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Strongest Army in Europe [ Turkish Army ]

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BTW, I'm not sure if you know or not, but GDP per capita isn't wages. Wages in Turkey = 1/4 wages in China.

I have nothing against Turkey, but sometimes it helps to have a dose of reality.

you are still dreaming with your poor China and İndia

I am saying again
over 1 billion Chinese and İndians are so poor of its rural population

China has a communist regime and millions of Chinese are working as slaves for $2 per day
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And like @Huffal said,the Royal Marines are a legend. Anyone who knows of military history,knows that the Royal Marines have an exceptional record. It reminds me of MMM-E mocking the Germans who helped and trained them in WWI.

Huffal,how I suppose you have solar power in your cave,right?
ok you are clearly more deluded that I originally thought

I am a follower of Turkish military and I admire them but you are just a outright fanboy with no clue

back to the cave you go

Stop using personal insults please.
first a Pakistani guy from the UK said me that back to the cave you go
and as a Turk I said to Pakistani guy know your place
Know your place? We know our place. We are stronger than you.

1.7 million in the army (act + res + para), nearly 3000 MBT, 330+ MLRS, 170 nukes, shaheen 3 MRBM (2750km+ range), 1400+ aircraft, with a navy that can thwart any threat towards them.

We have the SSG, an absolute beast of a fighting force within the army, airforce and navy, that has wiped out entire bases of terrorists and indian soldiers.

What do you have? A cheerleader that goes by the name of mmme, that shits on everyone else, whilst being arrogant about your militarys power...be humble you moron. Not arrogant
you are still dreaming with your poor China and İndia

I am saying again
over 1 billion Chinese and İndians are so poor of its rural population

China has a communist regime and millions of Chinese are working as slaves for $2 per hour

After taxes, the net income of a Turkish worker is 5,825 liras ($700). These figures are relevant for large metropolitan areas such as Istanbul and Ankara.

The median salary in China is 31,100 Yuan (USD 4,813) per month.

I actually overestimated Turkish salaries.
Pakistanis are living in caves , not the Turks
know your place

Your post is far worse, he meant you as an individual not as a Turk, you preceded to insult all Pakistanis.
I am saying again
over 1 billion Chinese and İndians are so poor of its rural population

YOU REPEAT THE SAME THINGS AGAIN AND AGAIN in an endless loop. You're like a spambot!

It's like the guy from Far Cry 3 will appear and tell you "Did I tell you the definition of insanity?"
greeks say they are the strongest even stronger than turkey times ten. :cheesy:
i wish i lived in a cave no mortgage house all built from real stone.
And like @Huffal said,the Royal Marines are a legend. Anyone who knows of military history,knows that the Royal Marines have an exceptional record. It reminds me of MMM-E mocking the Germans who helped and trained them in WWI.

Huffal,how I suppose you have solar power in your cave,right?
Nah lol, i aint using that pleb power source. Currently using geo-thermal technology to power the entire cave. We dug deep enough so the warmth from the earth will sustain us, whilst the warmth from the core is able to power our geo thermal steam turbines, which ultimately powers the entire country. Yes you heard right. I power the entirety of the UK. Not the many nuclear reactors and other powerplants. Those are facades. Dummies to hide my true power. Jeff bezos and Elon Musk FEAR MY INTELLECT
greeks say they are the strongest even stronger than turkey times ten. :cheesy:
i wish i lived in a cave no mortgage house all built from real stone.

only one Greek said that, who admitted on record that he is a spoiled child with all money given by parents.
Reality is it took you 3 months to capture Al Bab and you talk to me about 2nd largest army in NATO and Strongest Army in Europe.

only ignorant little boys like you can say this

Turkish Army used only a few thousands of soldiers without Airforce in Al Bab and no any civilian died

Outsiders with no ethics can't understand Turkish sensivity towards civilian life thus they think Turkish army is incapable. We will never leave thousands of innocent deads behind us just like Assad, Russia or Usa

USA-France airforce , Army and 150.000+ Kurdish Pesmerga , İraqi forces could take Mosul from a few thousands of ISIS terrorists in 15 months

and over 10.000 civilians died
only one Greek said that, who admitted on record that he is a spoiled child with all money given by parents.
Apollon,right? He's still banned?
Strongest armies in Europe = Russia and France to my knowledge.

I said that except Russian Army , Turkish Army is the strongest in Europe

tiny and weak French Army is nothing in front of the Turkish Army
only one Greek said that, who admitted on record that he is a spoiled child with all money given by parents.

i say pakistan is not super power but hyper power actually more powerful than america it is a diaper power.
Apollon,right? He's still banned?

yep. He's not spamming Chinese threads, so he's either banned or he learned.

I'm guessing more likely to be banned.
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