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Strife torn Indian states

there iare no mass graves and genocide taking place in my sasural unlike in india.

did u checked correctly in karachi,balochistan,fata etc ?
there iare no mass graves and genocide taking place in my sasural unlike in india.

If I start posting mass grave & genocide in your sasural, PDF will ban me...:hitwall:
All these will have better record than Karachi itself...

let me break some news to you who is worst affected....................

India Worst Victim of Terror by Ramesh Menon

If Iraq is not considered as a war zone, India tops the world in the number of terror attacks it is subjected to.

It is time someone declared India as the foremost country in the world battling terrorism. More than 3,850 Indians have died in terror attacks in over 3,000 incidents since 2004. The United States and Britain, who see themselves as prime movers against terrorism are not even probably aware of the severity of the problem in India where lives are lost everyday to terrorism.

In the last decade, India lost over 53,000 lives to terrorism. In all its wars with Pakistan and China and other army operations, it has lost around 8,050 lives since independence. The enormity of the threats that terrorism poses is just too large to be missed.

How would you know!
my home i know better.

If I start posting mass grave & genocide in your sasural, PDF will ban me...:hitwall:
did u checked correctly in karachi,balochistan,fata etc ?
though pakistan is in middle of WOT ...its india which is sufering worst numbers of deaths and violence in whole world in last decade.posted the article above
let me break some news to you who is worst affected....................

India Worst Victim of Terror by Ramesh Menon

2008 article

Here is latest data


The latest Terrorism Risk Index (TRI), released by risk analysis and mapping firm Maplecroft, rates 20 countries and territories as ‘extreme risk,’ with Somalia (1), Pakistan (2), Iraq (3), Afghanistan (4) once again topping the ranking. The ‘extreme risk’ category also includes: South Sudan (5), Yemen (6), Palestinian Occupied Territories (7), DR Congo (8) Central African Republic (9), Colombia (10), Algeria (11), Thailand (12), Philippines (13), Russia (14), Sudan (15), Iran (16), Burundi (17), India (18), Nigeria (19) and Israel (20).

Not proud position, but better than being in top 3.

my home i know better.

An anecdotal statement as proof?
though pakistan is in middle of WOT ...its india which is sufering worst numbers of deaths and violence in whole world in last decade.posted the article above

law and order problems of political brutalization is no wot give that pill to someone else.

secretarian violence is internal problem of pakistan. be it karachi or entire balochistan.
source boloji.com written on 15-Sep-2008.

must be her bookmark
south asia terrorism portal ( sap ) database you will be in for a surprise.
south asia terrorism portal ( sap ) database you will be in for a surprise.

surprise me with 2008 data.

see the terrorism index 2011 up their no surprises for either one of us.
2008 article

Here is latest data


Not proud position, but better than being in top 3.

An anecdotal statement as proof?
Pakistan is in middle of war so it can be discounted in its favour but india scoring 18th place in peace time is is worst performing state on violence.And 6000 mass graves are in indian occupied kashmir not in pakistan.That says a lot about human rights violation in india especially when its the human rights of minorities and low caste dalit hindus.
south asia terrorism portal ( sap ) database you will be in for a surprise.
They don´t update it often , at least their datas doesnot portray the ground condition as far as NE is concerned .. it is much peaceful and progressing very fast than it has been in last 2 decade. Most of the groups mentioned there are already disbanded or simply vanished (to mass graves maybe:P)
Pakistan is in middle of war so it can be discounted in its favour but india scoring 18th place in peace time is is worst performing state on violence.And 6000 mass graves are in indian occupied kashmir not in pakistan.That says a lot about human rights violation in india especially when its the human rights of minorities and low caste dalit hindus.

Err...we can better discuss when you stop confusing unmarked graves with mass graves. A mass grave is used to describe a single pit where dozens/hundreds are buried together, not numerous unmarked individual graves.
Pakistan is in middle of war so it can be discounted in its favour but india scoring 18th place in peace time is is worst performing state on violence.And 6000 mass graves are in indian occupied kashmir not in pakistan.That says a lot about human rights violation in india especially when its the human rights of minorities and low caste dalit hindus.

As if pakistan really cares for Kashmiri violence :)

It is Pakistan that is the main reason for Kashmir insurgency and from 80's onwards Kashmiris suffered because of Pakistan sponsored terror. With out these terrorists Kashmir was a beautiful place under India before the insurgency began.

If pakistan cared for these kashmiris they would have stopped these terror rat s long before, Because these guys wants Kashmir burn and India to bleed they will do what ever they can for instigate crimes in kashmir.
Most of the people have very wrong idea about northeastern states of india media are to be blamed.....its one the safest region in india with beautiful and peaceloving people...all those incidents of blast and killings are isolated incidents accepts the clash with bangladeshis....its all because of the negative publicity that the region gets neglected good news hardly goes out from the region .....the region has better HDI and literacy rate than most of indian states and even Pakistan and a very advanced social infrastruction, its in the physical infrastructure that the region is lacking behind...the region has huge scope to be the next IT hub of india because of its huge literate & english speaking population and western lifestyle... Northeast can become an IT hub, say US returned professionals
Pakistan is in middle of war so it can be discounted in its favour but india scoring 18th place in peace time is is worst performing state on violence.And 6000 mass graves are in indian occupied kashmir not in pakistan.That says a lot about human rights violation in india especially when its the human rights of minorities and low caste dalit hindus.

How so? From a percapita deaths point of view?

Indian population will easily be greater than the combined populations of entire top 20 nations with Terrorism fatalities.
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