The problem is fundamental.
What do you call babas who rape? - Rapist babas. What should we call instead? Rapists. Period.
Like once a soldier gets a dishonourable discharge from the Army, he becomes a civilian. Not a retired soldier.
We call them fake baba because we find it interesting, we find it like the forbidden fruit, the irresistible joy in vilifying others, especially if sexual innuendos are thrown in. Imagine a normal betting case and then throw in a honeytrap and it will hog all the air time! Sex, drugs and negative news sell. Media today is private. The primary motive is not to educate people. That does not fill the stomach of Rajdeep and Co. They need cash, cash they can get by beating other channels in the same game. One gets dirtier than the other, and people swallow what they are shown.
True, they do realize what's trash and what's not, but if you repeat a narrative long enough, you will find takers. Perception is a very important thing. 'Muslim' - what does this word first bring in your mind, before the civilized self polishes it? (The question is rhetorical
) Media first gives the attention, grabs the eyeballs by glorifying someone and then brings them down with a big bang. Because that sells.
For example, for every fake guy, I can show you a hundred unnamed sanyasis who sit in the hills, in Varanasi, live unknown lives in absolute poverty. People who have no families, no bank accounts, no nothing. My point is that for every crook there are a hundred 'saints'. We would be doing an injustice to those people who have not even watched a single movie in their life(there are those, trust me), who come to Kumbh mela once in 12 years - their only human contact and then retreat to the mountains.
If you trek in the Kumaon, you will find many of their caves - unclad, almost naked, while I had UV glasses and thick padded garments to protect myself!
We have been doing a serious injustice to them for quite some time now. I am sure if some modern day Siddhartha* is spotted meditating under a Lumbini like grove, he will be ridiculed or even arrested.
*Aka Lord Buddha
I did not call you sickular. Why do you obsess over that title?