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Strongest Empires by timeline

Haha, your whole claim is based on a similarity between two letters? No, Arab lands are not fertile crescent. That were Sumerians, Akkadians and Babylonians. They were not Arab and they never named themselves Arab.

Post a photo of yourself and then we can judge you.

Ancient Aryans - YouTube

Continue to prove your stupidity.

According to a 1957 theory by Laroche, Indo-Iranian ar-ya- descends from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *ar-yo-, a yo-adjective to a root *ar "to assemble skillfully", present in Greek harma "chariot", Greek aristos, (as in "aristocracy"), Latin ars "art", etc. Thus, according to this theory, an Aryan is "one who skillfully assembles". Proto-Indo-Iranian *ar-ta- was a related concept of "properly joined" expressing a religious concept of cosmic order.[17]

"chariot"= Araba in Arabic
lol arabs and iranians fighting on who is more aryan...epic:smitten:

Its mostly Iranians who are always trying to prove that they are white or something. You should see them on Stormfront, showing photos of Iranian woman with make up caked on their face, looking for approval from White Supremacists all the time. Its hilarious:rofl:

Roy you had to post the gayest 3 blokes on the internet:woot:

:lol: They are a pop band.

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Its mostly Iranians who are always trying to prove that they are white or something. You should see them on Stormfront, showing photos of Iranian woman with make up caked on their face, looking for approval from White Supremacists all the time.

We are white and I don't need the approval for that from a bunch of rednecks.

:lol:white iranian aryan.....Every Irianian or Arab i have ever met have a sense of grandiosity about them; aka racists.

It depends how you perceive your self and others in the first place, since that is what you attract from others.
It depends how you perceive your self and others in the first place, since that is what you attract from others.

fair skinned indians, pakistanis and bangladeshis could all claim to be white then:lol:
fair skinned indians, pakistanis and bangladeshis could all claim to be white then:lol:

fair skinned indians, pakistanis and bangladeshis, white or black does not matter if you are beautiful inside. That what civilisation is all about.
But I like white girls.:thinktank:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
There are beautiful girls in every spot on earth, some white some not.
No one can compare beauties, since every kind has a different flavour and effect.

But real beauty is only manifested when it is an inside one and reflected on the outside world.
Than we see what is called charm and charisma.
Thus, real beauty attracts the eyes, the heart and the soul.
It is something divine.

That is how a strong Empire should look like too.

Islam did it ounce and can and will do it again and again.
I'm flabbergasted why this thread is not yet closed.

this thread has proven that there is a nazi in a lot of folks, closet nazis.
The Huns got their axx kicked by the Chinese Han empire. Part of the huns moved west and finally arrived at europe. Remeber attila, the guy who ransacked europe and making the so-called roman empires (east and west) trembled like sisies.

How about the turks? They got their axx kicked by the Chinese Tang Empire. They later had to move west as well. Part of them stayed at central asia, and part of them later formed a so-called ottoman empire.

How about the mogol empire? Well, They got defeated by Chinese Ming Empire and flee back to the desert north.

Arabs.... Romans...... Greeks.... Persians..... Huns.... Chinese....
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