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Strongest Empires by timeline

And now, the Graveyard of Empires: Afghanistan, PART 1





Afghan Pashtun Warrior Frontier Tribesmen armed with their Jezails, Anglo Afghan War


Pashtun Tribesmen following their Amir towards battle


British cavalry charging to kill Pashtun resisters


Afghan Pashtun Tribesmen butchering British Punjab regiment on its retreat to india


The last british survivor of a 16,500 strong british army contingent : 'Remnants of an Army' by Elizabeth Butler portraying William Brydon arriving at the gates of Jalalabad as the only survivor of a 16,500 strong evacuation from Kabul in January 1842.
If you believe Darwinist Evolutionary theory, then it is impossible. But if you really take them as it is stated in the Quran, his kingdom did possess advanced technology, gifted by God.

eg. Quran says he "could do one month journey in the morning and another month in the afternoon". Either you can picture a magician, with a magic stick, hurling his stick and some wings emerges out of his back. Then he uses those wings to fly like that.

Or you can actually see as it is meant: God gifted him the technology to create a vehicle, with which he could fly one months journey in morning and another in afternoon.

Solomon was able to communicate with animals. If I follow your line of reasoning, that would mean Solomon was probably equipped with highly advanced communicators.
These notions of abilities in these verses are examples of miracles, not to be inserted with present or futuristic technology. As if God enable powers to prophets, only if the understanding by the human mind is confined in terms of technology. And as if God would be limited by human imagination.
Jesus could make birds out of clay according to the Quran. What technology do you suggest that he was given?
These colorful 'interpretations' only create more difficulties and questions than answer them. They do not render justice to the real intent of the verses.
Why imagine at all, second guess? Isn't it just enough to believe it? They were after all divinely gifted miracles.
I just had a glance at his booklet. Frankly, 'Harun Yahya's' interpretation (imagination?) of those verses are a bit colorful for my taste. The verses about Solomon speak of his faith, his superior moral character, and power and supernatural abilities bestowed on him by God. But mentioning Solomon of possessing advanced technology in the Quran, such as unmanned drones, as the author suggests? That's really far-fetched to say at least.

This is funny. I used to think the Hindu chauvinists were the only ones to claim advanced ancient technologies. Apparently others do it too.
I don't know what's funnier posting the accidental picture or that guy's name. Lol

You might not be knowing who Shivaji Maharaj is?

Real Name: Shivaji Bhosale
Shivaji as an aristocrat of the Bhosle clan led a resistance to free the Maratha people from the Sultanate of Bijapur, and establish Hindavi Swarajya ("self-rule of Hindu people"). He created an independent Maratha kingdom with Raigad as its capital, and successfully fought against the Mughals to defend his kingdom.

The Maratha confederacy which was responsible for demise of the Mughal empire, was started by Shivaji Maharaj.
Solomon was able to communicate with animals. If I follow your line of reasoning, that would mean Solomon was probably equipped by highly advanced communicators.
These notions of abilities in these verses are examples of miracles, not to be inserted with present or futuristic technology. As if God enable powers to prophets, only if the understanding by the human mind is confined in terms of technology. And as if God would be limited by human imagination.
Jesus could make birds out of clay according to the Quran. What technology do you suggest that he was given?
These colorful 'interpretations' only create more difficulties and questions than answer them. They do not render justice to the real intent of the verses.
Why imagine at all, second guess? Isn't it just enough to believe it?

The problem here is the Darwinist evolutionary methodology which you seem to follow, which envisages that at Solomon's time everyone was living in "Stone age" and "moving one month's path in a hour" is not possible without magical wings.. However, Quran does not envision such a literal, fairy-tale like interpretation.

Take for example the Airplane. God gave its inventor the knowledge to invent it so we are able to "travel one month path in one hour". So, is airplane a human invention, or gifted by God? If you are a Muslim, you would believe the latter even though a human apparently invented it. So, when I say that God also gave Solomon the technology, I mean that God gave Solomon the knowledge, wisdom and power to create such technology in his kingdom, by which he could "travel one month path in one hour". And later, Solomon was grateful to God for "favoring him over others" and he knew that "all these gifts are from him, the one God".

As for the "listening to ant", yes, do you know that ants emit sonar frequency through which they communicate? The subject is examined with proofs, in his book.
you know I don't like to enter this sunni - shia discussion and post some useless
comment , as one of the Muslims problem today is this debate .
but if you like it I can post this in response to you.

Yes alhamdulillah that God send his chosen Mojahid and great warrior Abu Lulu(r.a.) who killed that cruel tyrant..
Do you like Abu Lulu(r.a.) ?

just one thing.............even u people were not shias during his time, if i am not wrong ismail safawi forced shia religion on iranis, so technically your ancestors are Sunnis, and BTW where were shias at the time of Rashidun Caliphs?
Thats because you have a narrow view of what the Arabs really are. All of those people you mention aren't Arabs and during their time they don't saw themselves as Arabs. I don't give a damn which people now call themselves Arabs. I'm talking about history, not present time. Fact is that throughout history the most people who came in contact with the Arabs saw them as barbaric savages without any civilization. From North Africa to Iran. Even now, you are considered to be a backward people with middle-ages views. While in every country we immigrate too we are among the most educated people, your people are famous in Europe for raping woman, stealing and barbaric behavior.

Al Jazeera arab self-criticism MEMRI TV - YouTube

Where are you from surena? since you say we in Europe, we the Arabs want to know to which ethnic group do you belong. since you seem to think of yourself as the best and biggest historian of all time , we the Arabs want to glorify you.:woot:
And to show you how ignorant you are, Copts belong to a religious group; the Christian Coptic church of Egypt and they are Arabs since time memorial. So you are an Arab who hates Arabs, this means that you are lying too, your hatred is obviously directed towards Islam and Muslims.
I know Holland and Amsterdam and how the Dutch people think, I am sure they do not like you.
Maybe in Europe, but not one Arab slavery. Maybe we can state that slavery is developed by the Semitic people, Arab and Jews.

It was developed since time memorial by all civilisations as prisoners of war were usually either killed or Enslaved, but to become a profitable business it took the Jews to deal in it.

The Arabs were Aryans who adopted a Semitic language .
persia was the first super power on this planet, and under its reign under darius and cyrus it had almost 40-50% of the worlds population under it. it was a very tolerant empire. unlike others we did not force people to follow our zoroastrian religion.

christrians and islam simply took so much from zoroastrian but they will never admit it.
the idea of a single god came from zorastrian, same with hell and heaven and devil.

persian was undoubtly one the greatest empires ever, even with the west today trying to downgrade it so much, we still see it as a great empire.

Some lies here are exposed. This would be pretty embarrassing.:smokin:
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