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Strongest Army in Europe [ Turkish Army ]

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yes my cave have a natural window too

a view from my cave

I said that except Russian Army , Turkish Army is the strongest in Europe

tiny and weak French Army is nothing in front of the Turkish Army

I just have to ask - if you have to say that your military is the strongest and have to work to convince others that it's the strongest, is it really the strongest?
i say pakistan is not super power but hyper power actually more powerful than america it is a diaper power.
kal to ap bol rahy thy pakistan ghanta kuch nhi :rofl:
kal to ap bol rahy thy pakistan ghanta kuch nhi :rofl:

aj pakistan mai buht bhanta hai sab kuch yai diaper powar hai
Turkish Army used only a few thousands of soldiers without Airforce in Al Bab

Screenshot_2021-12-05 Battle of al-Bab - Wikipedia(1).png

and no any civilian died
Because the majority of civilians had already fled!

Oh wait...

Screenshot_2021-12-05 Battle of al-Bab - Wikipedia.png

USA-France airforce , Army and 150.000+ Kurdish Pesmerga , İraqi forces could take Mosul from a few thousands of ISIS terrorists in 15 months

Screenshot_2021-12-05 Battle of Mosul (2016–2017) - Wikipedia.png

Real numbers.

You compare the 3rd largest city in Iraq with the 20 or 21 city in Syria?
average chinese far richer then average turks. GDP nominal is everything and measure of true wealth and turks gdp nominal is skydiving down. erdoggy ruined turkey economy and turkey is now weaker then Iran, Saudi, Egypt, Greece, Israel etc.

Don't even compare Turkey with Italy or Germany let alone UNSC members UK/France. its like comparing power of cockroach to power of elephant lol
I just have to ask - if you have to say that your military is the strongest and have to work to convince others that it's the strongest, is it really the strongest?

not military but army

If you have military knowledge then you would understand me

French or British or German Armies are so tiny and weak
with 200-250 Tanks , 120-220 Howitzers , 45-50 MLRS

No long range MLRS
No Tactical Ballistic Missile
No land based Cruise Missile
No UCAV power
No mobile AD Systems
No mobile EW Systems
Because the majority of civilians had already fled!

Oh wait...

if 444 civilian died because of ISIS terrorists ( bomb attacks and scuide )

a few thousands of Turkish soldiers did pint point operation in Al Bab not to kill any civilian

on the other hand American-French Fighter Jets bombed Mosul day and night
and around 150.000 soldiers attacked on ISIS to take Mosul in 15 months
and over 10.000 civilian died

İn Afrin Turkish Armed Forces beat Russia-İran backed SAA+IRGC+Hezbolah in 4 days

Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals in Afrin
also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed

3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems
Strong country don't need to brag because everyone knows US/Russia/China/UK/France is strong

weak countries always brag because they want people to respect them as strong but bragging doesn't make you strong.

turkey biggest bragger in the world but is behind the arabs/persians/greeks in their own backyard.
Strong country don't need to brag because everyone knows US/Russia/China/UK/France is strong

weak countries always brag because they want people to respect them as strong but bragging doesn't make you strong.

turkey biggest bragger in the world but is behind the arabs/persians/greeks in their own backyard.

says a chinese TROLL

USA saved pathetic France from Germany and pathetic China from Japan in ww2

keep calling losers as strong .....

btw arabs/persians/greeks were ruled by the Turks for centuries
for example
The UK ( the British Army )
227 Tanks
215 Howitzers
50 AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters

France ( the French Army )
222 Tanks
121 Howitzers
68 TIGER Attack Helicopters

Turkish Army is so superior and stronger ( quality and quantity )
1.200+ Howitzers
Hundreds of TRG-122 , TRLG-230 and TRG-300 guided MLRS
Hundreds of J600T , ATACMS and BORA Tactical Ballistic Missiles
ATMACA-K land based Cruise Missile
83 T-129 Attack Hellicopters
Advanced EW Systems like REDET-II , SANCAK , MUKAS , MILKAR
KORKUT , SUNGUR , HISAR-A , HISAR-O mobile Air Defense Systems
experienced and combat ready Soldiers with over 200.000 of professional units

even alone Turkish UCAVs easly can stop French+British Armies combined ( Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,AD Systems )

And as of 2021 Turkiye has technology and industry to produce all weapons for the Turkish Army
Turkish Armed Forces killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals in Afrin
also Turkish Armed Forces destroyed

3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems
The fake list released by Turkish officials?
155 tanks? Seriously? You believe that? The same lists again and again?
even alone Turkish UCAVs easly can stop French+British Armies combined ( Tanks,Howitzers,MLRS,AD Systems )
@aziqbal told you in a friendly manner,why numbers are not enough to win a war. That technology and systems are also important and that Western countries like Britain,France,Germany and USA have better technology,EW and experience in making those than Turkey.

I have told you many times when you mocked the French Navy,that the French and Italians have better electronic systems and countermeasures than the Turkish fleet. Yet you boasted about SAMs and stuff.
btw arabs/persians/greeks were ruled by the Turks for centuries
So what? Every civilization becomes weak at some point and a bigger enemy comes and takes over.
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The fake list released by Turkish officials?
155 tanks? Seriously? You believe that? The same lists again and again?

ask to Putin who deployed new Weapons for Syrian Regime instead of weapons which were destroyed by Turkish UCAVs in Idlib

and all attacks were recorded by Turkish UCAVs official channel on youtube

also The Azerbaijani army destroyed 287 tanks of the Armenian army and captured 79 tanks
thanks to Turkish TB-2 UCAVs
@aziqbal told you in a friendly manner,why numbers are not enough to win a war. That technology and systems are also important and that Western countries like Britain,France,Germany and USA have better technology,EW and experience in making those than Turkey.

I told him in a friendly manner why Turkish Army is stronger

Turkish Army has more experience and technology than French,British,German Armies

they are training
on the other hand Turkish Army is fighting in Turkey,İraq,Syria and Libya since 1990s

I am saying again
French or British or German Armies are so weak

No long range MLRS
No Tactical Ballistic Missile
No land based Cruise Missile
No UCAV power
No mobile AD Systems
No mobile EW Systems

which technology do they have ?
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