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Strict Curfew Imposed In Most Of Indian Kashmir

Curfew in lands of Muslims is only hindu seclurism.

Hindu army shall leave Kashmir.

That is your thinking......my thinking is...Hindu army shall take entire Kashmir :D
No true Muslim will join hindu army controlled by shiv sena, burning trains and raiding schools.

No state calling it self 'Islamic state' would support what you are doing to Kashmiris, from last 6 decades.

So in your views, The Muslims in Indian Army are not true Muslims ??
I can understand your gripe with the Indian system of secularism and democracy considering that you live in a country whose constitution endorses a theoratic system. You do seem to miss the mark of democracy and secularism though. I don't know about the case in point which you refer to regarding the Muslim lady. It is however trite that all democracies and secular nations will err and have random cases of disregard for the system by either the officials or the system itself. It happens in all secular countries and for any Indian to claim otherwise when it comes to India will be plain foolish. However the principle which you seem to lose sight of is the daily application of the system when it comes to the lives of Indian citizens and the application of the law to all Indian citizens. There is no prevention in law of any Indian citizen accessing any Indian state resource or positon based on religion or culture. That is the hallmark of a secular state. In fact, India goes a step further in promoting affirmative action for its minorities which include minority religions. That is a hallmark of a democracy. We could argue till the cows come home about many issues but it will surely be an exercise in futility for you to suggest that India is neither a democracy nor a secular state. Even the founder of your nation, Mr Jinnah resented India being called India and constantly referred to it as Hindustan, even proposing on many occassions that the nation changes its name. Unfortunately the craving by Pakistanis to see India turn to a theocratic Hindu state thus justifying the existence of Pakistan at times becomes too obvious
theoratic system???

:lol: this is all upto i had read yr long post n i got a clear idea that what u would have written in the rest ie we n our system is evil n ur a sinless angel.

good luck to u and yr systems where religious freedom is not given:enjoy:
theoratic system???

:lol: this is all upto i had read yr long post n i got a clear idea that what u would have written in the rest ie we n our system is evil n ur a sinless angel.

good luck to u and yr systems where religious freedom is not given:enjoy:

Are you denying that an Islamic state is a theocratic state ??? Unless I am mistaken and Pakistan is not the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, I really cannot understand why you took offence to that statement. I never said that the Pakistani system is evil and that the Indian system is sinless. Contrary to your assumption, I conceded that the Indian system may have its flaws without discrediting the Pakistani system. Indeed you are mistaken about suppression of religious freedom in India. Imposing a curfew on a Friday due to the tension in an area of India is not the suppression of Islamic freedom to practise its religion. However imposing a permanent curfew every Fridays may indeed constitute such a suppression. Should such a situation arise, Kashmiris and indeed every Indian Muslim have the Supreme Court to turn to to enforce their freedom of religion. And the Indian Supreme Court has shown its strong hand in many situations when it comes to enforcing freedom of religion in India. No stress there for our Muslim or any other religious groups
Most certainly not!

This is the "disease", which runs most rampant in your country.Name of this disease is Takfir.

Your western provinces are at a even worse afflicted..they even declare you(Pakistanis) as non Muslims (for being an American ally) and hold you 'wajib-ul-Quatal' ..and daily blow up your markets, schools, rallies, mosques.

Suddenly our sympathies and those of Indian muslims, of your plight at the hands those terrorists, become very limited..since you have become a victim of your own mentality.
Stop these rants against Hinduism please.

Its difficult to change the mindset of this Taliban internet warrior from the dark ages to the modern day technological times so I do believe that you are wasting your time and effort in pleading with him to stop his biggoted attacks on Hinduism. He seems to believe that he is some sort of ****** who will be rewarded with one virgin for every insult he heaps on Hinduism :D Let him be
So much for freedom. Even Hitler was confident of his tyranny until he killed himself with his own hands.
I accepted there is only a minor slim chance of Indian Kashmir getting freedom and it is close to 1%. I also said Pakistan's Balochistan policy was wrong. Now you can be the first Indian to take the moral ground and say rights violations should not occur and a people should have a choice to choose their own destiny. Comeon. Be truthful here. I was truthful and took neutral stand with proof's and everything despite my background and links with Hyderabad, Lucknow, Delhi and other parts.

Small concession. Be truthful. Is it right to force a people to stay in a federation forcefully if they don't like it :)

mate, I think I had this discussion with American pakistani.

I will say the same words-

hafiz, I agree that no one in this world should be forced.but the thing is that we don't live in an ideal world. practically speaking, this is not possible.
by this logic even kalat of Balochistan, northern Ireland, Tibet etc.etc.. should be separated.
but practically it is not possible (I think you know this, that is why you said that there is a 1% chance).
so theoretically, yes I agree. but practically I don't.

and we live in a practical world.

no offence mate.
I really like such healthy debates with you.
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