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Sustaining the myth of hostility

regarding why they should not eat beef..they are free to eat bovine beef...infact if they go to west bengal during durga pujo they can get buffalo beef that was sacrificed in the temple...

what about kalighat mandir ?

dont they do buffalo sacrifice there ? that durga pujo part was in jest....
That is what is suppose to mean assimilation isn't it? when people respect each others sentiments but alias, surely we don't want majority pushed to the wall for minority appeasement and see rise of right wing fundamentalist in the Hindu fraternity which has been real tolerant and accommodating till date

How is it pushing the majority to the wall by letting people do what they want? This is not appeasement by any means. This is not about religion or minorities. This is about civil liberties. A ban on cow slaughter is actually an infringement on a person's civil liberties. Like I said, I wanna eat beef. And I wanna slaughter cattle for it. I cant. Its an infringement on my personal freedom.

if you look deeply you cant call it non-secular...why ? because it does not infringe on the rights of the people to perform their religous rites or worship....cutting a cow is not part of any religion while hindus revere the cow...so that was the reasoning for the introduction of the law....

It was made on the basis of religion. Hence non secular. If you wanna remove religion from it, fine. But then it becomes a nonsensical law. Am not advocating for Hindus to eat or even slaughter anything. But there are millions out there that eat meat, and they like beef. To pass laws that infringes on their freedoms is wrong. Whichever way you look at it.

just one outlier can cause hundreds of deaths....are you ok with that ?

No am not okay with that. That is why I said, slaughtering animals outside of an abbatoir, for any other purpose other than food, should be illegal. Slaughterhouses also need to follow rules to ensure that animals are slaughtered in the most humane way possible and such laws should be strictly enforced in the form of quality assurance standards. People should visit slaughter houses, inspect them and if they dont follow standards, revoke their licenses.

the law on cow-slaughter is completely irrelevant as to the larger question of integration....you yourself said that you eat beef....many christians eat beef....some hindus also eat beef...so are you refusing to get integrated..? see how hollow your logic is...and again...if you knew the actual situation on ground, you would know that beef, yes beef from cow, is freely available in most parts of UP, bihar, delhi, hyderabad etc...so are the muslims over there completely integrated...? hardly...kerala is a state that has complete freedom of palate....have you been recently to malappuram or kasargode or kannur and seen what is happening on the ground ? have you heard of the old city in hyderabad..? your reasoning is completely off-track and does not satisfy the empirical evidence.....cow slaughter or not..a sense of superiority complex and a sense of contempt towards the idolators is embedded in their mind right from childhood which makes it impossible for them to integrate....and paradoxically they also have a sense of deprivation and entitlement...which again causes them to turn more inward and added to that a very poor leadership that is intent on increasing the victimhood for vote purposes and not solve it...all in all..i dont see a good future for them...unless ofcourse they can throw off the curren leadership and clergy and learn to evolve with modern times at the same time respecting the sentiments of the majority....

The cow slaughter law is an example of a draconian law.

The larger implications of it, in the form of illegal slaughterhouses (there are 40000 in India), the discrimination and attacks on Muslims because they slaughter cows are well known. If the law freely allows muslims to carry on with their lives while enforcing standards for slaughter, we wouldnt have any problem. These illegal slaughterhouses also do not follow any standards whatsoever and adopt the most brutal ways of slaughtering animals. All of this a blowback of a draconian law.

Religious doctrines do differ and there are differences in opinion. I have not said for once, that its the fault of Hindus. I blame both communities. Both do their part. Integration is a two way street, but the broader question is, integrate into WHAT? Does integration mean giving up one's religion, identity, values, beliefs etc, or does it mean living in harmony while respecting others? I believe different ideologies can coexist by creating the right atmosphere. Currently we do not have that atmosphere and Muslims ALONE are not at fault. Everyone is. Because on the one hand you are right about Muslim attitudes, but on the other hand there is actual contempt for Muslims too. Each group can be held as reasons for the existence of this phenomenon. One group ALONE is not at fault.
To pass laws that infringes on their freedoms is wrong. Whichever way you look at it.

This is a grey area. There are lots of laws, in many nations, including in western nations, that are based on cultural values which may not be shared by everybody.
This is a grey area. There are lots of laws, in many nations, including in western nations, that are based on cultural values which may not be shared by everybody.

Just because there are lots of such laws in lots of nations, doesnt make one in India right.

Secondly, not everybody shares those values. But they have to be respected. Otherwise co-existence is difficult.
How is it pushing the majority to the wall by letting people do what they want? This is not appeasement by any means. This is not about religion or minorities. This is about civil liberties. A ban on cow slaughter is actually an infringement on a person's civil liberties. Like I said, I wanna eat beef. And I wanna slaughter cattle for it. I cant. Its an infringement on my personal freedom.

It was made on the basis of religion. Hence non secular. If you wanna remove religion from it, fine. But then it becomes a nonsensical law. Am not advocating for Hindus to eat or even slaughter anything. But there are millions out there that eat meat, and they like beef. To pass laws that infringes on their freedoms is wrong. Whichever way you look at it.

No am not okay with that. That is why I said, slaughtering animals outside of an abbatoir, for any other purpose other than food, should be illegal. Slaughterhouses also need to follow rules to ensure that animals are slaughtered in the most humane way possible and such laws should be strictly enforced in the form of quality assurance standards. People should visit slaughter houses, inspect them and if they dont follow standards, revoke their licenses.

The cow slaughter law is an example of a draconian law.

The larger implications of it, in the form of illegal slaughterhouses (there are 40000 in India), the discrimination and attacks on Muslims because they slaughter cows are well known. If the law freely allows muslims to carry on with their lives while enforcing standards for slaughter, we wouldnt have any problem. These illegal slaughterhouses also do not follow any standards whatsoever and adopt the most brutal ways of slaughtering animals. All of this a blowback of a draconian law.

Religious doctrines do differ and there are differences in opinion. I have not said for once, that its the fault of Hindus. I blame both communities. Both do their part. Integration is a two way street, but the broader question is, integrate into WHAT? Does integration mean giving up one's religion, identity, values, beliefs etc, or does it mean living in harmony while respecting others? I believe different ideologies can coexist by creating the right atmosphere. Currently we do not have that atmosphere and Muslims ALONE are not at fault. Everyone is. Because on the one hand you are right about Muslim attitudes, but on the other hand there is actual contempt for Muslims too. Each group can be held as reasons for the existence of this phenomenon. One group ALONE is not at fault.

I never meant pushing majority to the wall by cow slaughter, I meant it by Muslims/Christians openly claiming Hinduism as satanic and propagating that their religion teaches that, by Muslims flouting every law of the land let it be slaughters of animals or playing of loudspeakers from mosques or not having uniform laws i.e. law of the land for them or Christians missionaries going around converting people left right and center by foul mounting Hinduism and Hindus on the other hand are expected to respect/ignore every customs/doings of everybody else even if it is against the law, why this hypocrisy?

Oh Muslims/Christians don't get beef (which you and I both know they do..even if it against law) what about 10s of concessions or appeasements or bending of the law or the crazy amount of tolerance that they get from the majority Hindus?
I never meant pushing majority to the wall by cow slaughter, I meant it by Muslims/Christians openly claiming Hinduism as satanic and propagating that their religion teaches that, by Muslims flouting every law of the land let it be slaughters of animals or playing of loudspeakers from mosques or not having uniform laws i.e. law of the land for them or Christians missionaries going around converting people left right and center by foul mounting Hinduism and Hindus on the other hand are expected to respect/ignore every customs/doings of everybody else even if it is against the law, why this hypocrisy?

First off, when did Muslims or Christians claim that? I havent come across a single instance of that happening.

Secondly, playing loudspeakers from mosques is flouting the law? You mean then that Hindus never use loudspeakers? :confused:

Also India is a country with religious freedom. I dont agree with forced conversions, but it is not against the law in India, because those people that convert never accuse the other of forcefully converting them. Nevertheless this exploitation of people should stop.

This does not go against Hinduism in any way. Stop the forced conversions by monitoring missionaries and their activities but give people the freedom to live their lives their way.

Oh Muslims/Christians don't get beef (which you and I both know they do..even if it against law) what about 10s of concessions or appeasements or bending of the law or the crazy amount of tolerance that they get from the majority Hindus?

They do. I am not denying that.

However I want it legal. I dont want illegal slaughterhouses. I dont want corruption and bribery. I want the 40000 odd illegal slaughterhouses closed.

I want it legally, with strict standards enforced. So that it is hygienic and there is no abuse, either of people or of the food product, or the animal that is processed.

Is wanting something legal, secular and proper against the nation's interests?
I never meant pushing majority to the wall by cow slaughter, I meant it by Muslims/Christians openly claiming Hinduism as satanic and propagating that their religion teaches that, by Muslims flouting every law of the land let it be slaughters of animals or playing of loudspeakers from mosques or not having uniform laws i.e. law of the land for them or Christians missionaries going around converting people left right and center by foul mounting Hinduism and Hindus on the other hand are expected to respect/ignore every customs/doings of everybody else even if it is against the law, why this hypocrisy?

Oh Muslims/Christians don't get beef (which you and I both know they do..even if it against law) what about 10s of concessions or appeasements or bending of the law or the crazy amount of tolerance that they get from the majority Hindus?

Are you sure you are talking about India?? Believe me we do eat Beef around here and that too in high quantity.. Just become one or two states banned that doesn't make consuming beef illegal in India..And every religion in India use loud speakers for praying.. You can even see Bhajans from a temple and Holy mass from a Christian churches at the same time in many part of this country.. Mate, as I mentioned in some other posts, We Christians and Muslims in India adopted lots of good things from Hinduism.. Yes, there are some differences in believes and practices in religion but no one on my knowledge being it a Christian or Muslim from this country openly claiming Hinduism as Satanic..You think we do not respect Hinduism is just a myth mate.. Every festivals in temples in my village is celebrated by both Hindus and Christian together. I can show many more examples like that.. Its disturbing to see people becoming more and more intolerant to other religions...
First off, when did Muslims or Christians claim that? I havent come across a single instance of that happening.

Secondly, playing loudspeakers from mosques is flouting the law? You mean then that Hindus never use loudspeakers? :confused:

Also India is a country with religious freedom. I dont agree with forced conversions, but it is not against the law in India, because those people that convert never accuse the other of forcefully converting them. Nevertheless this exploitation of people should stop.

This does not go against Hinduism in any way. Stop the forced conversions by monitoring missionaries and their activities but give people the freedom to live their lives their way.

They do. I am not denying that.

However I want it legal. I dont want illegal slaughterhouses. I dont want corruption and bribery. I want the 40000 odd illegal slaughterhouses closed.

I want it legally, with strict standards enforced. So that it is hygienic and there is no abuse, either of people or of the food product, or the animal that is processed.

Is wanting something legal, secular and proper against the nation's interests?

Are you sure you are talking about India?? Believe me we do eat Beef around here and that too in high quantity.. Just become one or two states banned that doesn't make consuming beef illegal in India..And every religion in India use loud speakers for praying.. You can even see Bhajans from a temple and Holy mass from a Christian churches at the same time in many part of this country.. Mate, as I mentioned in some other posts, We Christians and Muslims in India adopted lots of good things from Hinduism.. Yes, there are some differences in believes and practices in religion but no one on my knowledge being it a Christian or Muslim from this country openly claiming Hinduism as Satanic..You think we do not respect Hinduism is just a myth mate.. Every festivals in temples in my village is celebrated by both Hindus and Christian together. I can show many more examples like that.. Its disturbing to see people becoming more and more intolerant to other religions...

Well you people never came across the anti-Hindu Muslim/Christian views? please tell me you people never came across how rampantly Christian missionaries are on conversion spree? please tell me you people never came across an instance of Muslim appeasement? So can you please enlighten me on Muslims/Christians views toward Hindu customs like Idol worship and other..If there would have been blasphemy law in India like there are in other countries all Muslims/Christians would have been in jail, Muslims/Christians need to respect other religions but the tenets of the same are not secular
First off, when did Muslims or Christians claim that? I havent come across a single instance of that happening.

Secondly, playing loudspeakers from mosques is flouting the law? You mean then that Hindus never use loudspeakers? :confused:

Also India is a country with religious freedom. I dont agree with forced conversions, but it is not against the law in India, because those people that convert never accuse the other of forcefully converting them. Nevertheless this exploitation of people should stop.

This does not go against Hinduism in any way. Stop the forced conversions by monitoring missionaries and their activities but give people the freedom to live their lives their way.

They do. I am not denying that.

However I want it legal. I dont want illegal slaughterhouses. I dont want corruption and bribery. I want the 40000 odd illegal slaughterhouses closed.

I want it legally, with strict standards enforced. So that it is hygienic and there is no abuse, either of people or of the food product, or the animal that is processed.

Is wanting something legal, secular and proper against the nation's interests?

Actually new converts, mainly christians, are instrumental in calling hindu religion satanic.. I have experienced it and seen it talked to me... However i have never seen traditional Christian friends talk like this. New converts are bit responsible for this misconception.
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