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Surjeet Sing, not Sarabjeet Singh to be released clarifies Pakistan.

The names sound similar, there was obviously no mal intent at play. The state of Pakistan gets no jollies in bringing up hopes of the Sarabjit family and then bring them down.
The names might sound familiar, but usually an official press release accompanies the announcement from the presidential spokesperson ... unless you mean to say, there was an "unintentional" typo there as well.
The names might sound familiar, but usually an official press release accompanies the announcement from the presidential spokesperson ... unless you mean to say, there was an "unintentional" typo there as well.

There might be. Whats obvious is that no one sits and plans to play with the emotions of a family in India. Its the state man, it makes 100 mistakes every day. This was just weirder than usual - not to mention the media frenzy that just blows it out of proportion.
Later, the Presidency in a clarification said that the president had commuted death sentence of Sarjeet Singh, and not Sarabjit Singh.

Sounds Deja Vu, didn't we hear the same during MFN status for India. :blink:
There might be. Whats obvious is that no one sits and plans to play with the emotions of a family in India. Its the state man, it makes 100 mistakes every day. This was just weirder than usual - not to mention the media frenzy that just blows it out of proportion.
Agree with the jumpy subcontinent sensationalist media, but the role of your army in forcing a reversal cannot be ruled out. Now common, the Indian govt was quite lenient in letting Khalil Chisti go visit his family in Pakistan... if you are trying to mend the fences, one needs to be careful about these snafus or else take the risk of losing credibility even more ...

Don't expect India to believe on Siachen promises then.... we have enough reasons not to trust the Pak establishment.
we dont release indian terrorists....it sends out wrong message........internet hindoos created the hype on the internet without reading that it was surjit and not sarabjit....dumb indian media followed the internet hindoos and broke the wrong news.......imo its time we hang the terrorist so that ends of justice are met.

Pakistan ki baat aur Gadhe ki laat finally ek barabar ho gayi...
Yes, now ....things will move on very very slow place . wonder why should minister visit pak or meet only waste fuel and money.
The names sound similar, there was obviously no mal intent at play. The state of Pakistan gets no jollies in bringing up hopes of the Sarabjit family and then bring them down.

Farhatullah Babar is a useless person and his boss is a mental patient anyway. This is not a reaction to anything at all and conspiracy theorists bringing PAs name into this might as well hold a "I'm insane" poster.

The larger question that keeps coming up with monotonous regularity is that is there a State of Pakistan ?

If so, who constitues it ? Is the Presidential Secretariate so stupid that they announced the wrong name ? How can we be sure even now that it isnt Surjeet Singh but yet another name ??

There is no credibility ..either in a spoken word or an announcement made from the highest office of the state !!

Thats what raises the question .. who constitutes the state in Pakistan , the PA/ ISI or the GOP that operates from Islamabad ?

The wheels within wheels are evident.
But I am sad to hear about this news as I feel the family of Sarbjeet Singh would be celebrating all day before they learned it's not Sarabjeet but Surjeet. I hope he'll be exchanged for another Pakistani in future

This is the first sane post I have read from a Pakistani on the subject.

Glad to know some people have their heart in the right place.
He has served a term for 30 years in a jail in Pakistan.You call that an easy release, We dont.

provided he has been assigned death panalty which was converted in life inprisonment on humanity drounds by Pakistani leaders.
I should have trusted my pakistani counterparts .
Zardari is not a man whom one can trust . What a shame :pakistan:

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