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Syed Zaid Hamid - Inside Story ( US report against ISI ) - eyesopner

Aljazeera had to choose Syed Zaid Ahmaq to present Pakistan's point of view among millions of Pakistanis, Ms. Veena Malik would have done a better job.

This is what Wiki says about Dr. Weitz,

Dr. Weitz is a graduate of Harvard College (B.A. with Highest Honors in Government), the London School of Economics (M.Sc. in International Relations), Oxford University (M.Phil. in Politics), and Harvard University (Ph.D. in Political Science). He is proficient in Russian, French, and German.

What are the credentials of our Syed Sahibzada Hazrat Zaid Ahmaq as political analyst?
Aljazeera had to choose Syed Zaid Ahmaq to present Pakistan's point of view among millions of Pakistanis, Ms. Veena Malik would have done a better job.

This is what Wiki says about Dr. Weitz,

Dr. Weitz is a graduate of Harvard College (B.A. with Highest Honors in Government), the London School of Economics (M.Sc. in International Relations), Oxford University (M.Phil. in Politics), and Harvard University (Ph.D. in Political Science). He is proficient in Russian, French, and German.

What are the credentials of our Syed Sahibzada Hazrat Zaid Ahmaq as political analyst?

You did notice that all three were mouthpieces for their respective countries, so what do crendentials have to do with it? Or did that fly over your head?
You did notice that all three were mouthpieces for their respective countries, so what do crendentials have to do with it? Or did that fly over your head?

You mean having a brain or good educational background should not be a prerequisite for a person who is defending his country's point of view on a renown news network like Aljazeera?
You mean having a brain or good educational background should not be a prerequisite for a person who is defending his country's point of view on a renown news network like Aljazeera?

My point was Dr. Weitz's degree from Harvard was only cosmetic since in essence he only reiterated his nation's stance, which Zaid Hamid did just as well.
Good to see you Bharatis that obsessed with him. I never watched this video before. In fact I rarely watch him. Lagai raho bachon. :lol:

I am sure you dont. For a Pakistani, watching him must really be embarrassing as hell.. But we are allowed. Anything embarrassing for Pakistan is surely good entertainment for me atleast ;)
For every authentic video of Zaid Hamid on youtube; there are 10 fake (and full of profanity) videos uploaded by Indians.

Shows the Indian obsession with ZH.:yahoo:

Zaid Hamid has already put Indians to hard work. :wave:
For every authentic video of Zaid Hamid on youtube; there are 10 fake (and full of profanity) videos uploaded by Indians.

Shows the Indian obsession with ZH.:yahoo:

Zaid Hamid has already put Indians to hard work. :wave:

Yes we love him so much that we want him to become President of Pakistan .:pakistan:
Now this is what I call "Exposing the Propaganda". I have always supported ZH in almost every stance of his, when it comes to National Security matters, he's the voice of Millions of Pakistanis.

ya we know those millions of pakistanis and their kinds also, one question, would you,the ppl who thanked your think tank level post and the rest MILLIONS would vote for zaid zaman hamid if he contests in forth coming elections???

.has there been any response from American side on this open lamblasting by zaid hamid ? or it would be communicated by back doors or back channel to either govt of pak or army or even isi. ab iska kya hoga ? Americans will have to save their as$ by countering his allegations now, dis-information war you know !
and its amazing to see zaid hamid to this status where he is been hosted on an American news channel (guidance needed), and few years back pakistani channels used to and still make fun of him. a lot many ppl have started to know more about him and his views.
and its amazing to see zaid hamid to this status where he is been hosted on an American news channel (guidance needed), and few years back his now pakistani channels used and still make fun of him. a

---------- Post added at 10:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------

and its amazing to see zaid hamid to this status where he is been hosted on an American news channel (guidance needed), and few years back his now pakistani channels used and still make fun of him. a lot many ppl have started to know more about him and his views.

Wasnt this Al Jazeera ??
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