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Strongest Empires by timeline

spaniards were good in age of empires.

The Huns got their axx kicked by the Chinese Han empire. Part of the huns moved west and finally arrived at europe. Remeber attila, the guy who ransacked europe and making the so-called roman empires (east and west) trembled like sisies.

How about the turks? They got their axx kicked by the Chinese Tang Empire. They later had to move west as well. Part of them stayed at central asia, and part of them later formed a so-called ottoman empire.

How about the mogol empire? Well, They got defeated by Chinese Ming Empire and flee back to the desert north.

huns were like buns..
I just skimped through this thread, I have got to say that there were extremely nationalistic members arguing on both sides, blatantly racist too sometimes.

As for my own favorite empire, I would have to say its both the Greek & Roman Empire. I remember studying about them in school, everything from social life, military warfare techniques, their leaders & conquests, as well as their mythology/religion. All of it was extremely impressive.

The legend of the founding of Rome was pretty cool as well, I was pretty depressed when I learnt about their decline & fall.
I just skimped through this thread, I have got to say that there were extremely nationalistic members arguing on both sides, blatantly racist too sometimes.

As for my own favorite empire, I would have to say its both the Greek & Roman Empire. I remember studying about them in school, everything from social life, military warfare techniques, their leaders & conquests, as well as their mythology/religion. All of it was extremely impressive.

The legend of the founding of Rome was pretty cool as well, I was pretty depressed when I learnt about their decline & fall.

That is exactly what westerners want you to think and feel, since in all our studies we learned that the Greek civilisation was the start of western civilisation, hiding the facts that this Greek civilisation was itself based mainly on the remnants of the Egyptian civilisation.(see the copying of the Egyptian temples, religious beliefs, myths and so on)
The first translation of the Egyptian Hieroglyphics were in Greek ! See "The Rosetta Stone"
A picture is worth more than a thousand word. Anicient Egypt architecture tells how great of a civilization it was, and it might be the oldest too....Also, try to apperciate what others did, it is not a bad thing actually. If the past emipres, or civilization were not great, we won't be talking about them now. Just enjoy histroy.


So why almost everyone who have dealt with your guys think you are uncivilized? No one likes you, from Europe, USA to S-O Asia.

Do they even know you?
Man... no offence, but you need help. I thought you were posting such posts on purpose to belittle Arabs but it turned that you are serious. WAW.
My God! My mind is going to explode!
Some people here are just living a lie! they actually believe it!:fie:
I didn't know whether I should report or pity them but I just chose the last one.
I hope MODS just close this thread because some people scared me, they are next to our doors...:fie:
That are the contributions of people who lived in Arab Empire but Arabs don't have contributions more than expanding empire and sea voyages. Most of the contributions are from Iranians. And regarding Mathematics and other things you are mentioning, all was copied from different civilizations, how it become Arab contributions.

It always seems funny to we Indians that our Invention is known as Arabic Numerals.

Sorry Mr, but you didn't nor the Persians had the "sefr' (cifer=number), or the zero (0) Arab invention, without it ,you will still be counting with some pieces of wood, and we won't be discussing anything by the mean of computers today.
The Arabic numerals unlike yours - and to the contrary of what you or you western supporters or even ignorant Muslims have swallowed in their mostly western biased studies - are based on geometrical figures, and I am not going to give you their secrets here.
If you know me, you know the secrets if you do not than you do not.
Don't be an idiot, no Arab claims to be Aryan. Semites> Aryans.

yes then by that logic


Sorry Mr, but you didn't nor the Persians had the "sefr' (cifer=number), or the zero (0) Arab invention, without it ,you will still be counting with some pieces of wood, and we won't be discussing anything by the mean of computers today.
The Arabic numerals unlike yours - and to the contrary of what you or you western supporters or even ignorant Muslims have swallowed in their mostly western biased studies - are based on geometrical figures, and I am not going to give you their secrets here.
If you know me, you know the secrets if you do not than you do not.

once again another BS.

the mayans and babylonian had zero thousand yeas before arab.
arab stole indian numeral systems.just like you try and steal our scientists.
Sorry Mr, but you didn't nor the Persians had the "sefr' (cifer=number), or the zero (0) Arab invention, without it ,you will still be counting with some pieces of wood, and we won't be discussing anything by the mean of computers today.
The Arabic numerals unlike yours - and to the contrary of what you or you western supporters or even ignorant Muslims have swallowed in their mostly western biased studies - are based on geometrical figures, and I am not going to give you their secrets here.
If you know me, you know the secrets if you do not than you do not.

We have a name for zero in Sanskrit known as "Shoonya" and we Indians discovered use of Zero in mathematics and Arabs copying our concept of Zero. Arabs copied our mathematics ditto that's why their script is right to left but they still write numerals left to right.

Arabs discovered use of Zero in decimal system, what a joke.
We have a name for zero in Sanskrit known as "Shoonya" and we Indians discovered use of Zero in mathematics and Arabs copying our concept of Zero. Arabs copied our mathematics ditto that's why their script is right to left but they still write numerals left to right.

Arabs discovered use of Zero in decimal system, what a joke.

did you not know arabs made everything?
how dare you question it?

persian,indians,chinese, mayan, all these civilizations were arabs.
Can you answer this, or you are too stupid to understand: here are the facts not theory, but you are blinded by ignorance.

The word Ar ab points some how to Ar yan.
Or Ar able lands = fertile lands = fertile crescent.
well the word Aryan have nothing to do with being Fertile it means being Noble and have a Sanskrit root not an Aramaic root like the word Arab
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