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Syria puts double whammy on Turkey

I thought Turkey was the most powerful muslim nation.

Why is it acting like a chicken for? No verbal threats given, let alone actions so far.
If Turkey wanted they can go to Assads palace in few days; Syria is no match to Turkey. However this crisis has a potential to lead into larger conflicts or mabye even 'WW3'. Turkey is fully aware of this and is taking it's actions cautiously; Turkey does not want to take responsiblilty for a major war; plus why would we when the world is doing nothing.

Obama would not do nothing because of the elections.
Europes is in a finacial crisis.
France's new president is suppose to be 'peaceful'.

Who's left? Turkey ofcourse. They are trying to drag us into a war which no ones is looking keen to. And 'people' like the dog raptor is trying to mock Turkey; this just shows his inferiority complexity, ignorence and his lack of knowledge. No one should take him seriously.
you idiot its not the people its the government that is a worst than a chicken , they want to be the peacemaker in the world , they want to solve everything within internation law and diplomacy f.... the diplomacy bomb them NOWWW this government has to go enough

I thought Turkey was the most powerful muslim nation.

Why is it acting like a chicken for? No verbal threats given, let alone actions so far.

Raptor isnt Pakistani guys so cool it hes false flagger
I thought Turkey was the most powerful muslim nation.

Why is it acting like a chicken for? No verbal threats given, let alone actions so far.

isnt your country of origin also known for issuing empty threats?

Turkiye has apparently called for a joint NATO meeting so they'll probably determine what would be best course of action; i dont think they have an appetite for war. They already have world sympathy and in today's age that always helps.

it's troubling though to see these former foes turned allies going back to being foes all over again; ties had been mended relatively recently in times..

Turkiye does have a right to retrieve its pilots as well as downed aircrafts. I would advise both sides to ensure things dont get to a point of no return.
mate now its seen , i think GCC - Turkey needs to form a strong alliance , its in best , best interest of both of us , iam serious about this , but where they back each other up , Iran has shown its worth in the Muslim world , its not worth 2 penny , its behind its daddy Russia who is playing 2 way , look at this , they try to act like they are next to iran , they dont sell weapons iran already payed for , they dont so no to sanctions , Trustworthy Russia

Hey Turkish friends what's up??

How does it feel to be at the receiving end of a disgusting propaganda campaign against you?? We have been in this situation for decades now. And if anyone know what you guys feel when you read disgusting stuff like the things in this article it would be us.

isnt your country of origin also known for issuing empty threats?

Turkiye has apparently called for a joint NATO meeting so they'll probably determine what would be best course of action; i dont think they have an appetite for war. They already have world sympathy and in today's age that always helps.

it's troubling though to see these former foes turned allies going back to being foes all over again; ties had been mended relatively recently in times..

Turkiye does have a right to retrieve its pilots as well as downed aircrafts. I would advise both sides to ensure things dont get to a point of no return.

brother i showed 2 videos on other thread clearly shows everything also i will tell the radio talks , the syrians say KOMSU meaning neighbour knowingly its turkish jets

Its sad to see some Pakistani brothers against us here , where in nearly everything i will stand up for them
Here are the options for Turkey

1. Invoke article 5 of NATO - when a NATO country is threatened it can invoke this article but I doubt the North Atlantic Council will agree to interfere.

2. Increase the support for the Syrian rebels. Saudi Arabia has already committed to the supporting rebels fulfledged. There are countries like Qatar who are supporting rebels. Then there is the CIA and British intelligence in the mix. Today morning's news was about 30 odd Syrian generals defected.

Syria general deserts senior command in Damascus - Telegraph

The option 1 has its own cons in that Russian has threatened to support Syria(or already providing various arms support) and Turkey might have to go alone. But Turkey if it has the political will can show Russia its place as Russia will be fighting its war away from its borders though it has the base in Tartus. If this being the case, at a minimum, NATO will provide Turkey with all the weapons it needs to defeat the Russia-Syria alliance though Turkey itself is several times powerful than Syria. Or NATO might coalesce into action on behalf of Turkey. Either way it is a win for Turkey though the damages would be significant for Turkey economically. If Russian bluff is called for i.e if Russia stays on the sidelines, Assad can count his days and Turkey would emerge the hero of the middle-east though at a cost.

The option 2 would be less damage but defeat Assad through the rebels and effecting defections. Syria might be in a state of civil war( though ultimately Assad will fall) and Turkey might have to take the burden of the refugees. In this case, Turkey will share the credit with Saudi Arabia and other countries. This is less risky, safe route.

Either way it is a win for Turkey but Erdogan need to make the call.
mate now its seen , i think GCC - Turkey needs to form a strong alliance , its in best , best interest of both of us , iam serious about this , but where they back each other up , Iran has shown its worth in the Muslim world , its not worth 2 penny , its behind its daddy Russia who is playing 2 way , look at this , they try to act like they are next to iran , they dont sell weapons iran already payed for , they dont so no to sanctions , Trustworthy Russia

brother i showed 2 videos on other thread clearly shows everything also i will tell the radio talks , the syrians say KOMSU meaning neighbour knowingly its turkish jets

Its sad to see some Pakistani brothers against us here , where in nearly everything i will stand up for them
The role that you explained about Iran above,GCC and Turkey are playing for their daddy,US.Not so different.
What knowledge Turkish chest thumping class can provide that rest of world media, diplomats and including Turkish opposition have not uncovered? Turkish FM is a big far liar and looking for vaziyeti kurtaran bahane - face saving excuse.

Why Turkey is taking up contract from NATO and Saudis for Syrian regime change and hijacked Syrian oppostion movement for political change? Now Syrian politucal movement turned into NATO and Saudi instigated terror campaign and Turkey is used by AKP as tool of that terror campaign. Turkey had chance to influence political change in Syria but political change does not mean overnight overthrowing a regime to fit NATO and Saudi regime change game. Turkish govt led by AKP thrown that chance of preserving Turkish long term interest. All of Turkish neighbors will look at Turkey suspiciously they very trap zionists had been setting up for Turkey. What a shame Turkish chest thumping class and AKP fooled to this lavel and still can not see through.

The F-4 was making radar tests on different altitudes. Starting off with around 21.000 feet (in international waters), and then going down to around 8.000 feet (still in international waters), and then around 7.000 feet (in turkish airspace border Hatay).
The Jet then leaves Turkish borders and flies in international waters with lower altitude, down to 2.000 feet:

The jet is now going lower in altitude, down to 200 feet, and here it is crossing Syrian borders for 5 minutes (11.42-11.47), here the Jet is recieving a warning from Turkish air force that it is off track and needs to return back to its track:

The jet is now back on track, and flies in Turkish and later in international waters. The jet is being shot at, at 11.58 when it is on international waters, and it is now loosing controle and crashes 1 km inside Syrian borders:
Hey Turkish friends what's up??

How does it feel to be at the receiving end of a disgusting propaganda campaign against you?? We have been in this situation for decades now. And if anyone know what you guys feel when you read disgusting stuff like the things in this article it would be us.

Certain countries always want to blame someone else. If something bad happens in these countries they have a checklist of people to blame.

1. Zionists
2. Jews
3. CIA
4. Mossad
5. USA
6. Israel
7. RAW
8. Stooges of the US (KSA etc.)
9. All of the above

Just remarkable, Syria shoots down a Turkish jet and people are actually claiming one or more of the above groups are responsible. :nono:
If Turkey wanted they can go to Assads palace in few days; Syria is no match to Turkey. However this crisis has a potential to lead into larger conflicts or mabye even 'WW3'. Turkey is fully aware of this and is taking it's actions cautiously; Turkey does not want to take responsiblilty for a major war; plus why would we when the world is doing nothing.

Obama would not do nothing because of the elections.
Europes is in a finacial crisis.
France's new president is suppose to be 'peaceful'.

Who's left? Turkey ofcourse. They are trying to drag us into a war which no ones is looking keen to. And 'people' like the dog raptor is trying to mock Turkey; this just shows his inferiority complexity, ignorence and his lack of knowledge. No one should take him seriously.

For lack of sane voice, this could be possible vaziyeti kurtaran bahane for chest thumping class. Question is would Erdogan regime bite these lines or wants to undermine Turkish standing little more?
For lack of sane voice, this could be possible vaziyeti kurtaran bahane for chest thumping class. Question is would Erdogan regime bite these lines or wants to undermine Turkish standing little more?

I think you guys got more imperative issues than propoganding for Psycho Assad. Trust me Bangladeshi, you need to be on the Turkish side.
I think you guys got more imperative issues than propoganding for Psycho Assad. Trust me Bangladeshi, you need to be on the Turkish side.

I have been and will be on Turkish side. But I can not support Erdogan acts for saving GCC monarchy and regime change terrors.We have seen enough death and destruction of Muslims be they are sunni or Shia, in the name of regime change. Let this be clear I am no fan of Assad regime but being a Muslim country and pushed by NATO and regime change terror he enjoys support of more of his countryman than western and Turkish media is propagating. As I stated months ago it would been best Turkey work with other regional countries to change political environment in Syria. Instead Turkey joined regime change game of death and destruction. You may be high on emotion but what Erdogan regime is doing will come back to haunt Turkey in years to come.
The role that you explained about Iran above,GCC and Turkey are playing for their daddy,US.Not so different.

How? just give me short answers , did we say no to sanction ? YES is this positive to Iran ? YES , did we try to help iran in negotioation with brazil and also negotiation in Istanbul ? YES is this a positive ? YES , are we letting iran companies in turkey because of sanctions ? YES , does this help iran ? YES , did we say in the NATO shield that it shouldnt be directed against IRAN and being only member ? YES NOW IRAN - is iran saying they will fire missile to our land ? YES what positive is iran doing for us?

So is Russia any better? man listen at worst the west will kick us out NATO or something , atleast like Russia who is supposed to be ally of countries , they say we are your ally , we sell you weapons , then say no we not selling it , then allow sanctions ( iran example ) , also did you forget what russians did to afghans and chechens ? arent they muslim?

I have been and will be on Turkish side. But I can not support Erdogan acts for saving GCC monarchy and regime change terrors.We have seen enough death and destruction of Muslims be they are sunni or Shia, in the name of regime change. Let this be clear I am no fan of Assad regime but being a Muslim country and pushed by NATO and regime change terror he enjoys support of more of his countryman than western and Turkish media is propagating. As I stated months ago it would been best Turkey work with other regional countries to change political environment in Syria. Instead Turkey joined regime change game of death and destruction. You may be high on emotion but what Erdogan regime is doing will come back to haunt Turkey in years to come.
Certain countries always want to blame someone else. If something bad happens in these countries they have a checklist of people to blame.

1. Zionists
2. Jews
3. CIA
4. Mossad
5. USA
6. Israel
7. RAW
8. Stooges of the US (KSA etc.)
9. All of the above

Just remarkable, Syria shoots down a Turkish jet and people are actually claiming one or more of the above groups are responsible. :nono:

And there are those who don't wait to blame Iran, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea because it's becoming a bit more difficult to rob their resources.
Twain you forgot the Masons, something bad happened ? Zionists, Masons, USA ! :yahoo:
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