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Suggest ONE law to improve Pakistan

To implement the Jinnah's constituent speech in its originality as part (or basis) of our (new) constitution.
Ban Islam and any form of religious practice in the country. If you cant understand religion then you do not need to be practicing it.
i know i'm an ousider, but i do have an honest suggestion. bring in a law where it prohibits the duel citizens holding public offices in your country. i think they are taking you guys for a good royal ride!!
Ban Islam and any form of religious practice in the country. If you cant understand religion then you do not need to be practicing it.

Get real......islam or islamic parties have never ruled pakistan.
The army and political parties have been runnibg pakistan and they are the cauce of the problem.

Your not one of those that keeps harping on about religion being the reason for the majority of wars but fail to mention that nearly all the wars in the last so many hundred years where for reasons to do with "secular capatalist democracy" that has killed millions.....problay more then all the wars of faith put together.
Forget about enforcing the law...first need a revolution , hang all these basturd politicians, half of the problem solved.

People of Pakistan need to act now, otherwise it would be too late and snakes like zardari and nawaz sharif will keep biting us.
Keep your powder dry - for when it's time

Capital suggestion

Dr Farrukh Saleem
What, why and how of revolutions. What is a revolution? In the simplest of terms a revolution is a “drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving”. In essence two operating terms: thinking and behaving. These drastic, far-reaching changes generally pertain to three things: culture, economics or socio-political institutions.

Why do revolutions occur? Three of the most popular theories are: First, the ‘frustration-aggression theory’-revolutions “occur when frustration leads to collective, often aggressive behavior.” Second, the ‘severe-disequilibrium theory’ asserts that an acute lack of equilibrium—whether economic, social or political—leads to a revolution. Third, the ‘interest-group-social-conflict theory’, which is a Marxist-based postulation, regards revolutions as a consequence of a “power struggle between competing interest groups.”

How do revolutions take place? To begin with, there has to be a ‘motivating ideology’. Secondly, one or more leaders that symbolise that ideology. Lastly, a ‘critical mass’ from among the population that supports both the ideology and the leader(s).

Revolutions are generally of three types: socio-political, cultural or economic (and often all three are merged into one). China’s ‘Great Proletarian-Cultural Revolution’ changed the way the Chinese thought and behaved both in social and political modes. The ‘Islamic Revolution’ in Iran brought in a theocracy in place of a monarchy, bringing in a vilayat-e-faqih in place of a monarch. Iranian thought process and behavior would be the same never again. The storming of the Bastille brought in a radical democratic republic in place of a monarchy—French thinking and behavior would be the same never again.

Question: Is there going to be a revolution in Pakistan? Answer: Highly unlikely. Yes, there is plenty of frustration and, yes, that frustration could lead to collectively aggressive behaviour. But, there is no common motivating ideology, no leader and no indication of the formation of a critical mass. Plus, the counter-revolutionary forces are way too strong and include the PPP, PML(N), MQM, ANP and the Pakistan Army.

The ‘lawyers movement’ had at least some essential ingredients of a revolution—potential leaders in the making and the formation of a critical mass around them. But, all that had a limited objective of “restoring the CJ”. The movement’s leaders somehow failed to stitch in a revolutionary motivating ideology meant to change the way Pakistanis think and behave. Lo and behold, we are back to square one.

Let’s also try to understand anarchism. Anarchism as a political philosophy is a “doctrine advocating the abolition of the government”. The theory of anarchism is that “all forms of government are oppressive and undesirable and should be abolished.” The operative term behind anarchism is the denial of social control over an individual by a central authority.
Anarchist societies are meant to be self-regulating and contrary to popular belief are often well-regulated. Between the 18th and the 20th centuries, French, Italian and Spanish anarchists took control of physical terrain and ran small but successful self-and well-regulated commune-type entities. Anarchists in Spain, for instance, took control of Barcelona and ran collective farms in rural Spain.
Question: Are we heading towards anarchism? Answer: Definitely not.

No one is advocating the abolition of the central government; change of the government may be but certainly not its abolition.
Two more things about revolutions: One, revolutions are not made of ‘rose water’ produced on High Street, Edgware. Two, ‘revolutions are not made; they come.’

Neither a revolution nor anarchism. Then what? Aren’t we a ‘study of men in chaos in search of frenzy?
The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com
Pay the police a good wage:victory:

Police is not corrupt due to low salaries and there are many more ills in the society which needed to be fixed before reforming police.
I bet you do not know the salaries of police, as a hint those are perhaps equal to the salary of university professor.

On the other hand Mullas failed to make any mark in Pakistan politics because they themself are conspiracy product and Allah will never let succeed a conspiracy as huge as Mullaism.

Now on subject if i'm given one choice to list than i would make provision in law that members of assemblies have no direct powers over any state institutions and have no authority over allocation of funds.
This is actually off topic but it does have a indirect relation with the topic--

You guys will cry foul, donkeys will cry, sun will burn on you if you do not come to a conclusion on this issue--

Pakistan--Mullah Islam has the say on the foreign policy?
Pakistan--A secular state?

It is very simple but the ideology behind two points is very strong, devastating if you guys do not pick a side!

Note: The reason I stated Mullah Islam was because you guys do not know X Y Z of Islam, most of you guys.

This post is not intended to derail the thread nor a flame post. My post should not be used particularly the religious part since it is off topic.

The reason for the post was--The clash between two ideologies will devastate you--We are still suffering--Suicide attacks--ideology? People on both sides--suicide attack is 'halal'--No, it is haram--

The first and foremost goal of a state is to direct the nation towards one ideological side than comes the law!
abolish "political influences" on civil-bureaucrats (i mean all groups from PSP, DMG, FSP to ITO, etc)..let them do their work without any politcal influence under strict accountability n that from their own ranks (officers having good repute on basis of honesty) n judiciary (shouldnt have anything to do with parliament!)..if administrators do their work properly at grass root level many ill-paractices like corruption,deteriorating law n order etc can be tackled..

PS.SC should do something about the cases of bureaucrats under the NRO judgemnet besides polishing its repute by going against politicians..this would prevent others from following their suit.
i know the military n politician face a hell of wrath of people -justifiably most of the times - while bureaucracy is saved as in NRO, but much can be put in order once the bureaucracy does it s work well

in short accountability n strict check on all with no politically motivated framings!
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Making laws and hoping it will get itself automagically enforced is living a fools dream. The laws are supposed to be reflection of society. In a land where unbridled power is right and everybody not only acknowledges it but many cheer the transgressors as doing the right thing, a mere law will not bring down the transgressor. Example is Afghanistan "Bacha Baazi" where culture contradicts law hence culture triumphs.

First we need a social revolution with grass roots movement that can educate people on issues of importance and provide guidance. One that can inculcate and reinforce basic values. It should also tell people to not remain helpless but do something on an individual and communal basis. Many a times simple measures can be taken to fight ignorance and crime on a local level, but people are either not motivated or not organized enough to undertake meaningful actions.

Simple example will be a community collectively decides they will no longer give bribes to the local lineman to restore water supply. This happened regularly in my locality until political pressure was applied and water supply was no longer an issue. Other examples could be farmers decide to no longer honour the hegemony of the local landlord but demand their rights. They should be motivated enough to make a strong stand and not scurry in the middle of a fight. Sacrifices made today will last for generations. As for fighting tax evasion, we should shame people we know to be guilty into paying, even if they happen to be close to us.

First the individual's revolution has to happen before laws can be implemented. :pakistan:
ask every pakistani to hand in their weapons to police, doesn't matter if they belong to a political party or not!!
and if they dont then just shoot them on sight (if they have a weapon in their possesion) and tagged them as a terrorist!!!

seriously this might seem a bit violent but thats the only way to make peace among pakistani people!

and one more thing!
give better protection equipment to police and INCREASE their salaries!!
if we could somehow make our police uncorrupt then we would be able run this country!
ask every pakistani to hand in their weapons to police, doesn't matter if they belong to a political party or not!!
and if they dont then just shoot them on sight (if they have a weapon in their possesion) and tagged them as a terrorist!!!

seriously this might seem a bit violent but thats the only way to make peace among pakistani people!
n u saying this after sialkot incident plus the likes of it that have surfaced since then..
Making laws and hoping it will get itself automagically enforced is living a fools dream. The laws are supposed to be reflection of society. In a land where unbridled power is right and everybody not only acknowledges it but many cheer the transgressors as doing the right thing, a mere law will not bring down the transgressor. Example is Afghanistan "Bacha Baazi" where culture contradicts law hence culture triumphs.

First we need a social revolution with grass roots movement that can educate people on issues of importance and provide guidance. One that can inculcate and reinforce basic values. It should also tell people to not remain helpless but do something on an individual and communal basis. Many a times simple measures can be taken to fight ignorance and crime on a local level, but people are either not motivated or not organized enough to undertake meaningful actions.

Simple example will be a community collectively decides they will no longer give bribes to the local lineman to restore water supply. This happened regularly in my locality until political pressure was applied and water supply was no longer an issue. Other examples could be farmers decide to no longer honour the hegemony of the local landlord but demand their rights. They should be motivated enough to make a strong stand and not scurry in the middle of a fight. Sacrifices made today will last for generations. As for fighting tax evasion, we should shame people we know to be guilty into paying, even if they happen to be close to us.

First the individual's revolution has to happen before laws can be implemented. :pakistan:

for revolution u must have an alternative ideological-cum-social vision..i case of grass root revolution, who would ensure that individauals will get their rights after these uprisings?establishment ll suppress a few voices raising here n some other there as they have managed to do in past..
n u saying this after sialkot incident plus the likes of it that have surfaced since then..

believe it or not i dont even know which sialkot incident ur talking about....(ya i kno i dont follow news that often)

anyway but that was my suggestion! and i think thats the only way to bring some peace in pakistan! atleast in my opinion!
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