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Stupid :Why China is progressed more than India according to Rahul Gandhi

China is the way it is and growing as rapidly as it is, is because of its centralized system and no democracy. I think he is correct in the point he is making.

Wait... North Korea also has a centralized system and no democracy, where is their soaring economic growth?

It is not so simple as that.

Most countries that go for our type of governance fail miserably like North Korea. We are different because of Deng Xiaoping's reforms.
people trying to make sense of pappu gandhi's disaster of a speech at CII ? :D

get a life people......

else you will all be booked under child abuse act for torturing an innocent child......
Rahul Gandhi is an @ss.

Modi on the other hand has proven himself with constant double-digit growth for his province.

Check out this chart from The Economist:

India in figures - an interactive guide - The Economist


Gujarat is literally the only major Indian province that has achieved consistent double-digit growth in the past decade. (Since Sikim and Uttarkand have populations smaller than that of a single city).

What has Rahul successfully managed? A province? A kitchen?

I noticed two things, one is Gujarat has been in the double digit growth because of Modi, but can you explain of sikkim in the same catagory, based on your graph provided????

Thanks.. And why after China decide to give it to India you see equal growth in Sikkim......
Wait... North Korea also has a centralized system and no democracy, where is their soaring economic growth?

It is not so simple as that.

Most countries that go for this type of governance fail miserably like North Korea.

Cd most people here ( mostly Indians ) do not acknowledge that growth of china is not just a result of it's Centralized government ( though that plays a part as it allows china to take firm decisions) but a result of getting it's basics correct.

Sometime it is a result of faulty understanding, sometime it is a result of trolling and counter-trolling.

If i believe in theory of lizard people, should i be made PM of India in order to be provided a chance.

His vision, if it exist has been a failure both in India and on International stage. He has just learned some fancy words and would not be able to explain them if needled further.

He is intellectually vacuous and try to fill it with verbose speech written by sycophantic pointsmen.He is the reason that many people including me support modi.

I noticed two things, one is Gujarat has been in the double digit growth because of Modi, but can you explain of sikkim in the same catagory, based on your graph provided????

Thanks.. And why after China decide to give it to India you see equal growth in Sikkim......

Sikkim is growing from low base where achieving high growth is easy. Gujrat is growing at high growth rate even after being a developed economy when it is difficult to achieve high growth.
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Rahul Gandhi thinks he can become prime minister if he visit the huts of poor farmers & dine with them. He simply doesn't qualify to become even a minister :coffee:
Well what we actually require is a presidential type debate in the model of US.

All the PM candidates should be made to attend a open debate where they should be questioned by people as well as their opponents .In this way we can measure their merit and understand their relative knowledge in various fields.

Even if such a setup is made , I am 100% sure RG will shy away from it or else he will be showcasing how much a disaster he is.

I agree with you

On Topic> Both nations have their own growth models. Our model has been fairly successful us, which means, with some modifications, the model will serve us even better

We need more reforms, very careful planning,boosting infrastructure, special polices for industrial sector and visionary leadership

BTW I think Golden quadrilateral project will be very beneficial for us as it connects all 4 metro cities and other important cities in east, south , north , central and west India
I completely agree with you and understand. But all I am saying is that people need to be able to understand where he is coming from. He isn't as off as you guys put him out to be.

Yes, many of the things he says, even I DON'T AGREE WITH, but I just feel like he is different from the rest of his family. He should be given a chance. Yes, this policy may not be the best idea, but he is not completely wrong and should be given credit for what is correct. His idea of equality and even ending corruption is commendable, but everyone just seems to resort to criticising him.

By this you are employing that he is not in politics I would like to inform you that he has been in Politics for last 10 years. A decade. And yeah forget about comparing him with anyone else. Just compare him with his father. The speech Rajiv Gandhi made in US 30 years ago vs what Rahul baba made in CII. There seems the family wisdom has gone in reverse.

As far as people talking about his honesty I personally feel that it is all made up by Congi media managers. From Kalawati (God knows where and in what condition she is) to Girish from Gorakhpur this guy smacks of nothing but hypocracy.

Now seeing how Pranab babu is acting as our president i seriously wish he was the PM but then hey First congi family has eliminated him from that list. They need a subservient PM like MMS.
No one's assuming anything. This man has never held a ministry. It is not our duty to give him a chance it is his duty to snatch and pursue any opportunity whereby he may prove himself in front of us. Being the Gandhi scion and with the UPA in power for 10 years he could have taken up an administrative post and proven himself. He did NOT and we are not going to let him play at being OUR PM ON THE OFF-CHANCE THAT HE MIGHT HAVE AN IOTA OF INTELLIGENCE IN THAT VACUOUS HEAD OF HIS!

This just proves my point :hitwall:

vacuous head.....but like you said, if he was never in power, how do you know he has nothing good to do for the country?
This just proves my point :hitwall:

vacuous head.....but like you said, if he was never in power, how do you know he has nothing good to do for the country?

LOL he and his mother have been running the Govt of India for the last 9 years by proxy.
The other thing I disagree with this graph is the position of Punjab and it's growth rate, but here we have a Chinese person describing India afterall...... And Even Modi go figure.............

The Economist got this growth data from the Indian Government.

But I guess The Economist is Chinese, and the Indian Government is Chinese too.
This just proves my point :hitwall:

vacuous head.....but like you said, if he was never in power, how do you know he has nothing good to do for the country?

The whole argument that he should be given a chance is based on the fact that he has Gandhi as his surname.

Would any one else get a country to take it for test ride?

Why did we even bothered to have Independence movement if we have to live under a quasi monarchy.If this is the system we have got ,we may better live under a british dominion.I find British viceroys to be more intelligent and capable than this Gandhi family.
Jeypore you have quoted the same large image three times already, why do you have to keep quoting the same post and spamming the thread?

If you must quote the same post multiple times, at least cut the post down to a smaller size so people don't have to scroll through so much.

The other thing I love about this Image is that Bihar is growing faster the UP.................

Bihar is starting from a low base, same as Sikkim. Which means it is easier to grow faster.

Gujarat is starting from a high base, which means it should be much more difficult to hit double-digit growth. But funnily enough, Gujarat is growing faster than Bihar.
The Economist got this growth data from the Indian Government.

But I guess The Economist is Chinese, and the Indian Government is Chinese too.

So are you saying that the Economist is right in explaining Punjab as being poorer then Gujarat???
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