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Syria: Questions that can not be Answered?

Russia, Iran, and China support is nothing when it comes to the people... so to answer many of your replies I will repeat this . no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people.

Now, Turkey and others never support peace, yes Turkey did propose elections... however there was no elections in the constitution of Syria... therefor Syria made a new constitution which states elections need to happen, and since then Alasad have been calling for elections... but the west and their puppets always refused...plus, Alasad have started dialogue since the first month of the crisis in Syria under the VP supervision, however the west told the outside opposition to not attend. and I keep saying if they say Alasad has no support then they don't need to worry about Alasad winning, and the opposition gets in power, they can put him in jail and then court..... right?

You have to be kidding me... don't pretend you the structure of Syria... 70% of the cabinet members are sunni, 85% of the parliament are Sunni... and the Syrian army is mostly Sunni soldiers ... and you said that alawite are the high ranked... and I said there are soldiers with guns... they can easily kill their leaders....

and there is no such thing as Iranian mercs in Syria... F$A captured pilgrims and engineers and called them Iranian soldiers... and they looked 50-75 years old...

so again your answers are not REASONABLE....
and I repeat this . no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people.

outside opposition is the SNC and the so called coalition of Doha

My all responses are reasonable. Assad would be gone if Russia and Iran did not support him.

"no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people" There are many example on earth that if you control the army you control the people. Of course there is an end for dictatorship sooner or later it is just matter of time and change in the world.

You are so blind to see the truth. If Assad was sincere and wanted piece he would not have ordered his soldiers to kill innocent people who have just demanded their rights.

do not tell me the syrian army is mostly Sunnis. Noone believe this. Let me tell you just one thing to disprove your claim. Hafiz Assad once killed Syrian people in Hama where the population was Sunnis. If the Syrian army was/is composed of Sunnis then they would not have killed 40.000 Sunnis.

Hama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My all responses are reasonable. Assad would be gone if Russia and Iran did not support him.

"no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people" There are many example on earth that if you control the army you control the people. Of course there is an end for dictatorship sooner or later it is just matter of time and change in the world.

You are so blind to see the truth. If Assad was sincere and wanted piece he would not have ordered his soldiers to kill innocent people who have just demanded their rights.

do not tell me the syrian army is mostly Sunnis. Noone believe this. Let me tell you just one thing to disprove your claim. Hafiz Assad once killed Syrian people in Hama where the population was Sunnis. If the Syrian army was/is composed of Sunnis then they would not have killed 40.000 Sunnis.

Hama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all I thank God for the Hama "Massacre" because if it didn't happen, then the Islamic brotherhood would have destryoed Syria and kill at least 20% of its population....
The Hama "Massacre" happened because of the terrorists MB that bombed civilians, colleges, military sites and more...
Terrorism in Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The soldiers are all Sunnis... you have not served in the Syrian army before.. and you don't even know the structure of it...

Alright lets go with you and say that no Sunni is in the army... however the Sunnis population is 70%, if they all (or most ) rose up, do you think Alasad would have still been in power.. Alasad power source now is from the people... 70% of people can destroy army... not with guns... at least with suicide bombings and the weapons they received from Turkey and Libya. Clinton herself confessed that Libya's weapon depots were all transported to Syria to the terrorists F$A... so they have enough guns to turn against the army... and USA itself admitted that Syria have not used more 25% of its military power...

Again you still failed to answer my questions with reasonable answers... and no answer yet for the elections... you people are saying no for elections... and that only means more Syrian bloodshed... because if no elections happen, then only war will continue and more Syrians killed... if you people cared about Syrians, you would have supported peace, not BLOODSHED..

To form a united Muslim nation is nothing but a w*tdream of the fanatic Islamists, the West however will take this opportunity to cause more damage.

Those Gulf leaders believe that the West will help them to eliminate other sects in the Muslim world and help them to conquer the Muslim world, if they align themselves with the West.

But they were wrong, trying to defeat your own brothers by collaborating with the hostile foreign powers will never work.

the gulf puppets are willing to kill their own brothers and create chaos... but they forget that someday their turn will come... Qaddafi said it before when the USA invaded Iraq with the help of the GCC... he said " all of you are next"...
the gulf puppets are willing to kill their own brothers and create chaos... but they forget that someday their turn will come... Qaddafi said it before when the USA invaded Iraq with the help of the GCC... he said " all of you are next"...

Two brothers fought at home for two different ideologies, yet one sibling has decided to unleash a pack of bloodthirsty wolves into their home to kill his rivalling sibling. After the wolves killed his sibling, then he will be the next target for the wolves.

The nature of the West is hostile towards the Islam/Arabic civilization and other non-western civilizations, once they have achieved their goal, the second crusade in the Middle East will not be far away.

Those Gulf leaders have gone too far by unleashing those western wolves.
Two brothers fought home for two different ideologies, yet one sibling has decided to unleash a pack of bloodthirsty wolves into their home to kill his rivalling sibling. After the wolves killed his sibling, then he will be the next target for the wolves.

The nature of the West is hostile towards Islam/Arabic civilization and other non-western civilization, once they have achieved their goal, the second crusade in the Middle East will not be far away.

Those Gulf leaders have gone too far by unleashing those western wolves.

Couldn't have said it any better...
Couldn't have said it any better...

The problem is even the secularist leaders fought against each other.

Saddam was also secularist, yet he was also not friendly towards the Assad family. And his war against Iran was his biggest mistake.

The personal lust for power has also made the thing bad, if he united with Syria and being friendly with Iran, the Middle East will be a much better shape now.

Even the current Iraqi government is friendly towards Iran, but after decades of war, Iraq has lost the ability to maintain the regional stability.

The infiltration of the West and the terrorist groups within the Iraqi/Syrian border is also a big factor to cause the instability of Syria.
First of all I thank God for the Hama "Massacre" because if it didn't happen, then the Islamic brotherhood would have destryoed Syria and kill at least 20% of its population....
The Hama "Massacre" happened because of the terrorists MB that bombed civilians, colleges, military sites and more...
Terrorism in Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1986 Damascus bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The soldiers are all Sunnis... you have not served in the Syrian army before.. and you don't even know the structure of it...

Alright lets go with you and say that no Sunni is in the army... however the Sunnis population is 70%, if they all (or most ) rose up, do you think Alasad would have still been in power.. Alasad power source now is from the people... 70% of people can destroy army... not with guns... at least with suicide bombings and the weapons they received from Turkey and Libya. Clinton herself confessed that Libya's weapon depots were all transported to Syria to the terrorists F$A... so they have enough guns to turn against the army... and USA itself admitted that Syria have not used more 25% of its military power...

Again you still failed to answer my questions with reasonable answers... and no answer yet for the elections... you people are saying no for elections... and that only means more Syrian bloodshed... because if no elections happen, then only war will continue and more Syrians killed... if you people cared about Syrians, you would have supported peace, not BLOODSHED

If you say thank god the massacre happened and 40.000 innocent died there is nothing to say. Hama massacre is not as you were taught. It is so easy for you to label people as terrorist who demand rights and against dictatorship. Hama massacre proved that how merciless and ruthless the Assad family was.

Of course I did not serve in syrian army but we all know what the truth is.

Since the begging I am so sad when I see the dead body of innocent people. Not only in Syria but also other muslim countries. Unfortunately, whatever happen(ed) to muslims first was/is our fault. I pray Allah to stop this bloodshed. Inshaallah one day muslims will be powerful againbut for that we first correct ourselves. Anyway I do not want to change the topic and I said whatever was needed to be said.
If you say thank god the massacre happened and 40.000 innocent died there is nothing to say. Hama massacre is not as you were taught. It is so easy for you to label people as terrorist who demand rights and against dictatorship. Hama massacre proved that how merciless and ruthless the Assad family was.

Of course I did not serve in syrian army but we all know what the truth is.

Since the begging I am so sad when I see the dead body of innocent people. Not only in Syria but also other muslim countries. Unfortunately, whatever happen(ed) to muslims first was/is our fault. I pray Allah to stop this bloodshed. Inshaallah one day muslims will be powerful againbut for that we first correct ourselves. Anyway I do not want to change the topic and I said whatever was needed to be said.
First of all, the number 40000 is what the western media feeds you... the current population of Hama is about 200k( not just Hama, other provinces are also small populations), so back in the 80's it was way less... yes there were innocents who were killed, but those innocents who were killed died to save their fellow country men and citizens... if the Islam Brotherhood wasn't stopped it would have killed millions of Syrians... so again 40k, is western media number....
Now, you keep blaming every single death on the Syrian army and Alasad... like the so called F$A hands are clean... do you want to know who we should blame the death toll of the current Syrian crisis? I blame the countries that supported war instead of peace... Alasad have fulfilled every demand that was yelled in the streets... Alasad have passed more then 70 bills and laws, removed the emergency law, allowed political parties, and most importantly the new constitution which states there need to be elections... however, when the Syrian government fulfilled those demands (btw I was a supporter of the protests, and if they were peaceful since the beginning and until now I would have been a supporter) the west, gcc, and other puppets went to plan B which is to start a war within Syria... their plan A which was to remove Alasad by thinking that majority of Syrians ( Sunnis) would rise up, FAILED... because Syrians were smarter than them, and knew the game... and Syrians do not care about beliefs, all we care about is peace and safety...
Syria outranked the west in Global Peace Index, however after "democracy and freedom" came to Syria, Syria ranked all the way at the bottom...
F$A failed to gain Syrians support, thus they started killing innocent Syrian civilians just TO BLAME THE GOVERNMENT TO GAIN INTERNATIONAL SYMPATHY... can you tell me what will the government gain from killing innocent people? would the government ask for the people's anger? (no power on this earth can overcome the will and the power of the people.) have you noticed that every massacre that happens in Syria occurs on the eve of the UN Security Council meeting? Houla Massacre, Tel alDou Massacre, and many others were all done by the terrorists F$A even western media admitted....

Now thanks for trying to answer my questions, but in reality you didn't answer with logic and reason... good try.. good try...

The problem is even the secularist leaders fought against each other.

Saddam was also secularist, yet he was also not friendly towards the Assad family. And his war against Iran was his biggest mistake.

The personal lust for power has also made the thing bad, if he united with Syria and being friendly with Iran, the Middle East will be a much better shape now.

Even the current Iraqi government is friendly towards Iran, but after decades of war, Iraq has lost the ability to maintain the regional stability.

The infiltration of the West and the terrorist groups within the Iraqi/Syrian border is also a big factor to cause the instability of Syria.
but Syria is different... Alasad and Saddam had problems, but when it came to the west to invade Iraq, Syria and Algeria only VOTED AGAINST west invasion of Iraq of 2003, the rest of "Arabs" opened their arms to the west, and even gave them bases for their air force and military to invade Iraq...
but Syria is different... Alasad and Saddam had problems, but when it came to the west to invade Iraq, Syria and Algeria only VOTED AGAINST west invasion of Iraq of 2003, the rest of "Arabs" opened their hands to the west, and even gave them bases for their air force and military to invade Iraq...

I knew it was Saddam's fault, he lacked the far sight for the prosperity of the Arabic world.

His personal lust for power has ruined everything, he should align himself with Iran and Syria instead of creating all enemies around Middle East.

I mean he didn't have the power to kick USA out of Middle East, yet he has attacked Iran the common enemy of the Gulf states, also trying to overthrow the Gulf leaders. What the hell he was thinking about?

The situation could be much better if he decided to align himself with Syria and Iran, since Iraq is a Shia majority country and he is a secularist leader with a common Baath background with Assad's family, it shouldn't be a problem to become the close ally of Iran and Syria.

He messed thing up, otherwise the Syria-Iraq-Iran would form a solid stronghold in the Middle East, those terrorists have no chance to infiltrate into Syria via Iraq.
I knew it was Saddam's fault, he lacked the far sight for the prosperity of the Arabic world.

His personal lust for power has ruined everything, he should align himself with Iran and Syria instead of creating all enemies around Middle East.

I mean he didn't have the power to kick USA out of Middle East, yet he is attacking Iran the common enemy of the Gulf states, also trying to overthrow the Gulf leaders. What the hell he was thinking about?

The situation could be much better he decided to align himself with Syria and Iran, since Iraq is a shia majority country and he is a secularist leader with a common Baath background with Assad's family, it shouldn't be a problem to become the close ally of Iran and Syria.

He messed thing up, otherwise the Syria-Iraq-Iran will form a solid stronghold in the Middle East, those terrorists have no chance to infiltrate into Syria via Iraq.
well the gcc, USA gave him weapons and money to fight Iran... the GCC, and USA told Saddam to fight Iran... many people in GCC like Saddam but the monarchs of GCC feared Saddam, so they asked the U.S to get rid of him... and I think now they regret it maybe.. I do not know...
well the gcc, USA gave him weapons and money to fight Iran... the GCC, and USA told Saddam to fight Iran... many people in GCC like Saddam but the monarchs of GCC feared Saddam, so they asked the U.S to get rid of him... and I think now they regret it maybe.. I do not know...

The West knew his weakness was his personal lust for power, that's why they manipulated him into the path of attacking Iran.

He was foolish for believing that the West would help him to become the conqueror of the Arabic world.

If he wanna get rid of Wahhabism, he should have united with Syria and being friendly with Iran, since he also followed the secularism instead of Wahhabism.
The West knew his weakness was his personal lust for power, that's why they manipulated him into the path of attacking Iran.

He was foolish for believing that the West would help him to become the conqueror of the Arabic world.

If he wanna get rid of Wahhabism, he should have united with Syria and being friendly with Iran, since he also followed the secularism instead of Wahhabism.
That was the problem, west manipulated him, he was a very strong leader until it came to take over the gulf countries... I heard a story about how the west told him to invade Kuwait, then the U.S tricked him and fought against him, because Saddam was getting powerful...
That was the problem, west manipulated him, he was a very strong leader until it came to take over the gulf countries... I heard a story about how the west told him to invade Kuwait, then the U.S tricked him and fought against him, because Saddam was getting powerful...

We know that Saddam had the good intention to revive the Arabic civilization, but the individualism won't work.

To bring an ancient civilization back to its former grandeur, you need to unite all the great leaders in the Arabic world.

But Saddam chose to dominate instead of uniting with other Baath leaders.
We know that Saddam had the good intention to revive the Arabic civilization, but the individualism won't work.

To bring an ancient civilization back to its former grandeur, you need to unite all the great leaders in the Arabic world.

But Saddam chose to dominate instead of uniting with other Baath leaders.
to be honest... it is hard for Arabs to unite... its like this: The Arabs Agreed on to NOT Agree.... Syria under Bashar Alasad tried to unite Arabs once, but they refused, Alasad proposed Arab Market, and Arab currency, and free open visa plocieis but Arabs refused.. it was a good step but it didn't work... then Gaddafi came and asked to make the Golden Dinar currency, and the west took him out... the west will never let Arabs unite( well as long as there are western puppets, Arabs will never unite)... because if Arabs unite, they will be a superpower...
to be honest... it is hard for Arabs to unite... its like this: The Arabs Agreed on to NOT Agree.... Syria under Bashar Alasad tried to unite Arabs once, but they refused, Alasad proposed Arab Market, and Arab currency, and free open visa plocieis but Arabs refused.. it was a good step but it didn't work... then Gaddafi came and asked to make the Golden Dinar currency, and the west took him out... the west will never let Arabs unite( well as long as there are western puppets, Arabs will never unite)... because if Arabs unite, they will be a superpower...

Because all Arab nations will fight for that leadership of the Arabic world.

Saddam wanted to become the leader, while Gaddafi also wanted to become the leader, it is hard to compromise.

The same reason why Arab nations always lost to Israel, because most of Arab leaders had their own motive and to backstab others.

But it will be better to stop fighting each other for that leadership.
Because all Arab nations will fight for that leadership of the Arabic world.

Saddam wanted to become the leader, while Gaddafi also wanted to become the leader, it is hard to compromise.

The same reason why Arab nations always lost to Israel, because most of leaders had their own motive and to backstab others.

But it will be better to stop fighting each other for that leadership.

it sounds nice and easy... but not for Arabs... every Arab leader wants the seat, and yes that includes Alasad, but Alasad now has the people support in this war, which is something different...
GCC tried to include Jordan, and Morocco ( all the way in North Africa) to their groups to keep the Kingdom and monarchy powerful, and to all support each other... if you look at Bahrain and how Saudi "Arabia" sent its army to Bahrain to stop the REAL PEACEFUL REVOLUTION... and most of GCC countries army are not from their citizens, they "buy" them from different nations.. yes trust me they "buy" soldiers...

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