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Strongest Muslim country?

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Pakistan has a strong military, but not a very strong air force and navy. The only advantage Pakistan really has over the other Muslim countries is nuclear weapons and the amount of manpower available.

Turkey is definitely much stronger in current times, and has the economy to back itself up. They look stable in all aspects - navy, military and air force. With nukes, they could be a superpower in the military world.
If not for the dependence on foreign energy imports, Pakistan would actually have been the strongest country. But brushing this factor aside aside, Pakistan is still the strongest country in the islamic world without any doubt because of its nuclear weapon capability and a couple of indigenous military hardwares like Alkhalid tank, JF17 aircraft etc. Besides, it is also doubtful if any other muslim country could withstand the taliban insurgency as much pakistan has done and sacrificed so far.

Saudi arabia is also catching up fast. One of the major advantage saudi arabia has over turkey is that it does not depend on foreign oil or energy imports while turkey is heavily dependent. Saudi arabia has the potential to surpass turkey soon enough.

Saudi Arabia lacks one thing; it imports all it's weapons, military equipment. Other than that, Saudi Arabia is top notch in the Islamic military. I've noticed that their soldiers receive VERY good training as well.

Missile Technology:. Pakistan Number 1. Due to terrain hugging Nuclear capable cruise missiles, and intermediate range ballistic missiles and Tactic missiles.
Airforce: Saudi Arabi -----> turkey----->Pakistan.
Economy: Turkey and Saudi arabia
Navy Tukey
Manpower Pakistan

Missile Tech: Pakistan
Airforce: Saudis, Turkey, and Pakistan (to be honest, Saudi may have the best airforce, but they lack any major production of aircrafts which is a huge factor)
Production: Turkey, Pakistan
Economy: Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan
Man Power: Pakistan
Oil: Saudis, Iran
Fire Power: Pakistan
Resistance in case of an invasion: Pakistan (180 million people packed together), Indonesia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Turkey

Pakistan has a strong military, but not a very strong air force and navy. The only advantage Pakistan really has over the other Muslim countries is nuclear weapons and the amount of manpower available.

Turkey is definitely much stronger in current times, and has the economy to back itself up. They look stable in all aspects - navy, military and air force. With nukes, they could be a superpower in the military world.

True, some very good points. But we have proven to be such a resisting country (with the help of the lord, of course). 11 years of Taliban attacks, foreign involvements and we are still standing. Compare us to to rebels in Libya, who were able to take over the country in months. Syria's Assad will be on the same boat.
If not for the dependence on foreign energy imports, Pakistan would actually have been the strongest country. But brushing this factor aside aside, Pakistan is still the strongest country in the islamic world without any doubt because of its nuclear weapon capability and a couple of indigenous military hardwares like Alkhalid tank, JF17 aircraft etc. Besides, it is also doubtful if any other muslim country could withstand the taliban insurgency as much pakistan has done and sacrificed so far.

Pakistan..Because of:

*Nukes-biggest diterrent that makes any nation think twice from attacking pakistan.

*Highly professional military.

*Arsenal of ballistic missiles.

*ingenious arms production capability-from small arms to tanks and fighter planes.

*Highly armed civilian population(Which makes an invasion very hard)

*Culture that glorify military,war and even martyrdom.

Strong will power in-spite of challenges.

nukes what is it good for.? Some country with nukes has it sovereignty constantly breached.

So its a 0 decisive factor.
This question is too big to answer based on numbers and equipment. I can say Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt are to lead the list but I still see it is hard to compare.

When waging a war, I think there are more than just manpower and equipment. Economical sustainability to withstand a long term war without losing your strength is a key... war is not a cheap cost trip.

In addition, the unity of your army is a factor... united army with strong beliefs in its leaders is very hard to defeat...

There are more factors to consider to answer this question... one way to tackle it is to compare different factors such as air force, economy, manpower, army equipment, political support, economy, leadership, etc.
This is getting bored on the Top Muslims Strongest country. This has been 45 times same thread here discussion all over again.

I would choose Afghanistan freedom fighters the most powerful in the world defeating British Empire three times, Soviet Union, current USA. Arabs need to follow this examples.

Pakistan just focus on the growing India, not helping Middle East.
pakistan is the prussia among islamic countries. the one with the bomb is naturally the strongest. in the near future, i also see iran - and in the very long run, egypt - to join pakistan to become the three true pillars of islamic military power
pakistan is the prussia among islamic countries. the one with the bomb is naturally the strongest. in the near future, i also see iran - and in the very long run, egypt - to join pakistan to become the three true pillars of islamic military power

How about the fat Sheikhs and Sultans of the ME? Aren't they very strong? How could anyone miss SA with Typhoons and F-15s? They also have thousands of beauties in their herems, now, that should also be taken into consideration, don't you think so?
pakistan is the prussia among islamic countries. the one with the bomb is naturally the strongest. in the near future, i also see iran - and in the very long run, egypt - to join pakistan to become the three true pillars of islamic military power

Yes well thank you for that but our Bismark died in '48 and the search for a half-decent replacement remains elusive still ! Consequently Pakistan hasn't achieved an iota of her god-given potential !
Today I saw a convoy of Al-Shibls and Al-Masmaks like a really large convoy on my way home.... Holy $hit that was awesome.

Seeing such a sight gave me a nationalistic high not only because the soldiers in them looked Professional but also because those two are Made in KSA :D
This question is as silly as asking for the strongest Christian country. I think that countries that define themselves by religion has always been laggard in their development. Look at all the developed and fast developing countries, they are either secular, non-religious or religion is treated as a private matter. The only developed country that I can think of going backward and becoming more religious is also the one that is losing ground rapidly. Guess which one I thing of.
Götterdämmerung;2955432 said:
This question is as silly as asking for the strongest Christian country. I think that countries that define themselves by religion has always been laggard in their development. Look at all the developed and fast developing countries, they are either secular, non-religious or religion is treated as a private matter. The only developed country that I can think of going backward and becoming more religious is also the one that is losing ground rapidly. Guess which one I thing of.

Israel? Might be.
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