkmens in that region.
You must learn many things in this area little padavan. Kurds in Syria already claimed their territories long before the Operation Euphrates Shield started.

Let's look here, Date: 15 Aug 2016 (Before Operation ES)

Looks exactly the same to me.

Turkey's intervention was totally legitimate in order to remove ISIS from the borders, and have a potential chance to eradicate the Kurdish terrorist scums from our borders. But suddenly all of world's powers were very interested in establishing their autonomous puppet dog proxy Donkeystan (Rojova) in Syria. Turkey is a very strong nation we all know this, but not strong enough to fight USA, Russia, Iran and all their dogs at the same time.

In Operation ES:
- Turkey has successfully created a buffer zone between one of the two terrorist groups in Syria.
- Trained a weaponized Türkmen rebels inside Syria
- Mobilized troops inside foreign soils and experienced "war" with modern weapons against extreme suicide bomber style terror organization.
- Utilized home-made key technologies as T-155 (Firtina Obüs)
- As of 25 February 2017, 50.000 Syrian refugees in Turkey have returned to the areas which were taken under control since the beginning of the intervention
- As of 25 February 2017, Turkish-backed Syrian rebels captured a total of 2,000 square kilometres
- Killed 2647 ISIS scums and captured 417.
- Killed 425 PYD/PKK donkeys and captured 37.
- Killed 30+ Assadist terrorists and captured 22.
For all this, we only lost 71 Turkish heroes. And 515 Türkmen (FSA) soldiers.

Now frankly, against all odds, and against worlds single superpower USA - Turkey acted on its own interests (and still doing) and accomplished all of this singlehandedly. And you try to describe it as a defeat. It is clear that you are a very ignorant individual.
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Selim, I told u to calm down! There is nothing for u in soorya. The West has permanently destabilized Turkey. Iran has no interest in destabilizing Turkey. Not our issue or problem. We are not enemies. This entire Kurdish drama is U.S. created. Iran is not doing this to hurt Turkey you fool! Iran's interest is the Zionist entity, and anything that gets in the way is fair game. Is that too hard for you to understand? I am Iranian living in Japan. That picture in my avatar is of a funny Iraqi dude on a dubai persian comedy show.

Iran is nowhere capable to even seize on Turkish city lol. Our army, airforce, tank divisions, navy, all of them are lightyears ahead of Iran's.
You are either Irani or Kurdi, that's also visible from your profile picture. LOL.

Fake japanese.

Take it easy little ape, it is only your 3rd comment on this forum.
You describe as if, if Turkey didn't intervene the Kurd wouldn't have been proceeding to establish their wet dreams they had for centuries. Kurds in Northern Syria are living their happiest moments in history right now because they seized alot of deserts mostly taken from Arabs and Türkmens in that region.
You must learn many things in this area, such as Kurds in Syria already claimed their territories long before the Operation ES started.

Let's look here, Date: 15 Aug 2016
View attachment 387021
Looks exactly the same to me.

Turkey's intervention was a total legitimate in order to remove ISIS from the borders, and have a potential chance to eradicate the Kurdish terrorist scums from our borders. But suddenly all of world's powers were very interested in establishing their autonomous puppet dog proxy Donkeystan (Rojova) in Syria. Turkey is a very strong nation we all know this, but not strong enough to fight USA, Russia, Iran and all their dogs at the same time.

In Operation ES:
- Turkey has successfully created a buffer zone between one of the two terrorist groups in Syria.
- Trained a weaponized Türkmen rebels inside Syria
- Mobilized troops inside foreign soils and experienced "war" with modern weapons against extreme suicide bomber style terror organization.
- Utilized home-made key technologies as T-155 (Firtina Obüs)
- As of 25 February 2017, 50.000 Syrian refugees in Turkey have returned to the areas which were taken under control since the beginning of the intervention
- As of 25 February 2017, Turkish-backed Syrian rebels captured a total of 2,000 square kilometres
- Killed 2647 ISIS scums and captured 417.
- Killed 425 PYD/PKK donkeys and captured 37.
- Killed 30+ Assadist terrorists and captured 22.
For all this, we only lost 71 Turkish heroes. And 515 Türkmen (FSA) soldiers.

Now frankly, against all odds, and against worlds single superpower Turkey acted on its own interests (and still doing) and accomplished all of this singlehandedly. And you try to describe it as a defeat. It is clear that you are a very ignorant individual.
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